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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. In addition to what others I have said, EVERY time I sleep in a cave, I crouch before sleeping. I've actually slept in a vacant bear cave before, woke up in the morning (still crouched) with a snuggly companion quite close to me sleeping in his cave. I quietly drew my bow, nocked an arrow and got a clean head shot.
  2. Fallen trees used to be safe to shoot from, but changed with an update. I've found you can still use them though - I will crouch-walk onto one of the smaller branches off the main trunk of the fallen tree. This seems to be safe in my experience. The same goes for rocks. My modified rock-approach is find part of the rock that you have to drop down to (after you shoot), but is still not accessible if you attempt to walk normally to it. Hope that helps.
  3. Holstered until there is a need to fire (threat of being attacked or entering an area known to spawn wolves).
  4. I play custom exclusively now. With the ammo workbench, it makes it easier.
  5. I am the one that was able to repair them. I would have no reason to lie. I cannot provide proof of past repair but I will attempt to do it again (although it may take me some time to damage them enough) and post my results. <edit> At this point, I would have to venture a guess that it could have been a temporary oversight on HL's part to allow it. I do mod, but I don't think any of the mods I use have mentioned this "fix".
  6. Semantically, yes, but I think we all know what I meant 🤨
  7. You can't sneak with the bow until that coveted lvl5.
  8. I've had very good luck (and do this with all my runs) levelling it by simply making arrows. Not gonna max it this way, but I think you can get pretty close.
  9. There seem to be reports of some who cannot repair them...
  10. You can always make improvised ones at the forge (if you were really in a crunch and had to break it down).
  11. I don't have very good luck with this so choose not to do it. Sure, I could run out of arrows by not beach-combing, but choose to preserve them so I don't have to.
  12. I don't think I've ever hunted rabbit with the bow. Guess I'm worried about preserving those precious arrows.
  13. I seem to recall there are quite a few metal shelves in the bunker at the base of the rope-climb in PV.
  14. In a new run, I will hunt rabbits with the pistol so I can level it faster.
  15. I believe 2%. You can use a Hacksaw too if you really want to save your Hatchets.
  16. We've digressed a bit into the "use" of stones. I was more referring to my OCD to pick up stones even when I don't need them.
  17. Too funny...the game is too easy because I'm hitting escape and reloading when something doesn't turn out the way I want.
  18. You can also come in from the top but it's a much longer route.
  19. No, I prefer scrub brush or just collecting sticks.
  20. If you have the excess supplies, why not? Regarding condition of non-crafted clothes, the game gives you plenty of supplies to mend any time you need.