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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. I can see that happening. I've never been one to do the "pass time, sleep, pass..." rotation (even in late game). Figured if I'm that bored with the game, it's time to set it down for the night.
  2. Now that I have all my feats, I just play Custom and disable it every time. Too much overhead trying to manage it and detracts from my enjoyment.
  3. So we've discovered it is not "zone-based" but game-based. Your sound works in all other applications/games?
  4. Have you tried going back to a region that did have music?
  5. That must have felt great when you heard that dying groan!
  6. Like a "View Distance" slider setting?
  7. The reason I began this thread is because I was heading to TC from Unnamed Pond and as I crested the hill above TC, it was really dark and I saw the lights below. As others have noted, it was comforting and reassuring to see those lights. I knew it was dark inside, but I didn't really care. With regards to transition-less houses, another reason to have a transition could be to force a save. TC is heavily used in WM and Challenge(s).
  8. Interested to know your thoughts!
  9. hozz1235

    Salt & Jerky

    And when we run out of table salt, allow harvesting salt from ocean water!
  10. That's my guess. I haven't confirmed in-game yet.
  11. Hot, Strong & Fresh. Lovin' Keurig single-serving since I don't ever drink more than 1 cup. Occasionally, I will add some half n' half and hot chocolate to make a homemade "Mocha".
  12. Well, if you're skill level is 4...you get 4 cleaning pts there, 3 for level 3, 2 for level 2 = 9 pts. I'm guessing you get 1 pt for level 1 for a total of 10 pts at lvl 4. I think the Wiki could be clearer...
  13. As another poster had said about hunting from the porch - I'll make sure I have a "safe" spot or at least somewhere to retreat to if I decide to tackle a pack. Scope out their "pack tactics" looking for vulnerabilities, etc.
  14. @piddy3825This may explain best: https://thelongdark.fandom.com/wiki/Revolver_Firearm
  15. Do you know how many countries TLD has been bought in? (Not sure if Steam tracks those kinds of statistics). I've seen on the Steam page there are some "language translation" add-ons. I've never really looked into them but did you guys port TLD for any language besides English?
  16. Raph has stated there are 3 zones which have guaranteed revolvers but I think the locations within these zones can vary: PV, HRV, DP.
  17. Why is that drinking seems to compliment this game so well? Perhaps those few second timers other have mentioned. I've managed to cut my consumption by finding a way to "speed up" game play so I find myself using that more and more often which means less frequent sips.
  18. True, but they are quite expensive and when you have boards over your window