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Everything posted by ajb1978

  1. Are you saying when you select Load instead of Resume, the list is entirely devoid of entries?
  2. On the main menu, select Wintermute, but instead of choosing Resume, choose Load. Then pick an earlier save from the list.
  3. Seeing as how it's irrelevant now that Redux is released...what were the contents of Jeremiah's Letters, back when that was still a side quest? Will joked that it was old romantic correspondence letters, but seriously...what was it? Surely it can't have been anything deeply confidential, or Jeremiah wouldn't have trusted them with some rando that gave him a handful of deer hides he'd ripped off ravaged carcasses. The curiosity is killing me.
  4. Moosehide flak cannon. Uses 20 stones per shot. Must be primed with an explosive mixture of charcoal, wolf meat, a can of peaches, and a feather. Turns whatever it hits into a pile of red slop.
  5. I'd like to see it myself, and I think this is something best left to the modding community after official support is added. I agree the auroras don't produce enough juice to power a stove, but I think it'd be a neat touch to be able to warm up tea in a microwave.
  6. Absolutely. However this would have devastating consequences to game balance, so I can see why it is the way it is currently. Torches and flares would become ridiculously overpowered if they became instant-win tools. You could reduce flare spawns sure, but torches...you can currently pull them from a fire by the dozens. Even if they went back to "Take Brand" and require you to properly craft a torch with sticks, oil, and cloth, that would still make wolves practically a non-threat.
  7. I don't know about bashing but I've often wondered why, if you're holding a lit flare or torch, you don't just shove the business end directly into the wolf's face. Or if that's too dangerous, press it against any part of the wolf really. I mean if someone were to press a burning torch against your hip, you wouldn't stick around! Holding a burning torch should, by rights, allow you to instantly end the struggle. But I mean...that wouldn't make for very challenging gameplay.
  8. This is the best possible attitude one can have in this game. "Deal with it, move on, do better," in a nutshell. Bravo.
  9. There is nothing to suggest that the collapse was uniform. And the fact that Astrid made it through (if she didn't, there would be no episode 3) indicates that an exit out the front of the bus had to be possible. Otherwise she'd spend the entirety of Episode 3 hiding in a half-collapsed bus.
  10. I'm assuming this is a known issue, but I'm looking for clarification on a nuance. Occasionally when going through an area transition, the game will crash. The next time I load the game, I would expect to be taken back to my last save. But instead for some reason, it's like the last 3 or 4 saves are undone, and I lose several days of progress. Today, I just lost about 3 real hours worth of fishing, hunting, and breaking down items due to a transition crash. Why does it take me back that far? Like I said, I would expect to be taken back to my most recent save, not 3 days, 2 wolves, a deer, and 120kg of fish ago.
  11. Try navigating it during an aurora without getting burnt...
  12. All of these are either already in the game, or wouldn't contribute enough to the game to be worth the development costs. With the exception of new wildlife, anyway. I think birds and cougars are the two most commonly wished for wildlife, because they would each have their own unique behaviors. Birds: Wild turkeys or something would go down with one hit from anything, and can be stunned with stones like rabbits. They would have a smaller profile, somewhere between rabbits and wolves. If you spook them, they fly away. A successful kill would be a source of both meat and feathers. This would be a great reason to add a shepherd's sling or bola to the game. And perhaps arrows crafted from turkey feathers fly farther or straighter or something. Like an upgrade to the bow. Cougars: I envision them as behaving kind of like the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who. They should be as rare as moose, but extremely dangerous. If you enter their detection radius, they immediately start stalking you without a warning growl. If you look at them, they freeze and hold their ground. If you look away, they charge again. And like wolves, if you aim a weapon or get too close, they roar and move in for the kill, but faster and zig-zagging erratically.
  13. That does sound like a bug to me. You can report this as a bug at https://hinterlandgames.zendesk.com/hc/en-us although keep in mind that you may not get a response for several days. Otherwise, try reloading from a previous save. And yes, you will probably have to fight the bear all over again. If that idea doesn't appeal to you, in the endgame scenario you can try completing the side quest to locate Hank's Cache. The supplies there should get you by for the final push through the Dam.
  14. In the real world, yes you can have an aurora during a blizzard, but in the game "Aurora" is a weather type. Only one type of weather can be active at once, unless you are in the middle of a transition from one type to the next. And then they gradually blend into one another. I've never seen a fully roaring blizzard with an aurora still active. But... I mean whatever, it's only happened the once, and didn't actually cause any problems. I'm definitely going to be keeping an eye out in the future though.
  15. I've had that as well, but never a blizzard outside, then go inside, aurora (flashlight works), then step back outside...blizzard again. Only happened the one time.
  16. I would say there is one inconsistency. Hobbs states that Astrid was "Somehow small enough to squeeze through the crushed part". This implies that while it was passable, not everyone was small enough to get through. The inconsistency is that Mathis (the guy who ambushes Will at the end of Episode 2) seems to have knowledge of Astrid, and definitely doesn't look small enough to squeeze through anything. If he were towards the back of the bus, and survived the crash with Hobbs, then he would not have been able to leave Milton. There are no exits out of the region, until Will creates one using Lily's gear. If he were towards the front of the bus, you could argue he was ahead of the collapse, and simply exited the bus out the front door. Followed the highway to some new region, perhaps Perseverance Mills, then hit Pleasant Valley, then the Winding River, and reached Carter via the back entrance. Plausible....but then he would have had zero knowledge of Astrid. Although I don't think we're really meant to be picking this apart with a fine toothed comb. Like we used to say in this old creative writing group I was part of years ago, "Matrix Drill". It's basically a way of saying "There are no plot holes," and just ignore it.
  17. Yup you certainly wouldn't be forced to bury them. Gameplay wise I use them as an extra storage container, but can you imagine someone doing that in real life? This frozen corpse outside, skin slowly shriveling and turning black...and someone's storing candy bars in their pockets. Nuh-uh!
  18. The only corpse interaction I would support would be the option to bury them, or burn them on a funeral pyre. Perhaps as an additional "collectible", like buffer memories or notes left behind. Call it "Victims Laid to Rest".
  19. So...this is weird. It's not something I can readily replicate, but I'm just curious if anyone else has had a similar experience. I fell asleep in the truck outside Carter during an aurora, and awoke just after the break of dawn to a raging blizzard. The sun had not yet fully risen, but was just over the horizon, to the point where you could break down objects indoors. I race from the truck to the dam, ready to break down some more junk. I light my lantern, make my way to the lower dam...and the wires in the hallway are sparking. I check my flashlight, and yep, fully charged. I go back outside, blizzard. Ooookay...
  20. It's every log bridge in the game. The snow on the root end of the tree is no longer solid, so instead of being able to walk up it, you just pass right through it.
  21. ajb1978

    More Pain!

    Red Bull may give you wings, but powerthirst gives you BIRDS! Birds all over your body! BIRDS BIRDS BIRDS BIRDS YOU'RE THE BIRDMAN!
  22. Charcoal behaves differently on many of the maps, and I'm not sure if that's a bug or on purpose. It's been like that forever though. For example, pre-Desolation Point maps (ML, PV, CH, TWM) take elevation into account when you use charcoal. Any terrain higher than your vantage point stays black when using charcoal, necessitating you doing some pretty creative goating to get high enough to fill in all the spots. Post-DP maps always fill in the full circle, regardless of how high or low you are on the map. And then there's the Ravine, which for some reason reveals ovals, instead of circles. And the Winding River is just a clustercuss overall that doesn't seem to follow anyone's rules.
  23. ajb1978

    More Pain!

    Ehh I don't know that it's OP, because it's not like you're getting free energy. You're just getting a loan. Once the effects wear off, your original fatigue level returns, minus whatever you had spent while under the effects. Since I use it to squeeze in an extra rope climb or two, when it wears off, I typically drop directly to Exhausted. IMO that's balanced.
  24. In my opinion the best way to implement well being would be to take into account how frequently you suffer afflictions or suffer condition loss. A combination of cabin fever, and well fed. Similar to CF, if over the past 6 days, you've spent most of the time with condition loss or an affliction, your character's attitude becomes negative, and condition recovers 50% slower. If you make it 3 days without suffering condition loss or a negative affliction, your character's attitude becomes positive, and condition recovers 50% faster. Suffering an affliction or condition loss ends your positive attitude, but doesn't immediately make it negative. You just return to baseline. So there becomes an incentive to take care of your survivor, but the game is still playable if you choose to ignore it.
  25. I could see that happening. Those areas look straightforward to us as players, but there's plenty of uneven terrain and obstacles in those areas that can affect pathing. I wouldn't call that normal behavior, but I wouldn't call it a bug either. It's more reliable in wide open areas, like the ice in CH, the muskeg, the fields in PV, etc.