Screenshot for Screenshot Saturday

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On 11/10/2021 at 6:05 PM, piddy3825 said:

This is my Boom Stick!!!
Pop, Drop and Chop

Shop Smart, Shop S mart!

I always liked a girl that could shoot.   So did the next picture look like this?



It did, though he did run when I aimed the gun but he got brazen and came at me again and that's when I dropped him. The shy friend seemed to not want to bother because I had no more trouble with the timberwolves after the fact hehe ^_^ 

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1 hour ago, piddy3825 said:

I like the blue flare for scale!  That sure is one big piece of birch bark.  You can probably make a shload of tea outta just one piece!  where is this by the way?

Ash canyon- the little elevated area on the left hand side (over a log bridge) as you enter from the dear clearing cave connection.

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Finally found a practical use for the spray paint - painting arrows on the ice so I can find my way back to the Office at ML if I get go fishing and get caught in a blizzard with zero visibility.

I know other people use them for marking items, locations, and other stuff, but for me this is really the only thing I find them useful for.

Does anyone know if they degrade/fade away over time? I thought I read something about this being introduced, but I'm yet to see them fade.

Might wait until those 3 wolves move along too...
(PS4, Stalker, Survival, 248 Days in)

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Yes, Raphael did say in the update video that they will fade over time. He also mentioned that they disabled this feature "for now" when they launched the update. I never use them but when i did once or twice i saw them many days later fresh and without any indications of fading


//i just watched the Fearless Navigator update video. They will decay "over hundreds of game days"

Edited by Karl Grylls
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On 11/16/2021 at 4:59 PM, Pınar51-06 said:

I remember this Sean guy was mentioned about one or two more notes.  I wish that more notes and letters add in TLD. 

It is a series of notes consisting of 3 parts from the backer #644. You can find it here if you expand the notes and search for #644. :)

Edited by Neithan
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I've found that playing with the FoV setting under Options -> Display allows some fun stuff with the screenshots. If you don't know about that setting, you should check it out. Changing it has side effects wrt how far away things get rendered, so remember that if you decide to mix it with actual gameplay and not just for getting that sweet shot.

Edited by stratvox
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