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Everything posted by Enigmaecho

  1. I agree, it would be lovely to have the system expanded in the future some things are quite confusing at the moment, for example as moss said the pond in front of bricklayers or in front of the cabin in at the inlet are both of similar size to pensive pond but not suitable similarly there’s huts along the river in keepers south but you cannot fish in the far range branch beneath the surfeit trestle and there’s so much open water in inlet muskeg and hushed river that aren’t acceptable confusingly, climbers cave and the loitering marsh are the ones that I really want to see but really I feel like any body of water that’s large enough to appear on the charcoal map should be able to be fished
  2. https://thelongdark.fandom.com/wiki/History_of_The_Collapse …it’s not though As for the speculations the events and descriptions that come from tales lend a lot of similarities to both of the mentioned theories 👍
  3. Agreed it makes sense that if you are afflicted you do not have the focus to read however aside from having a more interactive way to pass time and something more to strive to collect they could use it as a balance to other afflictions, maybe reading to pass time staves off cabin fever or reduces insomnia or they could eve slide in the Darkwalker afflictions of anxiety and fears and reading or other pass times could help fight cure or prevent them
  4. I’m not sure we know the answers directly to your questions. we know from wintermute that Great Bear had been isolated from the global community and even the mainland Canadian government before the “event” this was due to widespread geopolitical and economic issues where China and crypto took over and Canada was an economic block that forced folks into cities and cut off the rural folk to conserve resources the island had been suffering quakes for some time prior to the “event” this furthered the collapse and isolation of its communities and the quake that occurred during the “event” caused the most damage sealing off million and collapsing large sections of costal highway it is unclear how much time has passed between wintermute and survival but there are some things that can be gleaned from survival as well speculation time: Methuselah said something along the lines of “I am here to witness the ending of an era” implying that it is a global phenomenon and there are also some working theory’s that may imply the “event” is occurring on great bear as a Bermuda Triangle type situation perhaps having to do with dr R’s experiment possible related to soviet time travel experiments or perhaps Tesla and free energy generation
  5. I have been trying to do a run to collect all that can be collected and some of the bugs have frustrated those efforts but in terms of affecting the viability of a long run not so much they are 3/3 on getting stuff into existing saves though there have been some game breaking issues, it seems to hit steam more as they get the updates ahead of everyone, like last patch caused some container item losses but arguably even that would make the run harder/shorter but it wouldn’t outright kill it in my opinion. update two had some bad ones with save corruption, they resolved the bugs though I’m not sure if they were able to restore saves affected. all in all I say do it im on day 296 and I’m glad I kept going they’ve got mementos and recipes sorted I expect they’ll have the gold nugget and variants sorted in short order too, worst case your save bunks and you have to start over chalk it up to a heart attack and try again 😂
  6. My wish is that you don’t stop. I’ve been playing this game nearly a 1/3 of my life and that’s crazy to think about. I don’t think a player of the game feels the game couldn’t have been considered “complete” numerous times and yet you persist, with an enduring love and passion you continue to surprise us and while there is likely some desire for new projects internally I hope those are wants that don’t conflict with an ongoing development of the long dark. What the game is to me is something I’ve dreamed of since my young days of gaming, I’ve always wanted a game that kept growing and evolving and by happenstance of the studio being built around its success the long dark is pretty close to just that. I’m no dev, I don’t know the first thing about programming, but to see a game on the scale of elder scrolls online(different everything under the hood I know)it gives me a hope that there aren’t technical limitations and that we could see the long dark continue to grow until the trans island line makes the full loop around the island, until we see what lies beyond bleak inlet and desolation point along costal highway, where the road heading out of Milton leads, what’s beyond the end of the road in pleasant valley and between Milton and keepers pass along the road we can see but not access, where is Rupert’s Landing and Port Mary. What’s on the other side of the island… I’m rambling, I just hope that tales is the beginning of a new chapter for the game and not the last fireworks before the finale, the new systems add so much and the implementation of the mystery and story to survival even more so. In closing wether it’s as old school “expansion packs” with the tales amount of content once a year or the same as the tales run throughout year I would happily pay either a yearly sub or a single price point per expansion to see the game continue long into the future, I’m sure I’m not alone
  7. I’m pleased as pie to tell you the fix seems to have taken well, found my last Polaroid, the two recipes that didn’t spawn and so far about a dozen mementos, journal is all good and there’s plenty of forest chickens now 😊 still didn’t have hunters revolver and miners light as well as the gold nugget in the safe didn’t spawn but I know that wasn’t part of this patch block keep, up the great work 🙌
  8. Damn this is apparently an elder gamer group 🤣
  9. we will have to wait and see once this update comes to console, first place im heading is junkers paddock, if the Polaroids not there I’m going to break something 😂
  10. They are working to address the issues there is a live patch that resolves the memento and recipe issues on steam allegedly coming to console this week but I’ve seen at least one post saying it didn’t resolve memento for them but idk if they’re on steam or console
  11. There’s been a lot added over the years in the up, knives on top of dressers or other stuff hatchets stuck in beams the crawl space in the pv barn and Hibernia now the ingredients there’s a lot of oil salt and oat spawns on top of the high wall shelves too 😊
  12. There’s a very real possibility that episode 5 having so much to wrap up and so much to reveal and that it concerns both Astrid and Will that it could be spread over more than one update as well though that’s a speculation from me tbf
  13. Definitely seem like the case prior to update 3 I’d get a bleed wound from wolves maybe 1 out of 5 run ins post update it’s 4 out of 5 run ins I’ve never gone through antiseptic and gauze at this rate
  14. I think @Leeanda mentioned on a similar wishlist post some other games that use free libraries to add classics which is also a cool idea, think about it, you find a copy of Moby Dick in the boat that sometimes washes up in desolation point, or maybe a copy of Robinson Crusoe or Swiss family Robison, or even something more nonfiction like the works of John Muir or Horace Kephart so many great classics 😊
  15. Interactive reading would be a fantastic mechanic. I’d love to have some pass time mechanic like that where game time was accelerated while you were reading, whittling is something I think would fit well too if we could have a “sit and whittle” pass time animation. Was thinking about this earlier today actually, we spend a decent amount of time on that function (especially going to bed already rested) it would be wonderful to have that be one of the targets for the first person perspectives changes they mentioned
  16. It was mentioned Raph will be putting out information about episode 5 before the end of the year but the episode will not be released until into 2024. I don’t mind the wait I agree with you there are like 7 different plots to wrap up and a region we’ve been speculating about for almost a decade. It’s not just a monumental moment for the players it will be a shared experience with the studio. To me, however, episode 5 is tinged with a great bittersweet sadness episode 5 will mark the closing of the games planned journey and having grown so long with the game I hope that they will continue with expansions beyond tales and beyond episode 5 because it will be a truly sad day when future development has faded into the long dark
  17. I know there are other higher priorities and this isn’t as big a deal but I was just wondering if support has had an opportunity to investigate the journaling function not working on Xbox? Neither general nor daily notes work. pressing A produces the error sound as though you were trying to equip something from inventory that you can’t, it doesn’t bring up the console keyboard to type the notes. I was just curious 🙃
  18. I wouldn’t mind some advanced teasers ahead of release I.e. can hear it’s call in wilderness sound, find carcasses with pine bow cover like they do to hide their kills, fallout was very successful with that line of preemptive in game teaser, I just hope they are balanced better than Timberwolves
  19. I discovered a currently inaccessible rope anchor in transfer pass but I won’t say where 🙃
  20. They do. It’s small but I have noticed that it sort of follows the rule of 3 I would have some bait didn’t matter the amount, a pie or 2 cooked meat and I’d get scent maker, drop the bait maker goes away
  21. Well I’m glad that’s all cleared up 😂
  22. 🤔 dang I swore I’ve always fished rainbow trout from the inland spots well guess this post is irrelevant 😂
  23. The airfield is by far the hardest even with both Polaroids it’s still well over 100 charcoal to clear it
  24. Yes I have all the loot and wildlife maxed and the weather coldest, memorizing the Polaroid spawns makes a huge difference they’ll clear half a region sometimes, makes finding bodies much easier
  25. yes but they are known as being a freshwater steelheads are more known for saltwater, but that is besides the point slightly, correct me if I’m wrong but they have always been freshwater since launch? So I’m just wondering if this was a file bug or intentional change with the fishing/cooking update