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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. you may have a point there, but I really can't think of any big name high selling games that are still regularly putting out content and updating their games. just curious which titles did you have in mind that could be competition? I might be interested in playing those unless I own them already, lol.
  2. I hope you do go back in the winter and take some pics. looks like a great place to do a little winter outing for the weekend!
  3. Ahh, welcome to Bleak Inlet. Where it's colder than the icy heart of your cheating exwife. Outstanding view! btw, Hozz, you reek of meat!
  4. It's that time of year again when Steam is ranking games for their annual awards categories! Hands down, the Labor of Love award should go to Hinterland! I've cast my vote and would encourage anyone on Steam to do so as well. The Hinterland Team deserves this recognition considering their on going commitment to this excellent game. Who's with me on this?
  5. me: poodles n noodles slab o lab beagle n biscuits german shepard pie kangal kabobs terrier teriyaki rottweiler rack o ribs foxhound fricassee chihuahua n chips "dog tastes pretty good if you season it right..."
  6. in that case, I'd also want to use one of those old big round wire spools, so I could rig it up to spin around in my pallet turret and cover the entire area 360 degrees! Why just survive, when you can construct and thrive!
  7. ok, I took care of that for you, boss. It's kinda hard without the right tools, but I think I got you covered. no pun intended... it's a lot less drafty now and looks pretty decent from the inside. only took 150 or more pieces of fir. would have been a lot easier if I had planks... as far as containers go, build rock caches. since you can build 5 per map, that's roughly 150 kilos of storage capacity. I built two out front and two in the back of the hut and the fifth I put by the fishing shack! I'd rather have more shelf space though, right?
  8. @Levelgrinder yes indeed you can kill a bear with a flare gun. And one shot is all it takes! I took a pot shot at the bear during his standup animation from a high perch and struck him in the side. You can see the blood spatter of the flares impact in the snow and he is glowing marvelously as he runs away. I followed from a distance as he ran back and forth, the smell of burning bear hair permeating the air that flare burns for an incredibly long time too after the flare burned out, I continued to track him and it looked like he was still leaving a faint blood trail. I guess the flare cauterizes the wound to some extent as the blood trail was really tiny little dots in the snow. Not to long afterward however, he just plopped down dead... Keeping the flare gun handy in case and furry fanged marauders wanted to engage, I decided to quarter my prize. 39.6 kilos nicely bagged into 8 convenient to carry sacks. So, do you dare to flare a bear?
  9. you're right! I'm thinking the wonderful design team at Hinterland Studios doesn't have a lot of real world firearms knowledge or training. Or perhaps their handgun experience is limited to revolvers using a single cartridge loading and ejection system, like a Ruger Blackhawk single six for example. Either way, I do like the fact that I can just reload one or two rounds at a time between shots. I like to immediately reload after popping of a round or two, just because the animation time takes so long otherwise making me an easier target for those furry fanged marauders.
  10. yeah, that sudden gunshot ringing out loudly in your ears would be enough to make me jump and clutch my heart!
  11. yeah, they've probably replied to that question so many times, that's it just easier to point out the wiki than try to explain it for the 364th time...
  12. keeping yourself amused in the sandbox is doing and playing however you feel like! Your game is draconian that you make Bear Grylls look like a milktoast! Game on, Player!
  13. did you ever just crouch and sneak up without doing anything? the bear snores! the audio is hilarious if you take the time to listen for a while, just be ready to bolt if it looks like he's starting to wake up. now's also a good time to dare to flare a bear!
  14. whoa, why am I just now finding this outstanding thread? @stratvox Back in my college days I dated a gal who was an art history major. long story short, we drove up to UBC to attend a lecture there and the topic was about the Group of Seven and their influence in shaping Canada's artistry movement and national culture. As I recall, Tom Thompson set the stage for the nature and wildlife genre as kinda the national cultural identity. Most all of the pieces you've shared here were painted shortly before his death. Death by drowning due to a canoeing accident if I remember right. So, yeah, it wouldn't be surprising if his work did indeed influence Raphael, it certainly influenced 4 or 5 generations of artists. btw, I think my favorite is "Moose at Night."
  15. As far as immersive gameplay goes, I think the idea of hearing things should be par for the course. Consider the isolation of your character, all of a sudden you've been thrust into a situation where you are suddenly completely by yourself. Even if this "hearing things" is a file corruption issue, I still like the idea that our survivor maybe in his absolute isolation begin to hear things that aren't there. As to a creepy backstory, the history of the PV farmhouse certainly has it's dark moments. The upstairs interior at some point underwent a remodel after one of the many updates and now looks like this when you get to the top of the stairs, but it didn't used to look like that. one point where you see upright lamp standing, there once used to sit a crib. I looked thru my old pics to see if I could find one but couldn't. So I've substituted this one for illustration purposes. Talk about a creepy vibe and the basis for a creepy backstory. Once upon a time, a couple lived there and had hopes of raising a big family. But as life on the island wasn't hard enough, the mother went into premature labor. Despite all the efforts of the midwife, the child was delivered stillborn and the mother died soon thereafter due to post labor complications. The husband overcome with grief blames the midwife for the death of child and wife. And if a fit of anger strangles her to death. Consumed by the guilt of murdering the midwife and unable to cope with the loss of his first born and spouse, the husband tragically takes his own life when he turns his revolver on himself. You can imagine what kinda ghosts and spirits are roaming around up there. Specially if you're slowly going insane due to extreme isolation. I didn't like staying up there back when the crib was there, it just always creeped me out and after playing Episode 3 where you find out Molly has the corpse of her recently deceased husband stashed down in the basement. That house is probably now full of focused and half formed repeating Class III and Class IV free floating vapors... Who you gonna call?
  16. nah, it's just a product of my twisted imagination. I've been on the island so long, that I have descended into madness and these are my imaginary friends. they are constantly pissing me off, moving my things, whispering to each other about me in the background and now just three days after a white out snowstorm, they are all sitting around praying for more snow!
  17. no you don't! Here in the good ole USA we just give them out. all you gotta do to get one is just show up! Isn't that special?
  18. Here you go! everybody gets a participation trophy because everyone deserves to feel special!
  19. lmao, I've been playing this game a long time and have been wondering exactly the same thing! There's two yet uncompleted hidden achievements besides the faithful cartographer one and I figured the two locked were somehow contingent on completing cartography achievement. I never did bother to research what they were and just figured wtf, maybe just maybe, one day I will map the island. Turns out they are from Episode two as I remember not finishing the side quests! Thanks to both of you, I now have a new reason to replay Episode 2! Gracias!
  20. oops, I was hungry! yeah, aren't you supposed to avoid dented, bloated or rusty cans?
  21. I'd be eating old moudy meat on purpose in that case! I got plenty of mushroom tea!
  22. Boredom @fewerlaws, I think boredom with the game is experienced by most all of the players regardless of difficulty level. Once you've gotten to the point of your characters development where all of your daily needs have been met, then just playing in the sandbox on survival mode becomes more of a challenge in staying interested in playing the game. The sheer daily repetition of just existing without some interesting diversion can make playing the game feel more like work and a lot less like gaming. That being said, just a gentle reminder that the game has been out since 2014 and you are certainly not the first, nor will you be the last to ask for and/or suggest ways in which gameplay could be improved. I think making your time in the sandbox entertaining is more a player's responsibility and not the developer's. With custom game settings you can fine tune many of the features to your personal tastes and if your willing to seek out and use unsanctioned mods, items like a bow drill and ember box are now available as well as some multiplayer platforms as suggested by @I_eat_only_wolf_meat. I believe what you need to do is to set some goals for yourself. Try to get complete all the achievements and earn all the badges. Have you made 1000 fires yet? Let me tell you, that is not an easy feat. Literally took me years of game play and probably more than 2000 hours of gameplay before I got that Firestarter Achievement. As to resources in the game, even on Interloper there is such an abundance of material in the game it's silly. I once harvested every bit of scrap metal, crate and pallet that I could at Carter Hydro and ended up with something like 700 pieces of scrap metal and hundreds of kilos of reclaimed wood. Did the same at the fish processing plant in DP. Literally hacksawed every bit of scrap metal available in the region, chopped every crate and busted up every pallet. I ended up forging hundreds of arrowheads, dozens and dozens of improvised axes and knives. I stayed in DP for almost 284 days before I had finally run out of scrap metal. I hope you try some of the suggestions @Dr. S. posted, those are certainly obtainable goals but do require a fair amount of effort. Life in the sandbox is only as boring as you allow it to be. Now get out there and snare 100 rabbits, drink 200 cups of coffee, count all the cairns, stone a bunny from 50 meters! You won't be bored long
  23. makes me wonder if that's where the saying "got him by the balls," comes from? if you are ever in Colorado and get invited to a "nut fry" you might wanna consider whether or not you wanna go...