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Everything posted by ajb1978

  1. The "lamp oil" was originally kerosene too, which behaves similarly to gasoline, especially when warm. The flash point of kerosene is 38 degrees, so on a particularly hot summer day, it can be just as volatile as gasoline. Conversely, the flash point of gasoline is -40, but with conditions like we encounter in the game we could actually end up below the flash point of gasoline as well. Under those conditions, it would be a suitable substitute for lamp fuel.
  2. This isn't fancy or anything, but I lined up each regional map with the world map, using the rivers as guidelines to resize the maps such that each one is pretty closely scaled to fit. There's hypothetically enough room for two regions in that space. And also, there isn't room for ANYTHING north of Milton, because HRV already fills that in.
  3. I did on July 7, actually. Another strange quirk is that after the game crashes, I have to reboot my computer before I can play it again. If I attempt to load right away without rebooting, it either hangs prior to the disclaimer screen, or loads up and has super stuttering audio that is out of sync with everything that's going on. However if I manually exit out of the game, I can start it right back up no problem. The audio shenanigans could possibly be a problem with my rig though. Integrated audio, and I had to reset my BIOS the other day when it started hanging on the splash screen. Rebooting isn't a super huge deal anyway though, thanks to the magic of an SSD. It's exactly enough time to refill my water bottle.
  4. Just circling back on this since I'm about to finish an Episode 1 playthrough, so I grabbed a screenshot of that area. Full size (4k), and zoomed in on the wreckage.
  5. Yes, as time has gone on I've gotten better and better at predicting when this is going to occur. Now I periodically check my save folder (I leave it up on my 2nd monitor), and the moment my sandbox save and user001 files get out of sync, I restart the game. In regions where you can survive weeks without an area transition, something like this could be devastating if you don't nip it in the bud right away with a restart. From reading the log file myself, it appears to be some kind of out-of-memory issue. Likely because the survivor save files tend to get much larger than story saves. My current survival game save is almost 13mb, compared to a 3mb file right at the end of Wintermute Episode 2.
  6. Deer: Coastal Highway or Mystery Lake. Head out onto the ice. Chase deer into wolf, scare wolf with repeated rock bombardment. Harvest deer. Chase next deer into wolf. Scare wolf with repeated rock bombardment. Repeat until all deer are harvested. Shoot wolf, harvest wolf too. Bear: Coastal Highway. Use a car or fishing hut for risk-free hunting. Moose: Coastal Highway if I'm lucky, but Broken Railroad since I seem to have much better luck on moose spawns there, and there's that sweet 6-burner stove right by the moose spawn.
  7. Yep. Coastal Highway, and as far as I recall, ALL the houses are blue lol.
  8. Ehh my only Episode 2 save is on the Renewed Hope mission, and since Jeremiah keeps the spear after you take out the bear, I can't confirm at the moment. But if I recall correctly the broken spear goes into your journal, and serves to unlock the forge blueprint. Once you repair the spear, I believe it goes into your inventory as an actual item with weight (I think it was 4kg but not sure) so that you can select it via the radial menu. And then of course once you kill the bear Jeremiah keeps it.
  9. So here's an idea--completely random Custom games. We all know what to expect when choosing Pilgrim, Voyageur, Stalker, or Interloper. And every Custom game, we also know what to expect because we see what the variables are as we select them. But what if we didn't know what to expect? In the interest of a complete unknown, here's some completely random custom game settings. If anyone wants to contribute, obviously this is the honor system here, but the idea is to not intentionally craft any specific Custom experience. Here's three to start, and I randomized all the variables in Excel to avoid any personal bias. I honestly don't remember what the settings are. Can you get food poisoning? Are the wolves brutal? How quickly do you starve? Can you get hypothermia? Your guess is as good as mine. se6R - OfS2 - I5DY - UpLB - KQEA iB6W - ckl8 - NKXB - DnEZ - ggAA (In that second chunk, I don't know if that's a lower case L or an upper case i so if one doesn't work, try the other.) K6o8 - etrN - Dz+K - Gfkc - ygAA
  10. It's both. The road with the semi truck is beyond the blocked tunnel, and if you look directly across the valley and slightly up, you can just barely make out the wrecked plane.
  11. My understanding of Unity is spotty at best but I suspect they put a large flat plane in place to act as a "transition zone", that basically just kills you. So you'd probably have to travel horizontally a pretty good distance to get beyond its edge, before you start goating down.
  12. My two cents worth, think that loot tables are fine as they are, but what would be interesting is a Custom Random game. A Custom game, where every variable is randomly chosen, so you have no idea what to expect, at all. Maybe it's low wolf spawn, high wolf fear, but Interloper wolf damage. Maybe it's All Bears All The Time. Maybe it's Pilgrim wildlife, but Interloper everything else.
  13. Oh and you know that had to come from someone's personal experience! My favorite loot of all time is still the ruined underwear in a bathtub, and matches and accelerant right next to it. In what way is that underwear "ruined", and how far are you willing to go to survive?
  14. Yeah although rare, sometimes a cover surpasses the original. Like when Johnny Cash did Hurt. Trent Reznor himself even said something to the effect of "He owns that song now. It is his."
  15. Sounds of Silence by Simon & Garfunkel for sure. "And the people bowed and prayed, to the neon god they made. And the sign flashed out its warning, in the words that it was forming. And the sign said 'The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls, and the tenement halls, and whispered in the sound of silence." Also while the music itself is a little too upbeat, the lyrics to the Beatles song Eleanor Rigby reminds me of TLD. "All the lonely people, where do they come from? All the lonely people, where do they belong?" Edit: Mad World by Gary Jules too. The main theme for TLD reminds me of it quite a bit.
  16. If anything, I would push for a full on Canada Day event, similar to 4DON, of which sparklers would be a part, analogous to the jack 'o lanterns. And of course pancakes with maple syrup, analogous to the pumpkin pies, and the radios all play O Canada during an aurora.
  17. Cooking and boiling marathons, basically. Like spend a couple days slaving over a stove boiling up like a hundred liters of water and sleep off the exhaustion damage, and then that was your supply for the next month or whatever. Meat also took a lot less time to cook. I think it was like 20 minutes per piece of meat, or something like that. The new system really changed the game in a major way, because places like the Pleasant Valley Farmstead with that six-burner stove now have a significant advantage over someplace safer, like the Mystery Lake Camp Office. A small but vocal minority got really upset over how it nerfed their play style. But most people could appreciate the benefits. Every single one of my games since then, I create what I now call "Bear Processing Stations" which is basically a sheltered environment with like 20 campfires and mountains of sticks, so I can cook a whole bear in an hour.
  18. The last time I did that I think it took something like 1000kg worth of fish to finally fill every lantern, jerry can, and .5L fuel bottle I had.
  19. If the issue is you chose too high a resolution for your system to handle properly, try using command line arguments to force a specific resolution. For example tld.exe -screen-width 1920 -screen-height 1080, or whatever resolution you need. If that at least makes the game functional to the point that you can get into Settings, you can fine-tune things. As a last ditch option, you can delete the user001 files out of C:\Users\(your user name)\AppData\Local\Hinterland\TheLongDark\ but be aware that this will reset everything. All of your feat progression will be erased, any custom key bindings will be reset, etc.
  20. Agreed. Everything should stack, really. Warmth, wetness, and the hit to your sprint meter all stack, but windchill and defense do not. That is very counter-intuitive, and a tad nonsensical. Why would combat pants suddenly lose all protective value because you wore them under another set of pants? If you're wearing two coats and two shirts, that's four layers that a bite would have to penetrate. That's a lot of padding that can help soften an impact. Everything should stack.
  21. On a serious note, I would hope that it's anything except a coat. We already have three craftable coat options, but only one kind of hat, mitten, pants, and boots. And if the Timberwolf is a separate animal, I REALLY hope harvested hides aren't just ordinary wolf pelts. Timberwolf hide motorcycle helmet, to go along with the cattail Ducati.
  22. 100 hits total to reach level 5. Each fully researched skill book increases your skill by 10 points, so you would need a total of 10 books, 100 revolver wildlife hits, or some combination of the two to reach level 5.
  23. ajb1978


    You don't have 6DOF when playing this via VorpX. You can look around, but your perspective is fixed. If you try to move around IRL, it's a little disorienting because your perspective doesn't move accordingly, so it's very much a seated experience. Although I'd imagine if you were on a swivel chair and had a controller, you could at least turn around in place. Probably wouldn't be long before you tied yourself up with the HMD cable though, unless you have one of those overhead cable management systems. Which I do not, because this is a half-assed commitment on my part. Edit: An arguably more effective but less immersive way to play is to use the virtual screen, where VorpX renders the game in 3D, on a virtual screen placed in front of you. You have 6DOF within the virtual world, and the game is rendered on a virtual 3D TV. So you can experience the sense of depth, and can navigate the menus normally, not go cross-eyed every time you pick something up, etc. But aiming/hunting is still a problem.