Too many wolves... (Spoilers)


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For me EP 4 is by far the worst episode of them all. The countless wolves are just too annoying, you cant even walk a few meters without running into the next wolfpack. I really hope EP 5 gets better, more exploring/story and less fights against wildlife. 


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Try to accomodate with the wolfes in survival mode. There is a great tutorial on how to handle single wolfs with a torch and stones.
I found out, that the TW packs are held at bay by carrying a torch too. Just walk away from them and You are fine - at least as long as You have torches to light.
Then the new noise bombs work really well, just throw them a bit to not hurt Yourself.
And on my run I found flares in abundance, so You should be able to reach the next shelter.
So far I do like EP4, even with the wolfes around everywhere.

Edited by mfuegemann
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I’m having the same problem. I can’t find any rifle ammo or a revolver I’ve died 8 times in 30 minutes every single time bc of wolves & even on green Survivor.  I want to be able to play ep.4 The wolves are just way too much

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2 hours ago, mfuegemann said:

Try to accomodate with the wolfes in survival mode. There is a great tutorial on how to handle single wolfs with a torch and stones.
I found out, that the TW packs are held at bay by carrying a torch too. Just walk away from them and You are fine - at least as long as You have torches to light.
Then the new noise bombs work really well, just throw them a bit to not hurt Yourself.
And on my run I found flares in abundance, so You should be able to reach the next shelter.
So far I do like EP4, even with the wolfes around everywhere.

I dont have a problem with fighting them off, I have plenty of flares and ammo and already killed 20+ wolves. They are just super annoying and the respawn also seems to be pretty fast. I killed the three wolves beside the prison (on the way to the medic-room) and just a few days later they were already respawened, I really dont like this kind of design. Also hard to avoid them on all the narrow paths on this map, sometimes feels like a call of duty vs. wolves. 

Edited by hipsu555
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4 hours ago, mfuegemann said:

Try to accomodate with the wolfes in survival mode. There is a great tutorial on how to handle single wolfs with a torch and stones.
I found out, that the TW packs are held at bay by carrying a torch too. Just walk away from them and You are fine - at least as long as You have torches to light.
Then the new noise bombs work really well, just throw them a bit to not hurt Yourself.
And on my run I found flares in abundance, so You should be able to reach the next shelter.
So far I do like EP4, even with the wolfes around everywhere.

yes, in free/surv mode its easy to keep them at bay

yet when playing wintermute your stock is kinda limited

4 hours ago, peteloud said:

Have you considered crouching to keep out of sight ?

yes at least i have... pretty impossible if like in ep4 theres 1 road you have to pass several times, and when its in a very narrow valley and everytime you have to pass a 4-5 pack spawns it gets pretty hard to "conceal" yourself especially considering they only respect marine flares...

to you developers its just annoying 

every 4 min a 4-5 wofl pack spawns/waits for me... go to power plant- 4 packs, go to mine 5 packs (yes - road to bridge, bridge, farm/trailer, etc.)

thats just boring & bad design



dont misunderstand... love the game, playing it since '18, but i never had a dozend carrcasses rotting beside the road while i got attacked by a 5 wolf pack

prob. could craft 2 wolf jackets with only wolves i killed til d3

Edited by camel
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13 minutes ago, mfuegemann said:

Hi, there are some paths off the beaten track, You could use. If You stick to the road, You need considerable firepower, indeed.



even if you use "paths off the beaten track" - especially looking at you wooden pedestrian bridge -.-

there will be a 5 pack waiting for you on the other side - even if you just killed 4 of the last pack right there... they will spawn on their comrades dead bodies 

edit: no matter what

i vote for either:

a. less packs (not wolves just reduce packs PLEASE)


b. an ammo crafting furnace

there are tons of batteries and gp around, gimme gimme a furnace

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I found the weather was rarely bad enough that I couldn't walk with a lit torch.  I didn't kill a single wolf (except maybe a couple Timberwolves), and walked right through groups of 3-5 wolves with my lit torch.  Occasionally dropped the torch to aim a stone and scare the wolves away.  There were definitely a lot of wolves, but as long as I had a lit torch, they were no problem at all.

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D...  you. Now everyone will start whining about how bad everything is, what evil wolves are, and everything in this spirit. And we will be waiting for an update with a cut level of difficulty. There are not many wolves, you have little experience.

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  • Admin changed the title to Too many wolves... (Spoilers)

There are a lot of wolves but it says right in the story dialogue that this area is extremely dangerous because of that, so I'm not sure what else is expected.

The game gives you sooooo many flares, materials for sound bombs (which are fun!), matches, distress pistol, both guns and ammo. You can also chain torches if you somehow run out of everything else.

Stealth is also useful, and many people forget (or don't know) that as long as you walk at a normal pace, wolves that are behind you won't charge. You can just walk casually and they'll stalk you and growl but won't attack. Lots of cars you can dip into to wait until they leave.

I just ran through the story mode again leading up to ep4 release and I do have to say that the difficulty is ramped up, but the devs have given us lots of tools to work with.

Edited by Nitzy
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The wolf placement feels too much like gamey set pieces and is not fun. It's not like that in survival mode at all. Having wolf packs block narrow paths is pretty rare (like in Ash Canyon in one place) and usually it's just one or maybe two. When there are packs there is usually plenty of space to avoid them. It always feels organic and not predictable. But in episode 4 whenever you need to go to some location you can be absolutely sure that there will be 4-5 wolves in an extremely narrow space. If you are lucky there is exactly one alternative route. It's so obviously scripted that it distracts from the gameplay.

The timberwolves also seem broken. Or maybe I accidentally set my game to the lowest difficulty. The growl and follow you, but then usually run away when approaching. But sometimes they attack. Doesn't feel right.

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If you arm yourself with a torch  or flare and walk backwards facing the wolves and keeping them in your sight... You won't need a single bullet. The pack of wolves will always be on your left and right with one alternating trying to initiate attack...  whichever one is coming forward, u turn slightly facing them and they will stop and not advance. Keep repeating this pattern until the meter disappears. Every now and then just turn around to check you are still on flat ground n not going to drop off a cliff etc. This ended up having me lots of bullets.

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They also don't roam much if at all. And there is no spawn variation. In survival mode wolves can have a pretty large patrol area if the terrain allows it. You can pass a certain dangerous spot, but you're in luck and the wolf is far away. And they spawn and despawn. So on some days you don't get a wolf at all. Or it may only be two instead of three.

In Wintermute they are always there however and always in the exact same spot. That contributes heavily to the artificial setpiece feeling.

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15 hours ago, Fars said:

If you arm yourself with a torch  or flare and walk backwards facing the wolves and keeping them in your sight... You won't need a single bullet. The pack of wolves will always be on your left and right with one alternating trying to initiate attack...  whichever one is coming forward, u turn slightly facing them and they will stop and not advance. Keep repeating this pattern until the meter disappears. Every now and then just turn around to check you are still on flat ground n not going to drop off a cliff etc. This ended up having me lots of bullets.

I finished the prison area with 40+ pistol rounds, 20+ rifle rounds, half a dozen flares, 2 flashlights


my only issue was I had way too much to carry :D


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I find that going around the obvious path ( roads, tree lots, frozen ponds) allowed me to avoid many of the wolves. When you can't avoid them, one noise maker for regular wolves, 2 for Timberwolves will clear the region for about 5-10 real-world minutes. Enough to sprint through the area.

I'm on medium difficulty & I'm swimming in ammo, flares & noisemakers.

Edited by Sherri
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Idk what yalls problem is. I've found 2 handguns 3 rifles 2 bows 40 9mm 30 303. 4 arrows 7 pounds of gunpowder ( for noise makers) idk how many flares easily 20+. I'm playing on capable survivor and it's way too easy. Only thing is I can't haverst all resources from the wolves, moose, and bear I've killed just going to the mine. Weight is my only problem and my capacity is 88lbs

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I finished yesterday episode 4 on capable survivor level. Yes wolves and timberwolf pack spawns in a close distance and it is annoying but ı found 3 rifle, 45-50 rifle ammo, 2 revolver, about 60 revolver ammo, a pistol,10 pistol rounds, a bow, couple of arrows. I went all caches, I did most of the sidequest and the game gives you a lot of flare and marineflare. I am not a good player although ı killed them easily. Steam pipe and last scene in blackrock prison was harder than wolves. Just you pick all antiseptic and bandages cause you need them a lot. 

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