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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. I think it should be a toggle option you can turn on/off.
  2. You say you like the game as is but are in favor of most of the items I listed? <confused>
  3. From the unlit forge at Spence's? TheLongDark 2019-11-09 17-18-48.mp4
  4. I've actually seen a Moose carcass disappear within a day
  5. I don't recall finding one, but depending upon your difficulty, you probably won't need one to finish.
  6. With the release of Elegy, mods have mostly become unusable. Some may applaud this, while others are frustrated. I know HL has expressed that they may pursue "official" modding but until that time, I wanted to start composing a list of "features" that mods provided so that (fingers crossed) HL might implement in one form or another. Here's some of my favorites: Remembering break-down item - say I ripped up some curtains with my hands, the next time I'm attempting to break down some curtains, the game would default to my hands Being able to remove fuel from lanterns Consolidating identical items (such as when I have (20) 100% cups of coffee) Break down cans - convert unused, empty cans to 1 metal Pre-select struggle weapon - defaults to whatever weapon you pre-select Show map location - I mainly used this when making guides and/or showing my location on a screenshot Remember the last thing I cooked - Great when trying to make lots of coffee so we don't have to scroll through our other food items to find the can of coffee That's all I can think of for now. I would think these would be fairly easy to implement since the code has essentially already been written by the modders. Then again, I know very little of game development and modding...
  7. Wasn't really going for reality (just kidding around), but good info!
  8. Bring out the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch!!
  9. For as many hours as I've sat forging at this hot forge, you'd think the poor bloke in the corner would be awfully ripe by the time I'm done...
  10. I always saw Story as a very long tutorial (since each episode seems to introduce more game mechanics). Although, will the recent enhancements to Ep1 & 2 and the release of Ep3, it has become apparent it is much more than that.
  11. We can't say. Won't know until you try!
  12. You may want to open a support ticket. I have seen one other post like this.
  13. Wow, your "wolf" looks a LOT like our dog (with the same under-bite!). Yorkie Poo?
  14. You're going to have every wolf within miles coming to your doorstep!
  15. It's only as challenging as you make it. To complete the event and get the 2 badges - SUPER easy if you choose to AFK the last 3 days. If you want more of a challenge, go and explore the last 3 days...
  16. Can't go back to prior days.
  17. Day 1 was a blast! That's my favorite thing to do in TLD is collect stuff so it was great not having to worry about anything else. Kind of like Pilgrim I guess...
  18. Perhaps they are needed for some part of the game you have not yet encountered? IMO, I wouldn't delete any files from TLD directories.
  19. Are you sure don't have any saves? I believe there are 3 auto save slots in WM. Could you use one of those?
  20. There was a change with 1.6 so wolves will take decoys from far away now.