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  1. I agree, I think if there is one thing I could change about TLD1 it would be allowing an easier system for players to re-visit older content like this, and to unlock these badges. Games like "Terraria" come to mind (with it's Halloween and Christmas themed content) being accessible year-round (and on all modern patches) by simply changing your computer's clock settings. I hope that this is carried forward into TLD2: Blackfrost, and even if seasonal/exclusively timed content is added that there is a reasonable way for players to experience this afterwards. This thread has some excellent posts about unlocking these Badges after their events have expired on PC using Time Capsule, but I don't believe there is any way to perform this on console (at least not without a jailbroken console and extensive modding knowledge). Hinterland has modding support planned for The Long Dark in the future (after Wintermute Epsiode 5's release), so it might be possible user-created mods could add this functionality, though again I'm more confident about that for the PC scene (Steam Workshop in particular) than consoles.
  2. If you're having trouble hitting Rabbits, I'd recommend Crouching: that really helps to get closer to them to hit with your Stones. You can also use any type of Bow along with Fire-Hardened Arrows (or other types of arrows, though I wouldn't recommend that unless you're desperate); this is by far the easiest/fastest way especially once you reach Archery Level 5 skill.
  3. Quite like the idea of most of these ideas, and some have been mentioned in other threads so I think there are common sentiments (especially regarding Safehouse Customization utility). I don't think the Trader's Radio is likely to be moveable/Safehouse-able, given how it operates (on a technical level). This would likely result in a 'lot' of easily exploitable clipping bugs and softlocks. Personally I think there are ~10 of these Trader Radios scattered about the world, and that is meaningfully functional enough without the utility of moving them.
  4. Quite like the idea of adding Soap as a long-term resource goal or threat prevention to juggle, especially for the late-game. Even if it was completely useless gameplay-wise, I think it could be fun for roleplaying-minded players to use. Food Poisoning: e.g. an innate chance for the player to become afflicted by Food Poisoning whenever Eating, mitigated if they have Washed with e.g. Soap+Potable Water in the last X time. Lice: player becomes afflicted by "Lice Risk" when interacting with a Wildlife Carcass, unless they have the "Recently Washed" benefit from using Soap+Potable Water. Soap+Potable Water eliminates the Lice Risk, or Lice Affliction if manifested. Lice Affliction could cause pain, reduce Condition recovery, or maybe result in the player passively burning slightly more Calories (to simulate itching), or even wake the player up periodically when asleep (like Insomnia).
  5. Yeah I do agree it is a bit silly/strange that Ptarmies are the only way to make Broth, especially given how important it is for different cooking recipes. I do think it leads to good gameplay and changing that would devalue the importance of Broth (and exploration/hunting ptarmies in general) if e.g. you could make Rabbit Broth, Wolf Broth, Bear Broth, Fish Broth, Reishi Broth etc. It would also likely drastically increase the complexity of cooking behind-the-scenes, into a more modular system (which would probably require a complete re-write).
  6. I'm totally fine with The Trader's items at an overpriced rate as long as they are within the realm of possibility. IMO The Trader should be a net-loss for the player interacting with them, and allow exchanging renewable resources for otherwise non-renewable ones: not as an endless or easy means to acquire upgrades. IMO one of the biggest benefits to The Trader selling clothes is that in the late game (especially on harder game modes) where Decay would mean certain items would become impossible to acquire as loot (e.g. Underwear, or Socks) even from Beachcombing. Previously the only way to provide coverage for these clothing slots was to either never let those clothes Ruin, or to maintain backups (expensive); so this current Trader system still punishes the player from ruined clothes but gives a chance for replacement without requiring craftable clothes for all possible slots.
  7. Sounds like a fun recipe! I'll try this out IRL sometime. In-game though, I think the most similar item is "Venison Stew" or "Ranger Stew". I don't think it is likely we'll see more similar Venison recipes (at least in TLD1), but who knows: there could be future recipe cards added to The Trader or added region(s). I think it also is unlikely we'll see a "Vaco's XYZ", or any other personalized item names (at least in vanilla TLD). Though modding is certainly a possibility for naming/personalizing your own items. Hinterland has modding support as a planned feature for TLD1 on their roadmap (after Episode 5's release), and I wouldn't be surprised if players e.g. on the Steam Workshop immediately began making their own mods for unique weapon/tool/clothing variants, or for new items. The only item in-game with an out-of-game person naming reference is "Stacy's Grape Soda", which is a reference to the YouTuber/Twitch Streamer Stacyplays (aka Stacy Hinojosa), who ran a "let's play" series during The Long Dark's alpha/beta (2014-2016), in which she mentioned how grape soda is her favorite type of drink. Previous versions of The Long Dark's story mode ("Wintermute") had unique items named after in-universe characters, e.g. Jeremiah's Knife. During the "redux" of Wintermute (~2018) these items were removed from Wintermute when the "Trust" system was removed, but are still present in the game's files. Currently the only items named after characters are certain starting clothes in Wintermute worn by Will or Astrid (e.g. "Astrid's Jacket") when starting an Episode. Similarly in Sandbox Survival, there are certain items found as rewards for progressing through the "Tales". These are not directly named after in-universe characters, but rather their titles (e.g. "Security Chief's Rifle Holster"). Certain unique Recipe Cards in Survival Sandbox are also named after in-universe characters, with some being specific, and others more vague/abstract. Far as I'm aware the TFTFT Expansion's "unique item variants" (e.g. Barb's Rifle) are not named after any IRL person (or any clearly identifiable in-universre character either, for that matter). If they are a reference we know nothing about it currently. TLD has a 'lot' of locations named after IRL people (e.g. Eric's Falls, Katie's Secluded Corner). All of these I am aware of are after Hinterland developers though. Certain tier(s) of Kickstarter Backers have access to a personalized 'photograph of a loved one' viewable in-game. I'm not sure of the specifics of this though, but I don't believe these 'items' per-se are named after the specific kickstarter backers (e.g. "Kickstarter Bob's Photograph of Susan"), though I'm sure behind-the-scenes there is some name-pairing (or was) when that feature was developed by Hinterland for these backers so they could keep track of it internally. There has been speculation about the (literal) names on certain Tombstones in-game (Mountain Town and Thomson's Crossing cemeteries). But far as I'm aware none of these are clearly references to real people, Hinterland developers, Hinterland memorials, or jokes/references.
  8. Unfortunately yes, but only with "Drinks" or similar items (Soups/Stews/etc) that use the re-heating mechanic. So e.g. this is a risk if you are moving around (e.g. decorating) with items indoors near a possible fire source. I don't believe canned food can heat up (even if it is placed/dropped very close to a fire) without it first being opened (smashed or can opener opened) by the player, but drinks, soups, and stews all can: so exercise caution with those. Foods which are initially cooked "hot" but cannot be re-heated are not at risk of this. Campfires also cannot actually 'burn' items/objects/creatures in any way (just injure player if you stand on a lit campfire, and just consume fuel if you insert it ). Also keep in mind that the cooking timers are preserved, even if e.g. a campfire goes out. This is most obvious if you're boiling snow into water, or cooking a fish and leave the fish on the cooking spot. But be careful since e.g. leaving and re-lighting the fire later (e.g. with that half-cooked piece of Venison on the cooking spot) can result in a shortened time to cook, which can lead to you over-estimating and burning it if you aren't aware.
  9. No, but honestly I wish they would actually. Snares are largely disregarded by most of the community, so I don't think it would be a bad change if they could also capture Ptarmies.
  10. I believe the Cougar wailing in distress is that it is 'trying' to do that: that you have been detected by it, and that it is warning you to stay away (outside of it's Territory).
  11. Veskaida


    Yeah, "Jeremiah" isn't that strange a name for a male character in Canada (in a fairly realistic and modern 202X Earth); it is uncommon, but not bizarrely so. The characters though are very different from one another, so I think it is more likely a coincidence (or just representative of Christian influence on modern naming conventions). It would be fun though to some day hear about some of the influences or inspirations behind The Long Dark, be it it's character names, setting, etc. Far as I'm aware most of the publicly available inspiration for TLD1 is from Raphael's accounts of Vancouver Island, though I don't know if the names of characters per se has any relevance to that. Overall I think most of TLD1's character names (even in Notes/Tombstones, etc) are within the realm of plausibility, with "Methuselah" being a big outlier. Methuselah strikes me more clearly as a possible reference, given how rarely people are named it IRL (and have been for hundreds of years). "Jace" is probably the next most anomalous name, at least for a female, but it could be a nickname or shorthand for Jacelyn, Jacey or Jacinda. To mention 'bibles' again (in the functional sense), one of my biggest hopes for The Long Dark 1 is that some day, perhaps after TLD1 has completed Wintermute and ceased active development, is that if TLD1 has a 'design bible' that it could be released publicly in one form or another.
  12. Ash Canyon also has the 'best' Fishing Hole in the game (shortest time for it's Bite Rates), at the region's only Ice Fishing Shack. Though I'd argue while this is technically true, it isn't practically given how remote the Ice Fishing Shack is from shelter (requiring a vertical Rope Climb, or Goating to reach Homesteader's) I disagree with splitting up Ash Canyon's loot items. Yes, Ash Canyon is a relatively remote region, but it's only (guaranteed) unique item is the Technical Backpack. 'Technically' Crampons in AC are guaranteed, but they can also spawn at TWM's Summit, and the similar Improvised Crampons can be crafted at any workbench. Similarly there are several other locations for Woodworking Tools, though I would agree: generally speaking AC's Woodworking Tools are probably the most accessible. Looking at nearby similar regions: Blackrock has Noisemakers (and their blueprint) and the Ballistic Vest (and a guaranteed Bedroll spawn) Timberwolf Mountain has 'most' of the Spelunker's Lantern spawn points, as well as it's Cargo Containers (as more generic, but rich POI). I don't think HRV needs additional loot items, and if it were: I'd argue strongly that they should be naturalistic and not man-made loot. Personally I am not a fan of HRV getting two bunkers added to it post-TFTFT, since previously it was the only major region int the game with no artificial structures, so I think the addition of those (and more artificial loot like you're suggesting) pollutes that original design.
  13. Veskaida


    No. There really are no similarities between TLD1 and The Bible's Jeremiah aside from their names. "Jeremiah" is an uncommon male Canadian name (~0.0061% or 1 in 16,393 circa 2022), but it isn't rare either, and there are really no other substantive similarities between the two characters other than their name, sex and being in an disaster story (not literally "Apocalyptic" in Biblical Jeremiah's case). A much better comparison would be between Biblical "Jeremiah" and The Long Dark's "Methuselah": Pros Appearance: Both are middle-aged (to elderly) men and have disheveled appearances (Biblical Jeremiah wore a sackcloth, TLD's Methuselah wears hobo-ish clothing and seems to live a hobo-like lifestyle, which is a reasonable adaption given the change in time-period and climate). Narrative: Both are present in apocalyptic stories. More-so for TLD's Methuselah given how Hinterland describes TLD's setting as a "quiet apocalypse". Biblical Jeremiah's story is not technically 'apocalyptic' (in the Biblical sense), but in the broader rhetorical sense (common usage) it certainly fits: with Jeremiah's life starting in a position of wealth, success and happiness, to devolving into just about as bad as it could possibly could become. Prophetic Language Biblical Jeremiah was literally a prophet from YHWH (God). TLD's Methuselah acts/speaks 'prophetic' with his knowledge about the setting's apocalypse, but does not outright predict what will happen before it does (literal "prophecy"). Given Will is an aircraft pilot (presumably fairly well educated) it is reasonable to assume common knowledge in-setting is that normal people know less about this geo-magnetic apocalypse than Jeremiah. Cons Theming Generally speaking I think Hinterland's goal with TLD1 is to make a post-apocalyptic survival game, not as a literal 'bible game' or even 'religious game', or to make overtly Christian (or jewish) references. TLD1 does have a number of churches in it's world, Notes/Side Missions about them, the "Father Thomas" character in Wintermute (who is a christian pastor), and has some religious dialogue between Father Thomas and Astrid. It also seems to depict bibles as one of the possible model(s) for some books in-game. However overall I would not consider TLD1 to be a 'religious' in it's narrative, gameplay, or setting: e.g. trying to tell an overtly religious story, or recreate biblical metaphors in a new setting. Names: TLD's Methuselah and The Bible's Jeremiah share many similarities, but TLD's Jeremiah shares almost no similarities to Biblical Jeremiah or Methuselah or really any Biblical character. Religious Language Biblical Jeremiah is very knowledgeable about YHWH (God) being the source of his suffering, and is outspoken in his criticisms about his situation, and overt about the source of his problems is coming from (YHWH's punishment). TLD's Methuselah does not speak this way at all, or even mention God, religion, or outright religious terminology (e.g. like Father Thomas does), though he does talk about quasi-religious terms like "reckoning" or "this has all happened before". Prophecy TLD's Methuselah speaks prophetically in a general sense, but not with specificity or clarity about anything. He also is not a literal prophet, or claims to be: i.e. making clear and overt predictions and descriptions about future events: what will happen, and also having his predictions come true (literal "prophecy" from a "true prophet"). Accuracy and Honesty: It is possible TLD's Methuselah is simply lying/bluffing/manipulative, or is insane/schizophrenic, or otherwise untrustworthy/uncredible. However there are no indications of this (Wintermute 1-4), so it seems more likely TLD's Methuselah actually 'does' know something about the setting's apocalypse, but for some reason doesn't divulge it all to Will. Race/Creed/Origin: We do not know TLD-J's race, ethnicity, or country of origin (if he isn't Canadian, which he likely is given his knowledge about Great Bear Island), so e.g. he is likely not literally a jew from Israel.
  14. Far as I can tell from testing Survival Knife is really just a Hunting Knife with (improvised knife) weight and a different graphic. Currently it does 'not' have a 'bonus harvest frozen caracasses', despite it's tooltip. Unsure if this is a bug, implemented feature, or just flavor text. Cougar Knife 'is' the fastest tool (for non-frozen meat), and is ~10-15% faster than all other knives; so CCKnife is about as much better than a normal Hunting Knife, as a normal Hunting Knife is over Improvised. Knowing this I'd recommend crafting a CCKnife asap (obviously after your initial Improvised Knife on Interloper/Misery), and trying to save whetsones for it if possible (since that then makes those whetstones 10-15% more efficient, since 'harvest time' affects tool durability consumed).
  15. Yeah that works: Blizzard Damage only affects worn clothing, so if it's in a container, in your inventory (or even on the ground lol) it won't take blizzard damage. It primarily affects outer layer clothing too, so you could also 'rotate' your layers to more evenly wear their durability.