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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Seems like an odd place for one - can't recall ever seeing one in a support beam:
  2. I don't usually leave meat lying outside in the open - maybe a wolf ate it? I have had a not-fully-harvested moose carcass disappear on me before though
  3. Lug it all down "goating style". Try to goat down to the engine by Andre's Peak. Unload there and make quick trips to haul it all to the hut.
  4. One of the most commonly seen "common sense" questions
  5. Hmm..plotting it out in my head it seems like FM and DP would be close to the same. Maybe then it's a matter of which PV transition you're closer to!
  6. I've encountered this before...annoying. Should be right about where the red star is.
  7. TheLongDark 2021-06-10 16-39-40.mp4
  8. From my observations, Moose are the only animal where you can't predict their spawn. Don't wait around is my advice.
  9. Aren't you the one who also gets multiple face shots on moose and they don't die? You may consider uninstalling/installing or otherwise look for corrupt game files.
  10. Whoa...seemed like a legit path. Odd that you stood there looking around for quite some time before the wall finally kicked in. I'd submit that as a support ticket.
  11. Could we get an additional Key Binding option - Toggle Sprint. This differs from Sprint in that we don't need to hold it down. You press the button once and as long as you're moving forward, you are sprinting. The moment you stop, it automatically toggles off, back to walking.
  12. Yup, so "save scumming" would have been acceptable in that situation.
  13. Got nothing to do with it - you died because of a flaw in the game, nothing you could have controlled so why should you be punished because of it?
  14. Welcome @Nalliah and glad you're enjoying the game as much as the rest of us do!
  15. I'd have to tack that one up to really bad luck on the RNG.
  16. Confirmed - it's static. I have found no way to interact with it.
  17. Meaning the zone vs. transitioning into a building I assume. So, if you can find a rabbit grove near a zone transition, you could set the snares, zone out, zone back in and...rabbit stew? If that's true, you could catch a HUGE amount in a very small amount of time.
  18. Good idea for the Wishlist forum!
  19. PERFECT scenario for having a back up save.
  20. Happens 100% of the time for me - but I have a mod for that 😋
  21. You know what my default response to this is? "If you think it makes the game too easy, don't use it (tool/functionality, etc.)!"