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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Nicely done! I still like mine though 😉
  2. Hey, don't worry about it - play the game the YOU want to not how other's think you should!
  3. I echo other's sentiment in thanking your for all your hard work and hope you enjoy your holiday break!
  4. No, you're saying that his slow connection and being inconvenienced are all burdens he needs to bear alone. Let him say his piece without you having to defend.
  5. I found that one too. No others so far and I've pretty much looted the whole zone.
  6. Yup, I've seen that happen in the Milton bank vault.
  7. He has a right to ask the question. Let him ask it.
  8. You misunderstood my comment as an attack on HL - it was not. It was a general statement. You can support HL but you also have the right to question intentions (you may not always get an answer though, which is okay!) It seems for quite some time now, @ManicManiac, you feel obligated to defend HL on any post where you interpret someone's comment/question/suggestion, etc. as an attack. You are entitled to your opinion, but I'm pretty sure HL will address any perceived attacks on their own.
  9. As long as their method doesn't punish 95% of the player base to prevent 5% from exploiting!
  10. I seem to recall a post when the revolver came out listing 3 zones with guaranteed spawns. I think it was DP, HRV and PV. I've had good luck getting one in the lighthouse. Also, the car in CH (before entering zone leading to DP) seems to have one most of the time. Good luck!
  11. One "flight" up, I found some matches on the handrail.
  12. Small cabin in the NE portion of the map - to the right of the door, I recall a wood bin. Tucked on the left side of the bin, pretty sure I found a can of stump remover.
  13. But he did find a path, even when I dropped down from the rock.
  14. Deer and and rabbits do not always run in a straight line away from you making "herding" them into wolves much more difficult If you do manage to herd, once you aim your <insert weapon here>, the wolf flees making it more difficult to kill. <SOLUTION> get close, crouch, then draw your weapon of choice. At BRR, I saw a moose so decided to do the "tried and true" method of shooting it with my rifle from atop a rocky outcropping I could drop down from to lose pathing. NOPE! I dropped down the the darn thing kept after me. Luckily, I was able to back off a bit and get a head-shot in as it was charging me. I haven't tested this further, but will. IF they did "fix" this, hunting big game has gotten MUCH harder. Has anyone sniped from a tree yet? Do they attack you in the tree? If you go to harvest a carcass you've killed with an arrow, you automatically retrieve your arrow (thank you!) If you quit and load a saved game where there were big-game about, the game are gone when you load (pre-existing issue?)
  15. Same here. In a few other places there are "static" items like that. Perhaps they want to keep some sense of environment?
  16. Same here. If I'm in a place with the 6-burner stove, I will sleep in 2 hour increments while making water.
  17. Well, you do have to haul all your tools here to repair them...through Timberwolves, etc.
  18. Oh crud, forgot all about that! It's been so long since I've worked on feats. Good call! I wish HL would enable progress in custom games. If it's because it might make it too easy - so is Pilgrim. Here I was also intentionally going outside to spend time during blizzards!
  19. If you think about it, so is having an ammo bench for a cannery workshop...I just tack it up to game balance. But, yes, I also thought it was odd to see that bench with a vice and not usable.
  20. I've begun working on this new feat. I just trapped 3 rabbits in my snares, but the progress meter for the feat still shows 0% (it should show 3% since we need to trap 100 rabbits to attain the feat). Anyone else having any luck with the progress meter? Update: I'm up to 15 rabbits now and still no update on the progress meter. I've also exited the game and restarted.