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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. If you wanna catch the biggest fish in the game, you gotta checkout the fishing side quest in Episode 3 of story mode. You end up finding a local legends book which leads you to a fishing expedition on Pensive Pond. Once there you can test your skill... I easily caught fish in excess of 10 kilos and it wasn't until I had caught, cleaned and cooked enough fish to fill all the cabinets to capacity before I finally caught the legendary mackdaddy of trophy fish. If memory serves it was over 15 kilos. I remember screen shotting the event but so far unable to locate the image. still looking...
  2. I would agree that there has to be some logical balancing to being able to sleep without a bedroll. I also recognize "the fact a player can't sleep anywhere is an intended gameplay feature." But it does bring up some rather counter intuitive situations where being able to sleep without a bedroll should entirely be possible; for example, when deep in a protected area in a cave when there is a long term fire burning, or say in a fishing shack that has a burning fire in the potbellied stove. Seems to me that laying near a roaring fire, that is bringing the ambient air temperature up to 35C should be able to provide sufficient warmth and not make sleeping contingent on whether or not I have a wimpy cloth bedroll. Sure I may not be entirely comfortable without putting a sleeping bag on the floor, but I fee the ability to have the option makes for more immersive gameplay. I think a player should be able to lie down and sleep anywhere they want, with or without a sleeping bag. if you happen to die in your sleep as a result of your actions, then that to is part of the equation in surviving the long dark.
  3. That's a particularly good shot! got all the color spectrums of the aurora in addition to the crescent moon and the tower lights as wells! Well done, indeed
  4. well thank you for setting the record straight! He truly deserved an award or at the very least community recognition of his outstanding accomplishment. I dont know of anyone who has even remotely come close to that longevity!
  5. I know it's been a while since you first posted your query here and am curious as to what you decided to do? I personally acquired the game shortly after initial release and the only thing that was available then was sandbox mode so I never was faced with the prospect of having a choice in which direction to go first. Personally I would start in story mode and although your experience here would be quite linear in terms of gameplay at least you would have some tutorial in regards to getting acquainted with the game that would otherwise be lacking in the sandbox. At least in story mode you have an objective, whereas in survival mode you don't other than just staying alive. So since it's been a good week, what did you do and what do you think so far?
  6. I remember hearing about a guy who had 10,000 days in game! At one point there was talk about creating a special badge for this guy. dont know what became of that of that story but it was thoroughly discussed in these forums as memory serves. you also might wanna check out a thread by @Drifter Man called "1000 Days in the Dam: An exercise in inventory control" he does a unique detailed analysis of items, decay rates, usage etc. yeah, so getting to 1000 days isn't necessarily difficult based on items/resources in the game, its more like can you launch a new game and stick to it playing in the sandbox for 1000 in game days?
  7. right on man! appreciate a good map!
  8. meh, most people might launch a game and spawn somewhere else and work their way to Ash Canyon after having fortified their character. but a truly adventurous player would choose to randomly spawn on GBI considering the true essence of the game. I personally find it much more of a challenge to select random spawning and take my chances on where I end up materializing in the world. It seems crashing in a harsh remote area seems to be just a bit more realistic that way. you know what I mean? The player ends up working their ass off trying to stay alive, foraging and fighting their way thru the harsh wilderness only to finally find some decaying remenants of civilization. Then comes that moment, that glimmer of hope, you loot your first cabin or shack and suddenly some hope has been restored...
  9. consistently bad weather and low player stamina coupled with inadequate clothing and throw in a dash of limited easily accessible structures and you have a pretty tough nut to crack as a novice pilgrim player. not everybody who plays TLD is a Stalker or Interloper level player, don't you know?
  10. this is a great shot! he kinda looks like a friendly doggo who justs wants a belly rub! doesn't even look menacing at all right?
  11. @Zaknafein, Outstanding! Thanks for the instructions. I am now on a mission to learn the technique and master the process. Thank you for bringing some much need inspiration to continue playing in the sandbox. Thankfully I have my level 5 archery perk and approx 30 arrows in my quiver! Turning backwards to shoot is so counter intuitive...
  12. yes, they are both still appearing in ML and PV Just launched a new voyager game over the weekend and have located both one was the clothing bunker in ML and the other was a food bunker in PV
  13. LOL, I'd be the first guy to agree that you should be able to do what you wanna do and play how you wanna play, but hey that exception made me guffaw so loudly I scared my dogs! Repair failure is so much an elementary part of the game as well, that now I'd argue your doing yourself a disservice by not taking your lumps as the game wants to dish them out. at any rate, play the game your way... check out my post on dying by excessive repair...
  14. Hands down, best TLD deer hunting first shot is kill shot video clip yet! @Zaknafein, would you care to elaborate on this technique? How much time did you devote to mastering the ark necessary to rain death from above? Brilliant!
  15. but is re-growing in the exact same place as you cut it before? it is entirely possible that you may have come across some scrub that you just haven't harvested yet? There was an update a little while back that occurred and I had the same kinda moment but in my case it was rosehibs. Seemed to me that all the rosehibs had respawned, so I kinda got that same ole DeJa Vue vibe going. I wanna say this occurred when I fired up an older save game, one that I hadn't played for quite some time. Anyways, hard to tell sometimes whats going on in these games...
  16. A couple of wolfs got my scent and started following me as I left the forge to head back to BR. After playing a game of cat and mouse, me trying to stay ahead and they following hungrily behind, I had the misfortune to spot a bear patrolling the area ahead. I decided to quickly take refuge in the cave and when I entered, I soon discovered a poor soul who probably had the same intentions as mine... who knows how long he waited but it would appear he died of exposure. besides the bottle of water, there was nothing else in the cave. No firepit, no firewood, no lumps of coal. Nothing... his backpack was empty as well. Apparently lacking any weapons, no torch or firebrands, nothing to defend himself from the marauding bear and wolf pack which gladly make him their dinner, he sat down and with despair descending upon him like a never ending avalanche of dread and doom our ill fated companion sat down and died.
  17. Yeah, I feel your pain... you'd think the player would wake up due to the initial pain of freezing cold fingers. Seems to me too that the frostbite mechanic could use a little balancing. Considering the effects of frostbite being tissue damage to your hands in this case, shouldn't necessarily cause such a dramatic 50% decline in health. Considering that only your hands are affected, I could get behind some condition degradation maybe 5-10% but probably no more than that. I'd think that subsequently the player should see some impediment to being able to climb a rope or handle a firearm as part of the lingering effect of having frostbitten hands. Considering that frostbite to the hands usually means loss of fingers due to the freezing damage it would seem appropriate that some mobility be compromised.
  18. The Official Lore Thread sounds like a good idea @theisaactrain provided the content stayed on topic and were to discuss items of lore as they pertain to the story of Great Bear Island. I've got lots of questions regarding lore that aren't always answered by Story Mode narrative, so it would be nice to have a forum where players could get the low down on the history of the island, the communities, residents and such. As to your story, entertaining! I think you might get more interest if you were to post it in the Fans Creation thread, dedicated to by Hinterland to provide players a spot to share their creative works be it Art, Fiction or Music. There are some really talented members in the community and honestly I think the venue is gaining in popularity as well as content by continued submissions from both members and visitors alike.
  19. This guy... There's got to be a good story here, however I speculate that we will never really know the truth. Some say he is a victim of Molly's wrath. Seems she has an axe to grind with most of the men she meets and apparently this unlucky fellow stumbled into her cross hairs and received the bulk of wrath. Looks like she may have already shot him once with the rifle but didn't kill him outright. He escaped her for a while attempting to flee her pursuit by transiting between regions. Molly of course being a vengeful woman tracked him every step of the way thru the winding river valley and back into the dam. In her final efforts to kill him, she loosened her final to arrows which miraculously missed him and broke when they impacted the wall. As his lantern was sputtering and casting it's last light he sat there bleeding, no longer profusely as he was almost dead. In the flickering darkness of his waning lantern light he tried to change his bandages, unsuccessfully... I retrieved the broken arrows and harvested the arrow heads and a couple of feathers. Those will come in handy later. I took the lantern and a bottle of antiseptic on the floor nearby. RIP forest talker
  20. Face Palm.... Duh... Surprising how many buildings don't have light switches yet do have lights! wassup with that?