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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Perhaps I wasn't clear in my question - I wasn't actually asking where the people went, but more, evidence of their presence (such as the cache). If I recall, in the earlier episodes, it seemed they had played a larger role than in the latter.
  2. While I may not agree with their philosophy, I do miss their presence! It seems they were quite represented in the earlier episodes, but no so much in the latter? I would expect them to be heavily involved in the opposition to the Blackrock mine!
  3. You seem to have lots of very strange game behavior, @Leeanda. Have you tried repairing/uninstalling/reinstalling the game?
  4. I recall that railcar being a safe spot before a patch. At that point, I've seen predators get in the car by the adjoining fallen tree (the same way we get in), but not through a wall. Bet you soiled your deerskin pants, eh?!
  5. That's right, I forgot about the spray painting in BI (I knew someone would catch me on that if I were wrong! ;)) I also assumed the message referred to wolves. Then again, it could be a message about a future expansion HL has planned for us - alien invasion!
  6. Once you test this, let us know the results!
  7. Ideas as to what it means? Who are "They"? Who wrote this? Why is this the only message of it's kind in TLD?
  8. When you're at the gas pump, waiting for your tank to fill, with a bone-chilling wind, and you seek shelter behind the gas pump to reduce your "wind bars" from 2 to 1.
  9. Plenty of rabbits & deer on Pilgrim too?
  10. Hmm...wonder if HL tweaked a setting in the background?
  11. I always get a chuckle from this tip. But it IS important to be stylish when you're alone and trying to survive a brutal, hostile environment!
  12. I've kindda given up on tracking bears after I've shot them. I will usually go find a "safe" place to rest/pass time for 2-4 hours (preferably an "outdoor" area) and then, weather permitting, start looking for the crows.
  13. No, can you demonstrate that?
  14. Finally found a use for them!
  15. I crouched, crawled and begged and I couldn't reach the thing! I felt like some kind of experiment to see how long I'd try
  16. In the group of boats near DP Lighthouse. Anyone able to get it?
  17. Whole lotta nothing...unless you're into disembodied arms! TheLongDark 2022-01-07 16-15-27.mp4
  18. I didn't count, just knew I picked up a lot! I'll give it plenty of time to re-stock and next time I run through I'll try to remember to count, but I'm guessing the drop rate could be influenced by game settings...?
  19. Nope, just that once on a bear.