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Everything posted by turtle777

  1. Most likely yes, but why ? Once you know the mechanics of the gas in the mine, it’s easy to do / defeat. -t
  2. It’s tricky, and I have not used it yet in an encounter in the wild. I have used it only next to a building, while cooking / boiling water, being reliably able to scare them off. In the wild, I would use accelerant and keep it in hand just for this purpose. I would try pathing first, if that doesn’t work, use a flare, and if that doesn’t work (or out of flares), make a campfire that will have 100% success rate because of accelerant. I wouldn’t be that paranoid if I had any weapons, but I’m trying to survive 50 days on IL after having spawned in ZOC. So any wolf struggle would most likely lead to death. -t
  3. In my limited encounters, campfires seem to be successful at stoping them and making them growl. Then you can point a weapon, and they will flee. Also, you can shake them through “pathing” in rocky terrain. Torches don’t seem to work reliably. -t
  4. Further, I had a fire barrel at one of the depot buildings disappear on a recent save. I had boiled some water, left fuel on the floor in front of it, and one day later, the fuel was still there, but the barrel was gone. -t
  5. Those power lines would have to cross the railroad tracks between Carter, Ravine and Coastal Highway, and also be visible in Bleak Inlet in order to reach ZOC. Geographically, the current map layout doesn't support them to go to ZOC. -t
  6. I've seen two streamers (Zacnafein and Wonzandonly) have "not normal" encounters. Take a look at this, go to minute 28 - not encumbered, healthy, wolf comes from distance, ignores torch completely. Or here - wolf doesn't stop or growl, but goes straight for the maul (at the very end of stream): https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1997292599 This is not how wolves behave in any other region. -t
  7. Yes, that’s a thing. I had two or three appear after a thorough sweep of the buildings. -t
  8. So, anecdotally, it seems like they are not afraid of torches, but flares and campfire will keep them long enough at bay that they can be scared of by pointing a weapon. Haven't tried if starting a new campfire works, of if you get mauled in the process. -t
  9. Yeah, I was getting the same feeling. Gotta finish my current challenge first before I can proceed with it. -t
  10. Yes, found two pairs on plain Interloper. As a matter of facts, I found everything in duplicates (helmet, jacket, pants, boots), except the respirator. Now, If I only could find that darn Foreman's Key. -t
  11. 16 days in ZOC on Interloper, haven't found the darn Foreman's Key yet. Explored the whole mine, all mine buildings, and most of the region. But must have missed that freaking key. Aargh. Darn wolves are hard to deal with. It seems like torches are not guaranteed to work. I've been using blue flares, and so far, no issues with fending wolves off. But only have a few blue flares left, so gotta be really judicious. Trying to survive 50 days in new zone, having brought nothing in. Food is going to be a challenge. -t
  12. Everything you describe is according to physics. That's why the baclava is the way it is. To be any different would violate the way physics work. Hinterland is often trying to be realistic. Giving it a general windchill buff is realistic. Even though it wouldn't "work" if worn as an inner layer. -t
  13. Have explored most of the mine w/o a respirator, because I failed to check every nook and cranny, and started exploring without. It's almost perfectly fine. All areas (except one !) can be traversed by just running through it. I found only one side arm (dead end) where this doesn't seem to work, and luckily, I had the respirator by then. I only use it for emergencies - when the countdown is down to 5 seconds. I play Interloper, and entered the region with nothing (fresh start). I'm on day 15, and it's fine. The clothing you get in ZOC is totally OP for Interloper. I plan to live for 50 days just in ZOC. The only real issues I have achieving this are: - no bedroll (makes sleeping off cabin fever harder) - no bow/knife/hatchet - I might run out of food, because I can't hunt and harvest animals (they removed ability to harvest with bare hands) -t
  14. Why is this a question ? The answer is: PHYSICS Even an item worn on the inside layer will have some positive windchill effect (because: physics) if worn on its own. NOT giving a buff would be an odd choice. -t
  15. Yeah, saw that. Kinda makes sense, since these seem to be made out of rubber, and its not a material available for crafting / repairing. Then again, remember how the crampons were not repairable in the beginning, and it was added later. Let's see. -t
  16. With the new nearby bunker next to Spence's, the location has become much better. Main advantage over BR - plenty of coal nearby in cave to BI. -t
  17. I have never heard of that, and the experience in the game was never as such. E.g. moose in Milton could exist, and as soon as you climb down into the basin, there could be another moose. If that's the same, its would have to outrun and outclimb you. -t
  18. Yes, there is. Repetition makes you careless. The challenge is to not make a big mistake. The longer you go, the higher the chance of a bad mistake. Not making it is a big challenge. -t
  19. Does anyone know of any streamer that has done science on the different lures ? -t
  20. Fished about 18 hours, in 3-4 hour increments. Caught 5 fish in total. Definitely nerfed compared to the past. On IL past 50 days, you basically have to keep a fire going all the time. It's almost not worth it. -t
  21. That's right. That's why it's so important too hustle in the first 30 days, to get good clothes, cure hides and guts, and get a good collection of clothes. If you are not fully equipped at day 50, you can barely move any distance outside. -t
  22. In my recent IL runs, I would barely catch any fish w/o using tip ups. I can fish for 12 hours, even using lures, and not catch ANYTHING. It didn''t use to be like that - even on Fishing 1, I would catch fish every two hours with just a hook. What's going on ? -t