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Everything posted by ajb1978

  1. ajb1978

    More Pain!

    Ehh I don't know that it's OP, because it's not like you're getting free energy. You're just getting a loan. Once the effects wear off, your original fatigue level returns, minus whatever you had spent while under the effects. Since I use it to squeeze in an extra rope climb or two, when it wears off, I typically drop directly to Exhausted. IMO that's balanced.
  2. In my opinion the best way to implement well being would be to take into account how frequently you suffer afflictions or suffer condition loss. A combination of cabin fever, and well fed. Similar to CF, if over the past 6 days, you've spent most of the time with condition loss or an affliction, your character's attitude becomes negative, and condition recovers 50% slower. If you make it 3 days without suffering condition loss or a negative affliction, your character's attitude becomes positive, and condition recovers 50% faster. Suffering an affliction or condition loss ends your positive attitude, but doesn't immediately make it negative. You just return to baseline. So there becomes an incentive to take care of your survivor, but the game is still playable if you choose to ignore it.
  3. I could see that happening. Those areas look straightforward to us as players, but there's plenty of uneven terrain and obstacles in those areas that can affect pathing. I wouldn't call that normal behavior, but I wouldn't call it a bug either. It's more reliable in wide open areas, like the ice in CH, the muskeg, the fields in PV, etc.
  4. ajb1978

    More Pain!

    Interestingly enough I'm the exact opposite. When painkillers were an instant sprain cure, I'd keep some handy on me, then just deal with the sprains as they occur. I'd only take the meds if I found myself needing to be able to use my hands or feet, such as immediately before sprinting over weak ice, or immediately after hearing a wolf bark at me. Now that pain doesn't really DO anything and the only thing that heals a sprain is rest or a bandage, I've been using painkillers pretty liberally. I also think it's funny that you can't treat a headache with painkillers.
  5. I figured it out When you RMB items, its weight is now added to your own. Prior to that, it was advantageous to carry a heavy object around by RMBing it, instead of picking it up, because that essentially allows you to carry it for free.
  6. There's different intensities of fear. If you strike terror into them, such as a surprise attack and a non-fatal hit with a weapon that causes bleeding, they will take off running for a minimum of about 10 seconds (I haven't timed it, that's an estimate), but that can persist for well beyond the 10 seconds as long as the wolf can see you. Essentially, if you sneak up and inflict a bleeding wound without the wolf seeing you, if you then stand up and stay within line of sight, the wolf will continue to run around in a blind panic. This also occurs if you win a wolf struggle, regardless of how you win. If the wolf first sees you, a hip-fire that inflicts damage but doesn't kill actually causes the wolf to charge you, same as if you'd aimed your weapon. Depending on distance and personal skill, it's possible to put 2 or 3 more rounds into a charging wolf before it gets to you. These additional shots, regardless of whether you hit or miss, will not inspire fear in a charging wolf. A startle is something like a surprise attack that misses and hits the snow near them, or scaring them with a rock/flare/torch. That will cause them to run away briefly, but only for like 3-5 seconds. If you are not out of sight or crouched by the time they recover from being startled, they will be right back on your tail. Regardless of whether it's mortal terror or just a startle, they will attempt to run away from you immediately. If they are near any obstacle, then they turn in a random direction. Which can cause them to basically bounce off a tree and head right back in your direction, or even come running directly at you if they were up against a wall to begin with. They won't just run around the tree and keep going more or less in the same direction, they always bounce around like a billiard ball any time they encounter an obstacle. Once the fear ends, they try to resume their normal pathing.
  7. I have nothing whatsoever to back this up, but I'm betting Part 3 is going to be something along the lines of "The Bearkiller Rifle was destroyed, but you survived the attack. The bear is now sleeping. You must sneak away, and your only hope now is to reforge Spence's old bear spear." Basically the final chapter of Episode 2, except you are playing as Jeremiah in a world where Will never showed up.
  8. How did you get them in your inventory? LMB does nothing for me, I can only reposition with RMB.
  9. I think the overall system of raw / cooked / burnt is fine. However, I would like to see some sort of recipes added to the game, that confer benefits above and beyond what the ingredients alone would do. Random example, a stew made from half a kg of venison, rose hips, and cat tails that when consumed hot and fresh gives you 600 calories, 30% thirst, the Warming Up benefit, and completely cures all Pain. But only when consumed hot and freshly cooked, to give you a reason to fire up the stove more often. Y'know...as opposed to having a file cabinet packed with mugs of cooked coffee ready to go...which is a little weird but c'mon we all do it.
  10. I think it'd be interesting if the car batteries were used as a sort of key item. Like you encounter a maglocked door that can only be opened during an aurora...but the problem is there's live wires all over the place so you can't get to it. The solution: Bring a car battery when there isn't an aurora, to power the lock and safely open the door.
  11. How would that have been possible without using a mod or save editor? We can only RMB the batteries around. It's not possible to take them into your inventory, in order to carry them through an area transition.
  12. I did report it last night, but if you're getting it as well by all means feel free to enter your own report. As the old proverb goes, "the squeaky wheel gets the oil."
  13. So I stopped and took the time to check out the gravestones outside the church, and I noticed that all of the named graves were for people who had died very young. The oldest was just 25, two were 17, and Lily was just 16. Is there some plot significance to the fact that all the graves are of people who died young?
  14. I would say the only time you should be at risk of a sprain in ski boots is if you suffer a literal fall (Edit: Or get thrashed by wildlife). Not walking-on-a-slope kind of fall, I'm talking an actual fall where you suffer clothing damage, which would explain why that hard fixed ski boot ankle joint didn't protect you.
  15. This. Have your hand gear affect your wrist sprain chance, and foot gear affect ankle sprains. The heavier the item, the less chance of a sprain. And those 4kg ski boots, have those make you straight up immune to ankle sprains. That would make them worth wearing.
  16. I've never fired a rifle to the point of failure but it would be interesting if squib loads were a thing. Imagine that...you get a muffled misfire, your target is not struck. You clear the cartridge and if you don't clean it, the next time you pull the trigger the rifle violently explodes in your face dealing both a burn and a bleeding wound, and leaving nothing behind to salvage for parts.
  17. I've walked over lit torches before no problem (I wanted to see if I'd get burnt). Was it at night or nearly so? I'm wondering if you were standing too close to some wires, an aurora started up while you were in accelerated time, and those live wires are what got you. Unless maybe lit torches DO burn you now...I don't really want to find out.
  18. I kind of feel bad saying this because it's such a great addition already but I wish it were a little quicker to respond. The revolver comes up on the screen fast, but then there's a delay of about a second before you can actually pull the trigger. I'd really love to be able to Indiana Jones that mother. Just drawBANGholster in one smooth motion.
  19. I'm absolutely loving the revolver. Ammo is plentiful enough that I don't feel like I have to ration it, so I can actually USE this thing. That said, I don't shoot everything that moves. I still opt for evasion/distraction, and only shoot wolves that end up in my back yard, to get a few days of peace.
  20. Yeah I think a lot of people are a little confused by that behavior. I saw a question in the mailbag section asking if HL had any plans to do something with the abandoned lost cairns. It'll be interesting to see what the response to that is, if one comes.
  21. Happened to me a couple times on PC as well. Then mysteriously the model would be back after a while, only to disappear again. And the hidden cairns are a reward for certain kickstarter backers. They could get a line of text or something added to the game in exchange for supporting the kickstarter, and the ones "It's story is not yet written" are apparently from backers that never actually sent in the message they want included.
  22. That's me on the corner... That's me in the spotlight... Losing my religion...