Tips for new survivors in The Long Dark


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3 hours ago, Iriskl said:

Maybe a weird one... But if you're lost and you need to find a path, follow the grass. Most of the time this is a route to a bigger path. Beware of cliffs though! 

Ooh this is a good one! I've been playing since 2016 and I hadn't worked this out. Thanks mate! 👍

(I'll just have to make sure I don't have auto walk enabled.... 🙈)

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  • 6 months later...

Recently I found one tip although I play TLD for long time. Write your journal. I dont mean the story of your survivor (of course you can do it too). I mean notes where you left what. There is many items in the Great Bear and you cannot haul all of them on your back. Journal will save you questions like "Where I left my rifle and ammo?".

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2 hours ago, acada said:

Recently I found one tip although I play TLD for long time. Write your journal. I dont mean the story of your survivor (of course you can do it too). I mean notes where you left what. There is many items in the Great Bear and you cannot haul all of them on your back. Journal will save you questions like "Where I left my rifle and ammo?".

indeed great idea. In some of my longer games I had a full log by region/main base(s) within about how much and what type of ammo/ammo ingredients/and pelts i had where. it is getting impossible to keep it in mind, as the game keeps growing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure if it is a new feature, or I was just blind to notice it before: when selecting the amount to store/pick up to/from a container, you can mousescroll to change the amount, do not have to click 50 times for 50 sticks.

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23 minutes ago, AdamvR said:

I'm not sure if it is a new feature, or I was just blind to notice it before: when selecting the amount to store/pick up to/from a container, you can mousescroll to change the amount, do not have to click 50 times for 50 sticks.

I didn't know that until I started watching streams this year - years after I started playing 🤦‍♂️
In my defence, use of the scrollwheel is not consistent in the TLD UI.

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  • 2 months later...
On 10/1/2021 at 9:50 PM, UTC-10 said:

A thought when using a forge.  (This was in Pilgrim so YMMV but something to keep in mind)

The most efficient, uses least amount of coal, to fire the furnace to forge operating temperature of 150 C would be ten sticks followed by seven coal.  At level 5 fire starting ten sticks would be almost two hours of fire duration (about 1:50)  and +10 C and seven coal would be 10.5 hours (7 x 1.5 hours) and +140 C.  Total +150 C and you can forge. 

Note that:

1) the maximum fire duration is 12 hours so you might have to wait a while - make a can of potable water - before that last coal can be put in the fire, and

2) if for any reason, while the furnace is at +150 C, you decide to pull a torch from the furnace, taking that torch REDUCES TEMPERATURE BY 1 C so now your furnace is at +149 C and you can no longer at forging temperature.  Because the maximum temperature with wood is +80 C, you will have to add another coal to the fire. 

Naturally if you end up with the furnace temperature much greater than 150 C to begin with it won't be a problem. 

Good luck and happy forging.

If the amount of coal is really a problem, then using 80 sticks to get the fire up to 80C and then only 4 coal gets it to 160, which is sufficient. You will need to wait a bit till all those sticks burn down, so you can add your coal.

‘Growing up’ in Mystery Lake - as many of us do - might leave you imprinted believing that coal is a rare and valueable commodity. Valuable it is, for the best heat and time to weight ratio, but it can be found in ample amounts, renewing every week or so in most (transition) caves. The closest to ML is the one towards Milton.

I only had to rely on the above ascetic forge use in FA recently, where coal is available, but very far and you might actually need to use coal during your coal run itself not to freeze to death on the way to a safehouse...

Elsewhere you do not need to be stingy about it.

Edited by AdamvR
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  • 1 month later...

Starving is not an emergency most of the time. Finding food is obviously essential for surviving and should be a priority and one of the main reasons to move to a new place. But don't panic and put yourself in a deadly situation just because you are beginning to starve, even if it means losing your Well fed bonus.

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The Warming up bonus that you get by eating or drinking cooked or reheated items (except meat or water) is very powerful. And reishi mushrooms and rose hips are relatively easy-to-find resources. Consider using the tea that you can make with them only for the Warming up benefit instead of their main use as natural remedies, especially in the early game when you don't have good clothes yet and/or if you need to travel in the morning.

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I'll add my favorite interloper cheesy tactic.  Bows wear out fairly quickly.  It's wise to have a spare on hand when you're traveling, but who wants to carry the weight of a secondary bow?  Also, you can't even wear out the first one and get rid of it because the radial menu seems to randomly pick one of the two bows you're carrying!

The solution is to 90% complete a new bow, to the point where it requires no further raw materials.  This unfinished bow weighs zero kg, and can be completed with an hour of work at any work bench.

This idea works for other items as well, but the bow is where you really need it.

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  • 1 month later...
On 8/1/2023 at 3:57 AM, JohnLovesCoffee said:

Starving is not an emergency most of the time. Finding food is obviously essential for surviving and should be a priority and one of the main reasons to move to a new place.

This game does a really good job of reinforcing the priority of shelter -> water -> food.

Because that is the priority in real life as well as in this game. Those are the things that will kill you fastest if untreated, and in that same order. (Barring injury or disease, of course.)

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14 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

This game does a really good job of reinforcing the priority of shelter -> water -> food.

Because that is the priority in real life as well as in this game. Those are the things that will kill you fastest if untreated, and in that same order. (Barring injury or disease, of course.)

agree, I consider that a strength of TLD.

I suppose keeping the starvation damage at a reasonable level might have been a reason to introduce Well Fed. It's only Well Fed that keeps me scared to run out of food since the condition loss is relatively trivial.

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In areas where there is an intricate cave system contained within the zone (especially true of the Hushed River Valley) use spraypainted symbols on the outside of the caves to identify which cave entrances lead to where.


So for example, mark one cave entrance with a symbol like Firestarting supplies, and then traverse the cave system. When you come out the other end, spraypaint THAT end of the cave with the same symbol as before.

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On 9/30/2023 at 6:13 PM, GothSkunk said:

In areas where there is an intricate cave system contained within the zone (especially true of the Hushed River Valley) use spraypainted symbols on the outside of the caves to identify which cave entrances lead to where.


So for example, mark one cave entrance with a symbol like Firestarting supplies, and then traverse the cave system. When you come out the other end, spraypaint THAT end of the cave with the same symbol as before.

I've actually come up with a more complex system:
Each entrance has it's own symbol.  As I traverse the cave system, I spray paint intersections so I know how to reach each exit.  One drawback to this, is that until you memorize which exits connect, you won't know exit A leads to exit B until an intersection is reached.

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  • 4 weeks later...

[DLC only] If you want to use the Handheld Shortwave Radio to locate caches/bunkers under the snow, you not only need to repair the radio transmitters relevant to the region (one transmitter covers multiple regions!), it is also important, to turn the tower on, before searching through the entire region during the most dangerous conditions...;-)
(talking from experience...)

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I don’t know if this was covered yet but sprains and pain will remedy themselves fairly quickly. (At least in stalker. Not much experience in loper) That being the case try using your rose hips for the warmth bonus instead of for healing pain/sprains. 

Edited by KingFuzz
I mistakenly said to use reishi’s for warmth bonus. Don’t do that. Rose hips only.
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  • 6 months later...

I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet (from what i can gather looking at the thread)

It only helps a bit in short playthroughs but much better in long playthroughs but renewability can help.

sticks will respawn in a short time, loose coal after a while, and branches and small limbs (fuel and repair) and birch bark (restorative tea) will respawn from blizzards

as well as beachcombing has both semi often with tides some materials and a wide variety after blizzards

basically, if you are low on any of those things, sometimes it helps to do a little backtracking, especially after a blizzard

and if you find yourself in any of the beach places even if only plan on being there for a short time (like coastal highway as a point to get to other places or desolation point for forge) do beachcombing first if you can, then do what you need to do while looting, but perhaps a bit more time for crafting or hunting and if a blizzard rolled around, then beachcombing once more before you leave. This can also apply to bleak inlet but cause the timberwolves I personally wouldn't stay there long.

also all the animals will respawn in time, which can help bolster your food, make more clothing, and repair certain clothing.

You will of course want to focus primarily on looting in the early game but even then, a little extra can make it so longer survival

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Don't be afraid to make mistakes,or die..  every time you do you're learning what works for you and what doesn't..   and if you're not sure about something then don't be afraid to ask😊

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Great tips here. Just a few things to add after playing this forever.

100% agree with using your journal. On long runs it's easy to forget where you left stuff. Use the daily notes to record where you left guts, hides or saplings to dry. That way it's easy to figure out when you can return and pick them up.

It's important to get used to leaving stuff in maybe 1-3 places per region. Don't cart around 6 hatchets just to get them all back to Camp Office in Mystery Lake. You can only use one hatchet at a time. Traveling light and fast gives you the most flexibility and shuttling stuff 3 regions is tedious at best.

Outside of Interloper/NOGOA etc, most of the time using heavy animal coats is just weighing you down. You don't get any bonus points for having anything above a "feels like" above 0C. You don't really need that stuff most of the time and you don't need to be above freezing 24 hours a day outside. Travel with less and get used to a little down arrow temps in the mornings and you will get further faster.

Never store food that decays (cattails don't decay) in any container. If you let food go ruined in a container it will despawn and it will disappear. Once you reach cooking level 5 you can consume all cooked meat and all food safely even if it is ruined. I usually celebrate cooking 5 by feasting on piles of ruined cooked predator meat that I cooked to get to cooking 5. You can also brew ruined coffee and tea.

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/22/2024 at 8:02 PM, Laxgoalie said:

100% agree with using your journal. On long runs it's easy to forget where you left stuff.

Definitely agree: TLD is a huge game with many regions, locations, and things to hunt for (like hidden caches), the Journal/Notes are extremely useful especially for longer runs, particularly if you go on break for a time and come back. Makes it much easier to remember what to do.

I love leaving general lists of

  • If I have food/water/fuel or Vitamin-C goodness at safe locations.
  • Which spawn locations bear/moose spawn locations are active in a given run.
  • What day I killed a bear/moose on, to know if I should be cautious in that area or if I want to go there and hunt them again.
  • Climbing Anchors without a Rope deployed at them.
  • Weapon/Tool variants or rare recipes I've not yet found, crossing off locations I've already checked.
  • What I'm missing to repair a Transponder.
  • If I was dumb and forgot something (e.g. left my Recycled Cans behind on the campfire). Doh!

Spraypaint fills a similar function to the Journal: it helps you remember where you've looted or explored!

Love using Spray Paint for caves/mines. X-ing off a dead end, or throwing an -> arrow to help guide me if there's complex terrain. 🖌️🎨

On 5/22/2024 at 8:02 PM, Laxgoalie said:

...using heavy animal coats is just weighing you down. You don't get any bonus points for having anything above a "feels like" above 0C... Travel with less and get used to a little down arrow temps in the mornings and you will get further faster.

I agree. In general I'd recommend synthetic clothing for Stalker and below, and Animal clothing for Interloper. Weight management and movement speed are very important in TLD, ideally you never want to be Overburdened.

You're right, there is no direct benefit from being above-freezing (e.g. 1°C vs 999°C), but there are reasons why you might want more Warmth/Windproof.

  • A larger period of the day will be more habitable, especially on lower difficulties
  • When the climate does become sub-zero, your Warmth will drain slower reducing and delaying Freezing damage.
  • Helps offset weather/wind fluctuations.
  • Clothing loses Warmth/Windproof as they lose Condition. So more stats can mean less frequent (and potentially more efficient) repairs
  • If clothing you're wearing is destroyed (e.g. in a Wildlife Struggle) you will have more Warmth/Windproof stats to protect you till it can be replaced.

Knowing how "Outer" or "Inner" layer clothes is very useful!

  • If your clothes get wet it increases their weight, reduces Warmth, and can put you at risk for Frostbite! You can 'rotate' which item is worn on the Outer Layer, to mitigate this!
  • You can also "rotate" your clothing so it wears more evenly (Outer Layer wears MUCH faster than Inner!
  • If you have a "durable" item (like Moose-Hide Satchel) in the "Outer Layer" ('left' slot for Accessories) it will mostly protect damage to the Inner Slot beside it! Very useful for fragile clothes like Improvised Insulation!
On 5/22/2024 at 8:02 PM, Laxgoalie said:

Never store food that decays (cattails don't decay) in any container. If you let food go ruined in a container it will despawn and it will disappear. Once you reach cooking level 5 you can consume all cooked meat and all food safely even if it is ruined. I usually celebrate cooking 5 by feasting on piles of ruined cooked predator meat that I cooked to get to cooking 5. You can also brew ruined coffee and tea.

I'd also recommend not storing these in Containers: Wooden/Cardboard Matches, Flare Shells, Antibiotics, Painkillers, or Antiseptic in any container, because they lose condition and will be deleted when "Ruined" as well.

You also probably want to loot as much of world's containers as quickly as possible: taking these perishable items out of containers! :peaches: But especially hit up high-value loot locations, like the Summit of Timberwolf Mountain before your world gets too old and decay sets in!

On 5/22/2024 at 8:02 PM, Laxgoalie said:

You can also brew ruined coffee and tea.

Yes! Ruined cooking ingredients can still be used for recipes: but be careful! The total Condition of the meal created may be reduced as a result, putting you at risk for Food Poisoning!

Ruined Bedrolls can also be used for crafting "Improvised Down Bedroll"!


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