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Everything posted by TiffTastic

  1. Got another one. Eaten by wolves because i was carrying 51kg of crap to establish a base so I could avoid being eaten by wolves…sadly this has happened at least twice. Never said I was good at this game, just hardheaded.
  2. Well I can assure you that at least twice, its hankering for tiffburgers overcame its reluctance to maul me on the asphalt😁 Heres another TLD special. Seeing peaceful wildlife, and running up to the deer or rabbit and chasing it to the last known location of a wolf, just to shoot the wolf once it pounces on the hapless animal, so I can have a wolf combo meal. Bonus if I wash it down with a nice cold Stacy’s or two.
  3. After reading the forums last night I realized that im not the only one who has played this game for half a decade or more. I love that this is a thing still!
  4. Been playing this game for 7 years. Nothing else comes close. I hope it does not end.
  5. Yeah the new maps seem to have a jumbo super value pack of wolves in each. Gonna start somewhere nice and safe, like pleasant valley, for my next run😁
  6. Sleeping on a power line when the aurora starts has to be my dumbest. Walking off a cliff or dying in a blizzard cause I am carrying too much crap to get to safety, then getting lost is another.
  7. Yeah it was. It was a dramatically cool one earlier, only a couple weeks, but I had gotten injured falling while goating off a cliff. I had held the wolves at bay until I had gotten to the power plant, and rested until i had a quarter or so of health back. I had two more flares and thought no problem…. I had not played the black rock map before. I never thought there would be a bear on the main road. I had been using cars as temp shelters to disrupt the wolves’ attack algorithms. Would have made it if it wasnt for the darn bear.
  8. I would love a series of short stories about the people in tld, the ones who died.
  9. I usually blunder into the bear. Been playing this game for like 7 years and the big b#$&*@ still get me by surprise. I will usually shoot it. Then get mauled. Then rage shoot it. Maybe i get 2 shots off, maybe just one. Maybe I get mauled again. Then, well, hardheaded bayou girl I am, I shoot it again, this time with extra profanity. This will go on until one of us runs out of blood. Then I spend the next 9 days healing and repairing the bear damage, and eating it. If I get the opportunity to shoot the bear from ambush, I get up on a tree usually or a rock or a doorway and shoot it until it stops being a bear and starts being Tiff chow. Never said I was smarter than your average bear. But I may be harder headed😁
  10. Eating questionable old dog food and peaches and washing them down with refreshing toilet water that magically stayed unfrozen on the floor for 17 days, then stumbling to bed after stashing a car battery in the fridge and wrapping spanish moss around a wolf bite. Holding off 4 wolves for half a map with a road flare with 25% health, only to get mauled by a darn bear that I backed into somehow (blackrock map). Miraculously Surviving that, and stumbling back into one of the wolves. Naming the corpses.
  11. Well, had to fire up my favorite returning game, and obviously come back here. Its been a year or two, been playing TLD for several years now, 5+ or so. Maybe 7. Not sure. But wanted to say hey, doubt theres anyone still here from the last time I came, but ya never know until you try….
  12. Saying hi from Shreveport Louisiana, I was a regular here about 14-15 months ago and longer but I got distracted by all kinds of Tifftastic adventures. But once again I am catching long dark fever and for the second time, Im back after an at least one year hiatus😁 🦋Tiff🦋
  13. Louisiana here. Probably the only bayou girl that plays TLD. Yes, I live on an actual bayou.
  14. A few tips from someone who gets eaten by bears frequently....it happens cause I got a bad habit of rage shooting them as they walk away from the first mauling. But I usually live. Cause clothes. I make the animal skin clothes as soon as possible. Especially the coat. The resistance it gives you gives me many more chances. I play custom stalker games which have everything set to interloper except the loot, cause to me it’s not realistic for all the knives and guns to have vanished. I fire the revolver early if I hear the bark, revolver ammo is much more plentiful and unless I feel like fighting it’s better to just scare wolves off anyways. if you have bad clothes or it’s really cold (I’m on day 210 of a game with maximum cold and bad weather) carry cedar firewood and coal, 2 logs and 4-8 pieces of cold. This gives you two hot fires, which is helpful if a blizzard springs up and you get stuck outside. You need two cause if you have to scramble your sheltering place might suck, and you need to be prepared for the wind shift that ALWAYS occurs in blizzards to blow your first fire out. Coal burns MUCH hotter than wood, and it’s light. Never sleep indoors in an industrial setting til you’ve seen an aurora there cause power lines can kill you in your sleep. If you find a bunker, always check the air vents. I’ve found ammo, MRE’s, flare gun ammo, and firestrikers in them. If you hear the bear roar but don’t see it, try to run to shelter. If it mauls you, pick up your rifle and.....do not do what Tiffany does and rage shoot it. Stop the bleeding and run the opposite way. Don’t forget to disinfect the wound later as soon as you are safe. sleeping or passing time during bad weather in one hour increments seems to generate a random number roll, which increases the likelihood of the blizzard ending if you’re outside. This doesn’t always work, but you won’t freeze to death as often cause your fire goes out. The lightest food with the highest calorie amount is the salty crackers, good for traveling. Hope this helps! Tiff🦋
  15. I hate heights. I find it genuinely uneasy to cross those bridges.
  16. Yeah I’ve done that, and hated it. But I think my worst was going to sleep on day 266 of a run in BR in the warehouse and waking up dead from electrocution, cause I slept on a power line when the aurora came.
  17. Yeah, just left AC after a 30 day climb and blizzard fest. Guess I oughta loot twm now that I got the backpack, moose satch, and like 400 cattails. Gotta say I’ll be sick of ropes for quite some time after this. And wow some of those AC ropes were long!
  18. I love the fact that you can’t take it back in this game. I’ve cried after losing long sandboxes. I lost a 159 day one last month where I had literally just Billy goated down from the twm summit, finally, with my two expedition parkas, +30C clothes, when I got to the bottom, Mr. wolf the jerktacular was waiting, mauled me. Used my last bandage, and while I was applying it, heard Tiffs Bane the maul-tastic bear bellow and yep, before I’d even had a day with my parkas I got double mauled and eaten by a bear. And you know what? I think that was kinda awesome. This game makes you pay for cutting corners and rushing. Decisions have consequences. I’d never change that. I’ve been addicted to it for over three years now. Although no matter how hard I try, I just can’t resist rage shooting the bears in the butt while they’re walking away after mauling me. Cause screw that bear. Tiff🦋
  19. I don’t consider myself a serious player, although I’ve been playing since 2017 I think...I don’t do interloper. Cause I like having guns and such in the game. I do set the weather to “worst possible in all respects” and animal respawn rate to longest. I use a stalker base. I want savage predators and relentless brutal cold, but I want to be able to shoot the predators. The only easier adjustment I make is I disable parasites. I don’t like killing animals and not eating them. Ok that said.... I have had epically long stays in BR. I like using the office cause it’s an outdoor base with superb storage and a workbench inside the warehouse. I’ve spent 200 days there before. It’s the only map i haven’t been mauled by a bear on, and I almost always kill a moose there. Bring a bow and it’s easy. 3 out of 10 I generally have very long stays on TWM as well. I kinda specialize in outdoor bases in brutal conditions. My prior sandbox I lived in echo ravine for 16 days. I will say I die by predators more on this map than any others (thanks bears!). But I eat a lot of em to...I’d give it 5 out of 10. FM is harder than most to have long term survival on. Nasty predators and the weather sucks. There’s colder places but the disorientation potential is crazy high. That being said, I’ve recently had a 42 day stretch there. I give it 8 out of 10. BI is the hardest for me. Like 10/10. Everything there eats or freezes you. AC is the second hardest, 9/10 HRV has lots of stuff. Once you get oriented in it, 4/10. The rest i think the OP is spot on. Tiff🦋
  20. Yeah, I thought I was going crazy...I was staying at miners folly, used the bench the day prior, went to sleep, woke up, went out and it had moved😁
  21. Yeah. It woke up when I walked right next to it! I thought it’d come out of the wall! That bear got to maul me twice.
  22. Well, been in the canyon about 20 days in interloper grade weather and cold and it’s a challenge. Food isn’t tho, cause of wolves and bears. Somehow I have survived more wolf maulings(6) and bear maulings (2) in this time I think than ever before. If you want wolves, go to that little crawl space canyon off shattered grove. I found five at the far end of that. Bring your own coal to cook em, cause there isn’t really anything that burns there. Start a fire and shoot em one at a time as they charge, the fire will let you aim without shaking. I found another pack if 3 timberwolves up some smallish canyon that led to a cave that wanders up to the rope bridges. That cave is warm btw. There’s some sky bear around miners folly, it lives in a tunnel above that, it mauled me when I walked into it during a blizzard. And then again when I rage shot it in the butt with an arrow. I don’t have any clothes left really, but I got enough bear chow to last a month. I am currently holed up in miners folly, that nice foreman house on the hill, waiting for wolves, bears, and deer to cure so I can make new clothes. Then, gold mine time.