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Everything posted by peteloud

  1. My main reason for catching rabbits is for the pelt for making and repairing the rabbit hats and mitts. (I mostly play long Stalker games.) The meat is usually superfluous and usually makes an unsightly mess. After a while I get sick of the meat lying around so spend a few hours cooking the rabbit meat just to tidy up the area.
  2. The cave is close to Trapper's. Come away from Trapper's towards the rabbit area and go left. Stay on the high ground and in the rock face on your right, with a felled tree in front of it is the cave.
  3. That is exactly the same function as fire. The only difference would be using up lamp oil instead of wood which is everywhere and plentiful.
  4. My bedroll was rolled up and at the back of the cave. I remember a similar occurrence about a year ago, also in HRV. I have only had bedrolls completely ruined in wolf/bear attacks, when carrying them, in HRV and FM, and only had rolled up bedrolls, lying a cave, suddenly self-destroyed in HRV. Is this significant? It changes the game greatly. Now I have to have a stock of bedrolls spread around HRV before spending time there. As I'm in a 750+ day game almost all of the standard bedrolls have been ruined, so killing bears and curing bearskins is almost becoming a full-time occupation. I think I'll give up with the game until the next update comes out and hope that the bug is removed in that. When I realised that in games over 500 days that bedrolls found in caves etc will be ruined and useless I started making a point of finding these bedrolls and repairing them and moving them to a convenient safe place for use later in the game. Unfortunately this was a game I started ages ago and didn't do this in this game.
  5. I have just encpountered a new bedroll in HRV. Because of the pre-mentioned problem of my bedroll being completely destroyed in a bear or wolf attack I have stored a couple of spares bedrolls in caves. This morning, (game morning), I left the cave down in the Hushed River canyon, leaving a spare bedroll in the cave and carrying another bedroll with me. I climbed up the rope out of the canyon and immediately saw a bear a resonable way off, coming my way. I dropped my bedroll about 30 feet from the top of the rope, and returned to the rope planning to loose an arrow at the bear and have the rope as a quick escape route. My thought being that if the bear attacks me I will not be carrying the bedroll so it will not be destroyed. It went according to my plan. When the bear got to the point where he stands up I fired an arrow at him then immediately descended the rope. I didn't kill the bear as I could hear him at the top grunting as I slowly descended. When I was back down in the canyon I returned to the cave to find that my bedroll which was in 100% condition the previous day, was ruined. How come thet bedroll in the cave suddenly became ruined?
  6. One way to minimise cabin fever is to step outside the cabin for ordinary tasks. Whenever you repair anything, do it outside, cook outside. If you are just killing time, hang around outside on the side of the cabin that is shaltered from the wind. If you have slept and are fully rested with still a few hours of night to go, and it is a quiet night, then get up, go outside and boil some water or cook some meat.
  7. That must have been a heluva challenge finding all of them without any form of cheat sheet/map. Congratulations. I think it might have been better if you had not given the locations to Gecko, although it must still be a major task to check them all off even using a map showing where they all are.
  8. I wish that the colour of the tag on the cairn changed once you discovered it. I suspect that I often pass cairns, especially in caves, that I assume I have previous checked, that I might not have checked. When players try to check-off all the cairns do they use a table of cairns and their position? No, I don't want a table of the cairns and their position, it is that stumbling across all of them, without a cheat sheet, seems a very difficult task. Even in a game of over 1250 days in which I think that I have completely mapped everywhere, I have only checked-off 98/165 cairns.
  9. When I first had a normal bedroll ruined in wolf/bear attack I tried using a bearskin bedroll thinking that they would be tougher and might take less damage. I was wrong, one attack and it was completely ruined and useless.
  10. Now that you mentioned that it happened to you in FM I remembered a couple of occasions when it happned to me there too. Slowly it is coming back to me. So my wondering whether this was a little trick specific to near that cave in the top left corner of HRV was wrong. I further confirmed this after leaving the other cave up that way, to the right of the top-left cave. I departed from the cave and was attacked by two wolves withing minutes. These were surprise attacks when I had no time to shoot he wolves. Apart from having bad injuries I also had my bearskin bedroll ruined. I survived and have the spare in ther top-left cave so my situation is not as bad as in previous games.
  11. I decided to return to the area surrounding the cave in the top left corner of HRV to see if I had another bedroll ruined by a bear or wolf. On my last visit I left a bearskin bedroll in the cave so that If I am attacked in that area and have the bedroll that I'm carrying ruined, there is another one waiting for me in the cave. By now, after 700+ days in a Stalker game I think that all the standard bedrolls are ruined. This is a hassle as in areas like this I sometimes need to carry around two bearskin bedrolls so that I can leave a bedroll in a cave for emergencies. This is why I recently posted a message in the Wish thread suggesting that we can make a simple bed from a couple of deer or wolf skins, or similar. When I returned to that area in HRV I stayed in the cave that is to the right of the cave where I've had problems. Near that cave a wolf came after me but I shot and killed it before it attacked me. So I learned nothing. I left the bedroll that I was carrying in that cave and wandered over to the top-left cave, but didn't see or get attacked by bear. In the end I decided that I didn't want to risk losing another bearskin bedroll and have a great hassle replacking it. So back to my query, has anyone else had a berdoll that they were carrying completely ruined in a wolf or bear attack? If so where did it happen?
  12. I would like to see frequent updates to correct minor issues, things like floating branches, stones etc. Surely these do not need to wait until a major update is ready.
  13. I have had my bedroll completely ruined in a bear or wolf attack about half a dozen times. To suddenly find that you have no bedroll can be a major problem. It recently happened to me again, when in HRV. Then I remembered a couple of other such attacks in the same place, near the cave in the top left corner of the HRV map. That left me wondering are the attcks in which the bedroll is completely ruined only in this area, or do they occur in all regions?
  14. Sixty five years ago, when I was a kid, my family, patents, sister, aunts, uncles and cousins would go out blackberry picking in autumn. It was great afternoon and well remembered. I now do the same with my 8 & 10 years old granddaughters. Then we make Blackberry and Apple Pies, and fill the freezer with blackberries. I think it sad that nowadays kids only ever have shop products. My B&A pies are 3mm patry on the bottom, 25mm of fruit and 4mm of pastry on the top. Shop fruit pies are 5mm pastry on the bottom, then 15mm of filling with is 10% fruit, then 8mm pastry on the top.
  15. I wish that I could make a bed in a cave. A few times I have lost my bedroll, usually due to a wolf or bear attack ruinbing it completely, but sometimes I might have simply forgotten to pick it up after using it. When I have been at the far extremes in HRV on a Stalker game this is a big problem. I wish we could make a simple bed in a cave. Perhaps the bed could be made from a couple of wolf or deer skins, perhaps some cloth and cured gut could be needed. It mustn't be too easy. It would encorage me to leave the materials in the cave to be used later.
  16. The first few times I saw a bear up at the radio tower it stayed outside the fence. I was able to shoot it from inside the fence. So I assumed that the bear could not enter the fenced area. I was wrong, and paid a high price for being wrong.
  17. On the picture of bottle Ribena above it says Ribena is made from Blackcurrant, not blackberries.
  18. If some people want Feats to be easily achievable can they just not use a mod to give themself the Feat?
  19. I get the impression that some players wish to attain the Feats awards when playing an easy customised version of the game. If they wish to play easy-peasy games fair enough, but they should not expect to get the same award as someone who has battled through cold, starvation and wolves to get that award. Next they will be wanteing to use a mod where they can give themself the awards without having the inconvenience of playing the game.
  20. I manage to play the game very satisfactorily on a redundant office computer, Xeon 3.20 GHz, 16GB RAM, with R7 360 graphics and a 1920 x 1080 display. There's no need to spend a fortune on the latest, fancy, expensive equipment.
  21. I would prefer to see Feat Progression in straight Voyager and Stalker modes only. Completing those feats in Pilgrim or simplified custom games is too east and doesn't deserve the Feat award.
  22. In one game I made a point of going to HRV as soon as I had the basic essentials in order to get that moose backpack. It was a big help.
  23. One thing that I dislike about HRV is that in Stalker games that are over 500 days the bedrolls that I find are ruined and unusable, and that I am almost certain to be attacked by a wolf or bear and have the bedroll that I am carrying destroyed. I find it important to place spare bedrolls in caves in various oparts of the region.
  24. I have found that the game, in BI, can vary a great deal. I have had many trips to the cannery. My games have been, one at Voyager, one at straight Stalker and two, perhaps three, at customised Stalker in which I have tried to reduce the wolves by one notch, also reduced the loot by one notch. These are long games usually over 1,000 days, which means that some resources are depleted or ruined. In BI Timberwolves are usually a problem. Where possible, if need be, try and creep past them and avoid conflict. There are routes where the timberwolves are less of a problem. Finding and using those routes will save many problems, but not all. Marine Flares are usually a better way of getting out of the t-wolf situation than shooting your way out, but that is for situations where there is a nearby safe place to which you can rush. I thought that I had sussed out areas where I could easily kill deer and a bear without wolf problems, but on my latest run I did not see one living deer or a living rabbit in BI. I saw the bear, as soon as I arrived, even put an arrow into it, then it ran off, then I could not find the carcass and didn't see another bear, even after many days. Not seeing any deer meant that finding food was my problem. My games were particularly difficult as I started them a year or two ago when recovering cartridge cases was not possible. It seems that I used up most cartridges and lost the cases before they became collectable. Therefore I have had very few cases to refill. Depending upon the level you are playing at, taking a load of heavy lead might not be a good idea. For me, it was more important to take weapons to be fixed as whetstones had run out. If you are playing at Pilgrim or simple customised or modded games then your objectives are so different to mine you might chose different strategies.
  25. That seems very good for Stalker. Was it a straight Stalker game or custom version or did you use any mods?