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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. intersting, although I honestly dont recall ever finding a corpse at the plane crash in PV in survival mode. plenty in story mode, but never one in survival
  2. hmmm, curious now. Did you loot these corpses? that might explain why they disappeared? maybe they were supposed to be animal carcasses, but the AI randomly placed bodies there and the act of "looting" was akin to "harvesting" and the resulting post harvest mechanic made the bodies disappear. either way, it's kinda cool if you ask me. on the one hand, maybe it snowed so much the corpse is now covered over in snow? on the other maybe the local hungry wildlife finally ate them up.
  3. I'm actually sitting here laughing out loud and thinking "where in the world is Catlover finding and looting real corpses?"
  4. yeah that locked door indicator definitely has to go. It would indicate the need for a key, when there is none. we should probably report that as a glitch.
  5. I now keep a can of grape soda and a pack of matches in my glove box and to make it even more interesting I throw an old half used sewing kit in the trunk...
  6. Sold! I'm gonna start scraping all the windshields now in every car and truck I can find... Hmm, new challenge?
  7. hmmm, yeah that HUD can be pesky if you are looking for that pristine screenshot, but I find that seeing the HUD sometimes can really help capture the moment and express the feeling you had at that point in time. Cold, tired and hungry, but still enjoying a beautiful sunset or sunrise really makes for a poignant pic sometimes. Don't let that deter you from sharing your screenshots!
  8. oops, didn't mean to steal your thunder! It is really a great view point of the lake. I could see a big A frame construction with floor to ceiling windows so it would feel like your standing on the edge looking out over creation! Image a nice hot tub and outdoor fireplace on the deck...
  9. No, no you haven't. we had that typical father/son love/hate relationship if you know what I mean. I find myself saying some of the same things and when I catch myself doing so, I finally understand what he meant when he told me that he hoped my kids would turn out just like me... 😖
  10. oh, that should be just another way to die in this game... death by car battery explosion or electrocution during aurora event! you should put that on the wish list!
  11. you sound a lot like my dad when he used to yell, "were you born in a barn or something? don't you know how to shut a door?"
  12. oh you aint seen nothing yet... get the food pack with the alcohol mod, then we can really throw a party! those wolves cant hold their liquor, but you gotta watch out for that bear, he gets a little amorous when he's been drinking...
  13. ok, finally a resonable explanation to this conundrum. Like I keep telling my kids... "Don't go on the yellow snow, cause that's where the wolfies go!"
  14. lol, I already got that! I installed the Northfolk clothing pack mod and am now almost exclusively wearing clothing made out of wolf skin. I got a wolf skin coat and boots and cap! When I crouch down I look like a big wolf from the distance! Don't get me started on my Bearskin leggings!
  15. ok, now I'm looking forward to seeing some fresh content on Share your Screenshots! see you on the forums!
  16. nah, even if the window was damaged, there would be more snow about than just covering the corpse. just bad continuity by the dev team. it's the exact opposite of having a huge hole in the roof like at the mountaineer's hut on TWM with no snow on the ground. just lack of continuity. I shoulda been a beta tester when this all came out...
  17. yeah, it's cold but it ain't a walk in freezer now is it?
  18. I suppose there could be an valid explanation, or is there?
  19. That would still be a welcome addition regardless of how silly it might sound. If I'm a pligrim player, I've just found a way to produce copies amounts of firewood in minutes as compared to hours of chopping. Even as a stalker player I like the idea. I cutting and stockpiling wood like there is no tomorrow and I honestly hope some furry marauder wants to come challenge me... *Doom music starts playing in background*
  20. oops, I can see how that could be misleading. pardon my vernacular in that case!
  21. Well good luck. It's maddening when something so simple doesnt work. what about just using the debug screen shot key? sure it will have some location data on it, but at least it would be a decent resolution screenshot? just a thought
  22. ah, hmmm no offence, but you know that only 1 bunker spawns on the map, right? And that there are 9 possible spawn locations for that single bunker to appear at? I was able to locate 8 of the 9 possible locations and gave up looking. Another player turned in a detailed map by one of the infamous map makers which included details on each of the 9 possible bunker's location and typical make up, ie, medical, clothing, food etc. The first one I found was pretty much sheer luck. I actually literally stumbled across it while trying to evade a pack of timberwolves. Subsequently I adopted a systematic approach in climbing the tallest peaks in order to uncover the maximum amount of shading on my charcoal map. That helped to expedite the search considerably.
  23. true that, but still one of the best known quotes in history and still getting traction over 100 years later, enough so that you yourself felt compelled to comment on it. 😁 I agree with your sentiment none the less. I like BlackRock for a host of reasons, some of which you capably touched on. I dont need any convincing, I think you need to convice the author of this thread however.
  24. I'm on PC and mine go straight on my desk top. I don't recall if that had to enabled or not cause its been that way for a long while for me now. Have you checked the key bindings menu in the Options menu of the game? Since all the keys are listed there you may find the destination folder there as well? You guys on Steam? There may be some help there as well for you to check out.
  25. I'm glad my bunker post gave you a reason to go to BlackRock region, but let me ask you, don't all the maps inherently lack a specific objective? I haven't come across one yet that is really imperative in order to survive on GBI and or play the game. the famous quote by George Mallory comes to mind: "Because it's there!" His retort, when asked by a reporteer in his day, "Why did you want to climb Mount Everest?" I suppose if you are playing interloper and you have no tools or weapons, your character may feel compelled to seek out a forge for expample, in order to craft weapons and tools so now they have a specific objective. But unless you want to explore the new machine shop or retrieve the new ballistic vest or get the blueprints for the "bangers", then you are right in that there is no specific objective in going there. I can honestly tell you though, after 42 separate forays into the area in order to Map those bunker locations, yeah, I won't be going there again anytime soon! lol😜