Dr. S.

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Everything posted by Dr. S.

  1. Being able to save in the middle of such a trek doesn’t change this *at all*. Your survivor doesn’t gain anything at all if the player can save during the trek. What it does do is force the player to consider whether *they* have the time to complete the trek before they have to leave for work or go to sleep or whatever, and then (if they don’t, or if something unexpected happens outside the game) possibly be required to leave the game paused for hours. I guess you can twist that into a player “choice” if you like, but in reality it’s pointless and annoying.
  2. I agree with the OP. Lack of save anywhere is easily my least favorite thing about TLD. Yes, there are workarounds. I’ve used than all (except the parasite thing). I’ve left my game paused overnight. If I want to quit after looting a building I go outside and immediately back in. Same for traveling through transition caves. Etc, etc. But it’s also true that there are times when the workarounds are infeasible or disadvantageous. The status quo isn’t always better.
  3. I don’t see how having guns available (with rare, hard to acquire ammunition) undermines interloper any more than having the flare gun available does. Which, of course it (always?) has been. Arguably, the flare gun is more powerful too. Whether it would be interesting is a different matter, of course.
  4. Of the places listed I chose Trappers. Easy hunting nearby, access to the forge in FM , and easy to get to Milton. I also like the worker’s residence in BI, though it’s cold and windy.
  5. Haha, no. Apparently I'm still trying to git gud at posting on said forums, however. 🤦‍♂️
  6. Because I don't want to. But I've already said what I came to this thread to say, that I am (yet one more) interloper player who would like to see the new content available in interloper.
  7. I understand why people who mostly or exclusively play interloper are disappointed that some of the new content is absent in that mode. I don't understand why other people feel the need to tell us we're living our lives wrong.
  8. This content is part of a larger game and the tone, experience, and enjoyment of that larger game is set by the choice of level. I've barely played at all on stalker (it didn't seem that different from Voyageur to me, and the idea of more wolves doesn't seem that interesting). Why should I be forced to play on stalker to enjoy this content? If interloper is one of the "standard" ways to play, why is this content excluded? I guess the tales aren't actually part of "standard" TLD after all?
  9. You're always free to leave the loot behind and just play for the challenge of finding it.
  10. I think you have it exactly backwards. If HL makes it possible (even easy) to create an "interloper" game with the new content through the use of custom settings, what exactly is the point of not including that content in interloper itself? Why make the player jump through the hoops of setting up a custom game?
  11. Count me as another interloper player who wishes more of the features were available there. Modify the loot or whatever to make them more interloper-like, but don't make us start a run at a different level just to try them out.
  12. I run version 2.06 on a 2016 MacBook Pro (Intel Iris Graphics 550) under Monterey (12.6.3) (and have played prior versions for years). Under About, Graphics/Displays it says "Supported, Metal GPUFamily macOS 2". I've never had to use force openGL and never had these problems, so the issue is more particular or more complex than just metal support or intel versus M1.
  13. I usually go by warmth rather than percentages (with the exception being clothes damaged by wildlife). When playing interloper I like to keep close to +25C, so if I fall to +23C or so I’ll do some repairs.
  14. But that's exactly my point. None of that had any effect on the storyline at all. A more immersive, less linear game would respond to player choices. This is especially true of the more time-critical missions, like saving the superintendent, or the trapper in Episode 2. If you can go live off the land for weeks during these missions, what's the point of the story or the missions? If you do that, you should come back to find them dead. If you can go off for weeks with no effect on the story, that's not freedom of action, it's irrelevance of action.
  15. I once shot a bear three times from the top of the barn at Trappers before he ran off. When I found the carcass there were no arrows, but I later found a pile of three arrows some distance away. So yes, I think they can fall out. I've also seen arrows fall from stags as they collapse, and watched the arrow roll down a slope. So that can happen too.
  16. What platform are you on? When I look at the global steam achievements on my Mac, I see the following: Your Journey Begins (Escape the ravine after your crash.) Completed by 53.6% of players. This is the most common achievement. Leaving the Old World Behind (Leave Milton. Complete Episode One.) Completed by 21.8% of players. (6th most common achievement.) You'll Be With Her Soon (Leave Mystery Lake. Complete Episode Two.) Completed by 9.5% of players. So that's a lot more than 5%. For comparison, I see that 49.8% of players are reported to have survived one night in survival mode. FWIW, I played about 500 hours of survival mode before I even attempted Wintermute. (This was when there were only two episodes.) Having now played all 4 that are out, I'm not super impressed. I don't feel like the player has much freedom to make decisions or affect the storyline. As a point of comparison, Firewatch is a very different game (but similar in some ways) that I thought was much more compelling from a story-telling POV.
  17. @Strelok I don’t think indoors/outdoors is as binary as you make it out to be. Or at least I don’t think of it that way. Locations can be indoors or outdoors for different purposes, independently, it seems to me. For example, lookout towers don’t have a loading screen but they seem to be indoors for almost everything. But they do act as outdoors for some purposes — reading and mending, for example.
  18. You've asked this before and I've answered. Yes.
  19. Lots of great suggestions. My wish: The 1 and 2 keys allow you to cycle through light sources and weapons. Holding shift (or alt, cmd, etc) should cycle in reverse order.
  20. You’re at about the point where I got permanent cabin fever in my endless night run. I reported it and got a reply that the cause had been found, but I don’t know if it’s been fixed. In my case the CF risk never declined until I got CF, then I couldn’t get rid of it. Every 24 hours it would cure then immediately reappear.
  21. I'd like to see some evolve over time during a run. Like after 100 days, replacing "I've never been this cold in my life" to something like "You'd think I'd be used to being cold by now."
  22. Oh, I didn’t think of the flowing water as being a cause. If that’s the case it would be nice to have a quality setting to turn it off.