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  1. SO I'm sure we all know about Among Us, and how that game just BLEWWWW up. People were looking for a fun party/multiplayer game to play with friends. Now that the hype for that game has slowly faded off, we now see games like Rust, and Raft, which in ways are similar to TLD being extremely popular again. Think about this, Rust before all these streamers, and fans of these streamers started playing the game was a game that I can feel relate to TLD. A lot of people knew about rust, but the game has a small, and loyal fanbase that absolutely loved the game, (much like TLD). It had a small player base because of how the gameplay worked, (again, like TLD). But now with Covid, and all that people are just needing a game where they can chill out, and socialize/interact with each other in a fun way. I think that Hinterland should look at these things, and try to make their game really blow up again, (like it did when it first came out) or make it appeal to more people. Now, of course this would mean adding multiplayer, or some kind of way to play with friends, which I don't think will ever happen. Now what I don't want, is for Hinterland to commercialize their game and make it a huge brand, (Sort of like... Fortnite I guess). I just think that now, how games that people would never of thought to become mainstream, become mainstream, I think TLD, and Hinterland as a whole has a ton of money they make right now, and replenish the fanbase that has unfortunately, been slowly diminishing overtime. This is just my idea, and I don't think that anything will come of it. I just really want to watch this game be successful, and we don't really know how the devs feel about the game right now. They've worked so hard, for what I feel like is a small, or not enough payoff. I just want to take this time to thank the devs, for all the work they do to keep us invested in this amazing game. Kudos.
  2. Hey everyone, Long time player and owner of the game but new to the forums. I have had a tradition to play the game during snow storms at home, so tis the season for some Long Dark. The game has made amazing progression but I have been bumping into a few things that are starting to bother me. I like the challenge of Survival - Stalker and regularly start a run being attacked by a wolf (because of course). On many of those runs I will slowly get to extremely low health trying to find some shelter and get deep into the red. The game has a swaying mechanic when you are that low that works very well when you are walking to portray serious injury, however, I often get to extremely low health and try to start a fire. Once started I huddle for warmth, except, I cant because my character is somehow swaying 5-15 feet in random directions while I am trying to crouch near the fire. This means I have died a few times from either: 1) Swaying into the fire 2) Swaying away from the fire and not being able to fight the RNG of the sways to get back to the fire and cure my hypothermia I found the only reliable strat to fight this is to inch toward the fire and open the menu to stop the swaying, rinse and repeat. While I agree the sway is a nice touch when walking, if I am crouching near a fire the sway should be limited to the vision or only impact the aiming, but to have a character shuffle over 10 feet from a location in the crouch position is very frustrating. I wanted to open the discussion to talk about thoughts on the sway associated to low health being limited to: light when standing in place, as it is today when walking, and extremely limited when crouching without movement.
  3. Would it be easier for gut to be a weighted inventory item? Then we could have a ratio of guts to animal weight. Cured guts could produce lengths of line. Different lengths of line could achieve different depths when ice fishing, there by getting larger fish for example. Bones could be harvested in two categories, large mammals and small mammals. Bone tools and bone hooks could be added based on weight requirements of bone. We might need two categories because all bones on a rabbit are small. A bone club from rabbit femur would be stupid. Funny...but stupid. Maybe meat could be processed to separate fat and protein. Then the fat used to make pemmican (somebody else had that idea that I read today. Brilliant!), candles, and I’m sure a bunch of things that are escaping me right now. I’ve said it before but if hides were done by area you would know two bits of info for hide crafting. So if a rabbit hide is 8 inches by 12 inches (as always, change the numbers as you like) it will be worth 96 square inches of clothing and require 40 inches of line to sew it to something else. I know it adds complexity to what we have now but sometimes when a solution is over simplified it comes with a compromise. Then the solution becomes the issue for other areas. I’d hate to not get something because of underlying issues.
  4. There are a multitude of possible homebases in all the regions but theres only one in which i feel like Im actually home. The trapppers homestead, its always been there since the start, its cozy, clean, has everything i need and most importantly its isolated. I like to think this little house embodies what this game is ! Do you have something like this ? If you have please share it here ! Thank you and a merry christmas to everybody !
  5. ...I fell to my death on the 37th day......6 days after killing a black bear...and no I didn't fall to my death while climbing...I freaking mis-stepped the slightest bit while walking over the elevated train tracks above the ravine.....literally the lamest and stupidest way to die....mega frustrated that THAT was how my survivor died.
  6. The maps on the wiki are low resolution and the legends are hard to read, I think Hinterland should make official maps of all the regions and either update the Fandom wiki pages or add a menu in-game that's unlocked once you confirm that you're OK with possible spoilers for the experience of the game and Wintermute.
  7. This is just a compilation from the official Discord server's #suggestion channel, to credit goes to those who contributed to the conversation. The ability to cut down trees would add customization, to an extent, to the landscape of The Long Dark as well as adding new ways to get firewood, but of course since trees vary in size, so would the haul and effort needed would increase and decrease with size. The trees would regrow after being cut down, but very slowly. Maybe 1-2 firewood per in-game month. Different types of axeheads would be needed, such as chopping axes with thinner and lighter handles and heads, and splitting axes with much, much heavier handles and heads. All of these components should be found in Logging Camps for realism, or made with Reclaimed Wood and Scrap Metal at a Forge. When a tree is cut down, it should make a Fallen Tree entity that is separate from the tree bridges present in the environment, and able to be cut into sections much like quartering an animal for easier transport and later harvesting. Of course this would require some creativity on Hinterland's part, and this may well not even be added into The Long Dark, but consideration would be nice. These changes could also fit well with an overhaul to Firemaking, making it possible to make Cat Tail Stalks into tinder or tools to make a friction fire when at Level 5 Fire Starting. Further details in this link. Feedback of any kind is appreciated
  8. Derek0311

    Bad Dreams

    I’ve seen the mini-game idea. This is a little different. Let’s say you are attacked by a wolf in the day. That night when you sleep there is a chance to get hit with a random affliction. The affliction is insomnia where you can’t sleep to rest past 50% or something. Your sleep is interrupted by a wolf howl and flashbacks of the attack. Then you awake, in the dark and can’t sleep past 50%. Insomnia gets better over time so the sleep cap gets higher over time until it’s gone. While I’m on it. How about a toggle where you can’t sleep indoors during aurora; the lights are too bright?
  9. After watching the movie Riddick , i couldn't stop thinking of how he saved a wolf/jackal pup and raised it to fight , hunt and protect him and wondering if that is something that could be added in a world like the long dark where it is cold and animals die a lot due to the conditions. I know the long dark is about survival but i couldn't help wishing that it was in the game. sure it would make it harder to survive when the wolf is a puppy as you would have to feed it, carry it and make sure it doesn't get sick but when its big it could protect you and maybe even hunt a rabbet every now and then for you.It would also make it so that your not as lonely living out in the wild. tho id probably get too attached to it and cry if it died.
  10. Yes, find it at last Actually, there's not any frequentity. Aurora works on demand. What about this one? Yesterday when I went to bleak inlet to make bullets, I came across the electric door and I was bored. Anyway, I stayed there for a few days, and I pressed the button every night. They didn't cause any trouble because I killed most of them on the hill on the right when the wolves came around. Although the second time they came to get back at me, I was waiting at the door, and I'm in a safe place, so I shot them all and got rid of them. Then I read the forum here and found out aurora was every 4 days and started waiting. Meanwhile, four days passed, and I realized that when I first came to the door, he asked me to go back to the radio tower, and the night I used the rope to go up to the radio tower, the aurora happened. It was morning when I came back to the door when I realized that. I touched the button on the door again and stayed in the trailers outside the canning factory. And that night the aurora happened. So I happily went to the door and opened it without the danger of wolves. But I don't see there's a wolf in there in a ridiculous way. How and where did he get in there? No one knows that, but don't bother me, but I killed him and ate him. And I made 108 rounds and got out of the area. To summarize, when the aurora is asked for any electric door to work, the player comes out of that area/building and spends the night in a different position. I hope you understand.
  11. Add seals into the game along the frozen coastlines, and make their fur able to be made into a coat. But since seal fur is very insulating and basically waterproof, it'd be very hard to harvest and incredibly expensive to craft into a coat or hat, maybe including several days of crafting and multiple sowing kits with a 50% chance of failure along with other, hard to acquire ingridients. The blubber from the seals could be made into lard to increase food condition even further during cooking, basically just reducing the sour taste of rancid meat. Of course, the seals would be very hard to hunt, being resilient to arrows and fleeing whenever the Player gets within 20-30m of them. Whenever a wound doesn't instantly kill the seal, it would flee back into the water and, 90% of the time, be eaten by something in the water that smelled the blood by the next day when the seals surface, causing the player to need to prepare heavily for a seal hunt, and only getting 1 pelt every 1 or 2 days.
  12. I decided to do some challenges for the game. After failing The Hunted and Whiteout multiple times I decided to try Nomad. The description seemed easy and I thought I knew the maps well. However as I start my first few locations getting to 3 days each is a slog. I'm on my third location and I've survived 18 days in total. How you may ask? Have I lost my way to each location in a fog? Attacked by wildlife maybe? No. Sadly I've been finding that the hours I pass within these locations don't add up how they should. I "pass time" for 12 hours and time and again it does not register half a day more like .2 or .3 days. Sleeping rarely counts either. Does anyone else experience this? These challenges are meant to take 1-3 hours as the tab describes but this is horribly long and boring.
  13. I tried out Escape The Darkwalker, and it was fun, for a bit until I figured out that it was basically just Slender. I gave up and set down a lure, to kill myself. I waited for like 15 irl minutes while passing several in-game hours, multiple times, and he took forever to get to me. And then when I died all I get is a black screen and some audio. The idea is really neat, this invisible predator, hunting you down. All you have to defend yourself is a can of spraypaint. This could have been really fun, but the execution was just lackluster. Anyone else agree? I am open to changing my opinion if people give good enough arguments.
  14. It's summed up in the title basically, but I think it'd be nice if we had access to the old Hunting Rifle crosshairs like the ones from 2018 which look much more practical for hunting, or have the ability to paint a bow with Spray Paint or tie something to the Arrows as a sort of tracer round thing for when you miss.
  15. I have 100kg Wolf meat and my snare's support me with 2-3kg rabbit meat per day. I have time. To much time. I wish i could carve wood. Or Ice sculptures? Maybee a snowman? I need anyone in this game "to do". Anyone thats make sense (no i don't need 10 wolfskin coats). Mhmm... with 500 parts of coal i could lay a picture on the lake?
  16. I killed a black bear outside of Quonset Garage in CH! It honestly was fairly uneventful. I set out in the morning armed with my rifle and began creeping around, looking for the bear I had seen wandering around a few times. I got lucky. After about 10 minutes of looking around I saw him. Big Ol' Black bear was lumbering along the road coming from the nearby logging path just on the edge of the Coastal Townsite. I crouched to remain undetected and quickly snuck to the edge of Quonset, dropped a raw coho salmon as a lure then quickly ran to the car on the opposite side. Crouching behind the car near the door, I waited fro the bear to approach the lure. Soon enough he did. Still crouched, I aimed my rifle and pulled the trigger and hopped in the car. I think it hit him in the lower neck area, but he ran off. I waited a few minutes before deciding to start following the blood trail but once I did only after about a minute I saw the bear walking back towards the lure. I ran back to the car and repeated that process two more times. I hit him in the side the 2nd shot, a 3rd shot missed and a 4th hit in the neck. He started stumbling away before collapsing. I slowly walked over to him, not sure if he was dead or napping. Might've shot him in the head just to make sure. I had killed my first bear! I couldn't believe it 10 guts and 26.6 kg of meat along with the hide! My bear hunt was a success!!! However I did die before the bear hide finished curing so I didn't get to use it but still awesome!!
  17. I was after 500 days trophy and cartographer trophy also. For the cartographer I had to map like 5 more locations in Ash Canyon and I was at something like 400 days plus run. Anyways in survival mode I got NEW game and FEATS . No continue or whatever. Did anyone resolved such problem. It would be much appreciated. I reinstalled game, deleted saves, downloaded saves from online storage. Didnt help. Submitted ticket also but I dont expect much help from Hinterland.
  18. Vareta

    Dynamic world

    This as already been discussed, but I believe it is important to bring this conversation to light. The world of great beat is completely unchanging, aside from the temperature, every single day is kinda the same. What is proposed is certain “events”, that spice up a little the gameplay, these could come in many forms but the one that most interests me is this one: The big blizzard: basically at a random number of days, a long and violent blizzard sweeps through great bear, making temperatures drop drastically, to the point where even inside you could be at risk of freezing. Before the storm you’d be able to see flocks of birds flying away... and in the days bafore it hits the weather would be absolutly perfect, not a single cloud in the sky, it would only be the calm before the storm, literally. I believe this would give something to look forward too, I mean you never do that in this game, it’s always the present you worrie about not the future. When it comes to other events there are probably a meriad of other cool ideas, I just don’t have the imagination to invent them, so please if you have any other ideas share them ! Thank you and a merry Christmas to all
  19. Hi. I'm a Japanese gamer.I'm sorry for my poor English. BTW,I tried to play and install this game yesterday. First, I can play this game very confotable. But, today I cant play this game. I tried to veryfy, reinstall,system reboot,geforce update, no scalling...and more. But I can change nothing... plz help this suck sheep;; pictures: 1 launching 2 after cricks whernever playerlog Initialize engine version: 2019.4.3f1 (f880dceab6fe) [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Program Files/Epic Games/TheLongDark/tld_Data/UnitySubsystems GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1 Direct3D: Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 (ID=0x1b80) Vendor: VRAM: 8079 MB Driver: WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Nature/Terrain/Utilities' - All passes removed WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform? ERROR: Shader Hidden/Nature/Terrain/Utilities shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable) D3D11 device created for Microsoft Media Foundation video decoding. <RI> Initializing input. <RI> Input initialized. <RI> Initialized touch support. UnloadTime: 0.302500 ms
  20. I've been watching a lot of TLD on Youtube after finishing Wintermute lately. And people regularly run around with hypothermia risk and with very overloaded packs seemingly without any problems at all. It's starting to feel a bit cartoonish that you can do that in a game like this. If you overload your backpack, your speed should be severely limited. Hypothermia risk should mean penalties on both movement and focus. Not sure what happens IRL, but I would imagine very stiff hands that fail to grab stuff and starting to get delirious? Not eating and drinking should start draining your energy levels pretty quickly, etc. Anyone else who thinks that gameplay should be more realistic, or at least in Interloper?
  21. Early game bear hunt, asking for your experiences in where bears go to die. While looting the hunter blind at No Name Pond, the old bear walked from the bear cave moving directly towards the blind. Being only day 30 of a new “vanilla” Stalker run, my character was rested and drawing the survival bow produced a nice, steady white-dot reticle which fell centered on the bear’s brow line. I released the arrow and time slowed; the arrow arched slightly and struck the old bear directly in the face. The bear turned away and ran at full speed up the snow-covered hill and I listened as the sound of the bear continued in the direction of the lonely cabin. I finished looting the No Name Pond area and harvested a deer carcass before following the bear’s trail from the pond to the Lonely Cabin. I was a little surprised to find no sign of the bear and so I cooked the deer meat at the cabin and mapped the area with charcoal…no sign of the bear. I checked the sundial and as there was too much daylight remaining to waste it, I decided to walk back to my base at Trappers Homestead and eat and sleep there for the night. I mapped the pond with charcoal and did not find any sign of the bear at the Frozen brook, the pond, nor near the bear cave. So, warm your coffee and share with me your advice and experience finding bears after a bleed-out kill. This old cooking pot makes too much coffee for me alone and I would appreciate your insights as to where to search in the morning to find the bear carcass and my lost arrow. Many thanks in advance for any suggestions and help. Stay safe my friends.
  22. I was walking through TWM on my 4th attempt to complete the Hopeless Rescue Challenge when I came across a black bear. It hadn't seen me yet so I crouched and started creeping up the side of the hill hoping I could just remain unseen and the bear would just walk the direction I was coming from. Still had my rifle handy though. It was about halfway past me when I shifted the slightest bit. Next thing I know it roars and beginnings lumbering up the hill side directly towards me. I aim my rifle and boom! the bear just collapses on spot. I was so shocked that a) hit my mark and b) killed it with just ONE shot. I've only had one bear kill previously so this was very exciting for me!
  23. Hello all, I'm DHallzy! I'm a full-time professional VFX Artist, and I absolutely love The Long Dark. I've been streaming TLD for a few months now, and my community mentioned posting some of the art I've done here on the forums. We do something a little different and special, where each week, we do a "Recap" of our previous adventures in the form of an Animatic (Kind of like an Animated Storyboard). It's great fun, and we're still going strong 100+ on Stalker. We have it on video tape and everything: We stream Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and have Art Streams on Saturday ❤️ Please come on over sometime and check it out over at Twitch Much love yall and Happy Holidays! -DHallzy
  24. Forrest

    New Animals

    We want new Animals like Owl , squirrel and others . It will be interesting and it will make game alive