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Everything posted by TiffTastic

  1. Carcass Harvesting: 2 Cooking: 1 Fishing: 2 Sewing: 2 Fire Starting: 3 Gunsmithing: 2 Rifle firearm: 3 Revolver firearm: 3 Archery: 1 If there were a medical stat I could excel there, being an ER doc.
  2. Improvised weapon: potato gun. Needs spray paint, can, cardboard tube, duct tape. Spray paint is the propellant/combustible. Can knock out rabbits with it, and occasionally scare wolves, kinda like with rocks. Ammo would be potatos…
  3. Steam locomotive that can go 200 meters before hitting the next broken track segment?
  4. When you think “its getting dark, time to look for shelter”…
  5. Guess I felt it too, cause I started playing again after 4 months away….
  6. As someone who frequently fights bears I actually love the quicker firing of Vaughn’s rifle as it means an additional shot before I become Tiffburgers for another bear
  7. “I wonder who owns this stuff”😁
  8. This. And its ironic currently that there are none on Timberwolf Mountain…
  9. Now those are the kinda beachcombing haul’s I’ve been getting
  10. Another good one is when you say “If i dont rest soon im gonna faint” while you are freezing to death in a blizzard…
  11. Did you think “Its getting dark soon, time to look for shelter”? 😁
  12. I would love something like this as I have always hated that Astrid would rather go die in a freaking blizzard rather than just stay in and read a book while at 14% health.
  13. Favorite item is for some reason arrows. I like the cool sound effects it makes when you make the shafts.
  14. So I was driving today on the interstate and I saw 3 hawks circling something. Had to resist the immediate thought to go investigate it to see if it could be looted… Anyone else have any TLD hangovers?
  15. I guess I just have good moose luck there or something sorry!!
  16. Yeah gotta love a 40kg bonanza…good luck!
  17. As I pick up a dead bunny that the wolf i just killed was eating “I wonder who owns this stuff”
  18. Yup, bear chow yet again here….
  19. ((((Nervously looks at my stash))))….dammit theyre onto me!!
  20. It still does it for me, I started back playing right about the time of the QOL update this go around…
  21. Yeah I harvested the same scrub brush three times yesterday in FM