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Everything posted by xanna

  1. xanna


    There are definitely places more practical than Camp Office - anywhere with a six-burner stove for a start, as @conanjaguar points out. It's an easy spot for rabbits and fishing, but hunting in Mystery Lake is dreadful unless you get a critical hit first shot because tracking bleeding prey is a nightmare on that terrain. I can't defend my choice for those reasons, but it just feels like home. The weather is the easiest of anywhere IMO, I feel comfortable with where the predators are. I feel safe, I think that's it. Nowhere else has me feeling safe the way Camp Office does.
  2. xanna


    It's a sensible choice given how central it is on the map too (for Lower Great Bear anyway). Mystery Lake can feel like a long trek home sometimes, I admit. PV is like 'if you lived here you'd be home by now'.
  3. Oh sure, you're not going to use up all your cans, but for the sake of accurate info. Just travelling to Blackrock is sufficient for the blueprint. Is there something special about spawning there? I didn't know that. Some game modes don't need luck to choose where to spawn, of course. I've not done Signal Void so don't know how that relates to Noisemakers. Intriguing! As well as making it from ingredients, gunpowder spawns as an item itself, and is recoverable from ammo, too (again for the sake of accurate info).
  4. xanna


    I never thought to sleep on the porch there, what a good idea
  5. @mfuegemann Thank you very much ♥️ This is much clearer. The fog is confusing because the whole challenge looks like it's in green fog. But I assume that that's not the scary fog? Is the fog a specific area (like the poison clouds in Blackrock Mine)? Or does it cover the whole region like weather (like the glimmer fog in TFTFT)? Does the fog affect indoors like mines, caves, buildings? I assume the Darkwalker can get me inside buildings, too? On my try, it wasn't even clear to me that the green fires were already placed on the map or whether I was supposed to set them myself somehow! (Though I figured that out since, from hanging around in TLD community spaces.)
  6. xanna


    You picture is exactly right for me, it's Camp Office. Every time I plan a trip to a new region or whatever, I always feel a pull to get back to Camp Office afterwards to 'regroup', even if I have no real reason to be back in Mystery Lake.
  7. I'll start! Can someone explain to me what Darkwalker is? Not the lore or whatever, just what the mechanics of the challenge are. The instructions on the challenge are really frustratingly sparse and don't help me understand: When I loaded it up there was a clock counting down for 15 minutes and I totally misunderstood what that meant and felt stupid. Without spoilers, can someone give me the basics?
  8. I consider myself an experienced player of TLD and I feel pretty skilled with even the tiniest details of the game, but there's still some embarrassingly basic things I just don't get. I started this topic as a safe no-shame place to post embarrassing TLD questions. Please keep replies supportive, to the point and never assume stupidity or lack of experience in others. We can all have blind spots!
  9. I hope this is an oversight and they will add it soon 🤞
  10. I appreciate your answer @ajb1978, but I would suggest that the most bestest place for these sort of questions is Support -> Technical Discussions. Just for future ref.
  11. Well, there's one use for them
  12. That's been true since before the v2 update in Dec 2022. I used to save them to do in the dark to productively pass time if I woke up before the light.
  13. Kudos! Looks great. I have huge respect for anyone that makes things, very impressive. And a well-made trailer, too. All the best games come down to one thing: HOW LONG CAN YOU SURVIVE? 😁
  14. It's already classed as muskeg, which is similar to marsh or swamp in that it's waterladen and stagnant. "Muskeg forms because permafrost, clay or bedrock prevents water drainage. The water from rain and snow collects, forming permanently waterlogged vegetation and stagnant pools." "Although, at first glance, muskeg resembles a plain covered with short grasses, a closer look reveals a bizarre and almost unearthly landscape. Small stands of stunted (often-dead) trees, which vaguely resemble natural “bonsai”, grow where land protrudes above the water table, with small pools of water (stained dark red) scattered about. Its grassland appearance invites the unwary to tread on it; however, even the most solid muskeg is spongy and waterlogged. Traveling through muskeg is a strange and dangerous experience, for the unaccustomed. Muskeg can grow atop bodies of water, especially small ponds and streams. Because of the water beneath, the muskeg surface sometimes moves and ripples underfoot. Thinner patches can collapse under significant weight, and cause larger animals to fall-through and become trapped underneath, drowning if an escape route is not found." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muskeg Frankly, I think I prefer the thin ice.
  15. Yeah, it's a first look sneak peek, so of course it's just one iittle scene. From a single scene we can get some ideas about: art style, setting, engine, even some story hints and gameplay hints. It's not nothing, and it's not everything, why would it be. We have had no idea until now what Hinterland's next game was going to be, not any idea of genre or setting or anything. It could've been a Candy Crush clone for all we knew. Now we've seen this little scene we know an awful lot more, and because we're fans, that's interesting and a bit exciting.
  16. Maybe she's born wih it, maybe it's mapeline...
  17. Excellent gif-ing, 10/10
  18. The incongruity screams "This is not just background, this is a part of the game" doesn't it? Gamer senses tingling
  19. The microwave is suspiciously incongruous. An odd place for it, and an odd object at all in that setting.