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Everything posted by Mroz4k

  1. Hello. First of all, let me thank you for sharing your opinion, which is clearly very dissapointed, in (moreless) very respectful manner. There are some inconsistencies in it, but overal, what you wrote makes sense, and it was not angry or emotionally colored in any other way. Thank you, because I feel like I can actually reply to your opinion, and we can have a very civil conversation about your feelings and worries about this game, and heck, maybe we will come to some kind of conclusion that will make things better I will start with a little sum up where I stand, so you know exactly who you are replying to. I have played TLD since 2014. Ive loved it ever since, it's my most favorite game of all time. I am a huge supporter of Hinterland as a studio, but realistic one, so if they made mistakes, I will not dispute that. I love this game solely because of its sandbox survival mode, which is the core nature of the game. However, this does not mean that I haven't played Story mode too, or that I haven't enjoyed it. because I did, very much so, and I am also looking forward to Episode 3, altough probably not as much as you are. First, I am surprised that you only came across an advertisement of the story mode. Unless you got to the game at around the time that Story mode was coming out. Because as I recently seen the Creative director write somewhere here on forums, they focus their ads and steam sales for game at around the time when the updates are coming out, and they follow on advertising that update, not really to get new people to join, but to get players like you to return to the game and enjoy the update. Because it seems your story is not uncommon one around here. Still, this game is sandbox survival, first. The game was "finished" technically even before the first story mode episodes came out, simply because the Sandbox got to a point where it did not have to remain in beta. Not saying Story mode is not important... but the core feature always was the survival sandbox. And as such, the devs cannot focus only on story mode, they need to alternate the updates between these two parts of the game, even if they have two teams working separatedly on both sandbox and story mode, most of the work is probably done by teams that switch in between what is important at the moment. (at least that is just my guess). When you bought the game, did it have two first episodes already? Then yes, the estimates you were given for when Episode 3 will come out were not true, but this is not really something Hinterland is responsible for. If they never decided to make the "Redux" update that just came out, there would be Episode 3 right now. But, it would mean the first two episodes would be the same as the old ones - unfinished in a sense that most conversations were not even voiced, the story line would be more stretched, and filled with kind of pointless survival tutorial quests that just kind of stretched the gameplay further. For these issues, the game received a lot of unfair, hard and very reputation-corrupting critique, in the form of reviews. To fall back and rally, the decision was made to rework these first two episodes based on the feedback of the players, to make them more fun, more action packed and less about grinding and fetch quests. I know you want to play Episode 3, but in your comment, you never said if you played the Episode 1 & 2 since the Redux. Did you? Because I played them now both, and I gotta say, the first two episodes are now much more fun, and I can see how a lot of work went into them, despite it being somewhat similar to the first version of these episodes. I can tell that if they decided to leave them in like they were, there would be Episode 3 by now. But, everyone woul stil play these first two episodes, and by then, they would have already made their own picture of the game based on that experience, which would not be fair to the game. The redux was neccesary to save this game from eventually dying as a result of bad review of these 2 episodes. Most new players may not even reach the episode 3 that way... As unfortunate as the need for Redux was, it also means that Hinterland will have to focus on sandbox again, to give us survivalists something to look forward to, as well. So, next two updates will be sandbox. Additionally, because of how disappointing it is when they cant reach the dates, they wont give us date announcements anymore, either. A lot of unfortunate stuff happened with Hinterland. They were always struggling with resources and time management. Then, a mistake happened and they lost a lot of progress, which made things even more frustrating... at least this is the experience we have with Hinterland in the past. But they seem to be doing all they can. A lot of their progress was in the past hindered simply because they didn't have their own equipment, and had to rent it out of studio - which means the progress of the game development was determined by the schedule of the studio. They are also perfectionists, a bit. They add content slowly, but what they add has some high quality to it. But, this attitude means content comes out slowly, and gamers are not exactly known for patience I understand your frustration that Episode 3 is not out yet - and you have every right for it. It was promised to you but was not delivered yet - nobody can fault you for being unhappy. That said, I dont think its very fair to say you were kinda defrauded - noone can predict the future. And if they focused on Episode 3 instead of fixing what was wrong in 1 & 2 first, I think it would eventually cause this game´s slow death, as it would be slowly bleeding out due to these negative reviews. It is basically a choice between two impossible options. Do we betray our fans, and delay the Episode 3 while we work on re-writing first two episodes, or do we ignore these bad reviews and complaits of our fans, suggesting the first two episodes were incomplete and dull and... etc. You cant please everyone, sadly. I don't mind the delay. I love sandbox anyway, and I know the secret how to always enjoy it, whether new content comes out or not. I can wait for episode 3. And, with what work went into these first two episodes now, I can understand why the Episode 3 got delayed again. As a student of economy, I fully understand their business decision behind it as well. I think what they did was the correct choice, given the impossible scenario. Even if the story mode was what was advertised to you, have you given the sandbox a go? Did you like it at all, or were you really just interested in the Story for the storyline in it, and the actions in it, and not at all about the survivalistic nature of the game? As long as you keep the thread civil, you don't have to be afraid that the Hinterland would delete it. If you can discuss the topic with others in mutual respect to opinions of each others, and this doesn't turn into an argument, they won't censor you, no worries. If you share why you are upset and give out these reasons, they Hinterland can learn from them, therefore they have no reason to lock it. Anyone can only work on fixing their own mistakes after they were made aware that they have them. Your honest, if negative review is a way for them to on forward.
  2. Forlorn Muskeg has became quite a hostile place since last time I visited. Cool. Cant wait to come back, battle hardened with the survival knowledge of old...

    The high blind also had yet another archery book - have 3 of those and already level 3... it would appear I will soon have the level 5, without even crafting more then one bow, 4 arrows and barely shooting 14 critters so far... cannot beat this knowledge.

    Though I would be more glad for more gun books and books on sewing.

  3. Succesfully I reached the den, as the fog began to lift, I finally dared to look over my shoulder, to learn if I was about to die. The bear was nowhere to be seen. My distraction must have worked, then.

    I progressed over the tree trunks, nervously looking over at the den. No bear. Muskeg bears, it must be something that makes them just so... evil. What if that spawn of hell decides to cut me off?

    In the end, I could not handle the idea the the bear will be waiting for me at the Spences - so as I passed by the broken radio tower, Ive diverted into the cave to spend the rest of the night there.

    In the morning, on my way to spence I was jumped by a wolf. No bait, so I missed my arrow on approach. Still, took one strong swing with the hatchet and the wolf ran off. As I reached Spence, the wolf accompanied me, and died right by the entrance. So I took its steaks, they will be a welcomed snack for when I return here to forge more arrowheads one day.

    After a short pause at Spence and a quick nap, off I go by the barrel shack. Destination high blind. Stopped by the peanut butter rock - and was rewarded by peanut butter. The high blind had a very used bow, and an arrow - a welcomed change. The cave earlier had a skill book, and so did the spence... which puts my overal amount of survival knowledge very high... I will have to take it easy in the Camp office again for a while, read up on all of it. Not to mention the extra books, waiting for me in Milton park office.

    All in all, life is good!

    1. Mroz4k


      Spoke too soon. As Ive stopped by the Trappers camp, with nothing of worth then a couple of bullets, Ive made my way home, to Camp office... when a high windstorm broke out. No worries... as Ive expended the rest of my energy on a quick, short run. I will be home before long...

      There IT was.

      A bear. Another bear. Another spawn of hell muskeg bear. Straight in my path. Going straight toward me.

      The old drill. Immidiatedly I diverted into a path of a wolf-pack - them I would deal with rather then that spawn of hell... and dropped my new fresh baits. The distraction once again worked, and I was able to avoid that beast with a wide circle. The wolves left me alone - I think we all in secret agreed on a truce, none of us were in particular rush to get the attention of that hellish spawn.

      Now, I am limping towards the Mystery lake, and sun slowly sets... 


  4. Oh god... my delay has caused me to traverse the Muskeg during early night... and a heavy fog ensued.

    To be on the safe side, I decided to approach Spence´s from the middle of the map, to avoid the bear den that I would have to walk past...

    Im walking beside the tracks when I hear ravens... and a growl. It found me... this deep, dark siloulette of a bear I can barely make out, heading straight for me.

    Im only armed with a bow, no elavated places around me. Fear. Ive instantly dropped both of my last pieces of meat, hopefully that will distract it... and I headed straight back, towards the den I initially avoided.

    It seems to have worked because right now, I am still alive... but I can still vaguely hear the raven´s behind me... 

    Deep fog everywhere. Dark. A bear, stalking me. Cant fire a distress or I will lose my achievement progress. Heavily overencumbered and tired, no way I could drop enough things till the bear caught up to me...

    My only hope is reaching its den first, and walking over the overhang, hopefully losing its trail, or at worst, reaching the tree trunks I know are there, where I know I will be safe.

    bear stalking me.jpg

  5. It was a bit of a detour during my Voyager run, but I had to make a fire anyway and de-freeze some clothes I found in the outside containers... so I felt inclined to make a visit to one of the eeriest places in TLD in my opinion, and pay my respects once again to the unfortunate survivor who died ages ago on the Great Bear, and of whom now only a couple of yellowed out bones remain.


  6. :D
    Thank you for the follow. Looking forward to chatting with ya, if you are ever up for it :) Dont be affraid to shoot me a message on my Forum index page, or even send in a private message, about anything.

  7. With all the experience I have with this game, I could never make it one tenth as far as you, Mr. Drifter man . Very nice read, as always, and kind of sad to see such a promising run end so suddenly, but such is the nature of the game. It giveth now, then it taketh the moment right after. And from my experience, when things are looking up is when there is the highest chance for things to turn to horribly wrong right after. But, if it makes you feel any better... since Redux I had a similar situation like you with this bear, only on a much easier difficulty... I shot it with a bow, it charged me, I dropped off and reset its pathfinding, it ran off into a distance... only to come back 15 in-game minutes later, without the care in a world that it had my arrow sticking out of its neck... and decided to maul me real good. For some reason, if it runs off far enough, the bleeding seems to stop. So, chances are your initial plan would have failed anyway. Just thought I'd drop this as a warning here. Now, I only hunt bears from the safety of high elevation places that cannot be reached (or with a distress pistol, the orange bear killer is still the best tool for the job )
  8. Forgot there is no rope here. Did not anticipate that... but no matter. I can simply change my plans, go visit and probably spend the night in Hunting lodge first, or maybe, if all goes well, come from Lodge with the rope in time to make it down the ravine anyway.

  9. Well continues my Voyager journey. I have stuff to do today so I wont be playing for much longer, I think, but still wanted to play for a while, got really into it lately.

    Made my way from Grey mothers to Park office where I dropped most of the good items from my Hushed river valley run. I can recover it later when I interrupt my travels to rest up for a while at Mystery lake. Then, I make my way through the blizzard to the farm below Milton.

    Its locked. Dammit. Cant find the key. Ok, decision time - made a fire next to the truck and spent uncomfortable night, sleeping in said truck. Found the dead farmer in the morning - dead behind the farm, with the key in his pocket. Never even occurred to me to look for him there.

    Found new small gun book. Roped down to the basin. Moose there - good to know. Spend most of the day looting up the basin area, then climbed down to marshes.

    After a night spent in the cave there, Im moving over straight for the Broken Railroad. Lots of meat in my pockets - bear steaks from the bridge troll, and some deer meat I found on a carcass in Marsh ridge (never seen 2.4 kg of meat on a ravaged deer before).

    Currently I am in Broken Railroad, its evening, and Im about to rest up by the rope so I can rope down and spend the night in the ravine. Hopefully something bad wont spoil my plans.

  10. When it comes to canned food, if it was prepared properly (properly sterilized) and then sealed properly within vacuum, and if the seal was not broken, it doesnt matter how rusty the can gets... as long as the seal holds, there will be no microbiotic reactions within the can, as microbes require oxygen for their chemical process of spoiling the food. Thus, the contents of that kind of can should, in ideal circumstances, remain edible forever. That is why you can eat the food from the cans even decades old. The yogurt... ugh. Gotta say you are definitely courageous. Yogurt comprises of bacteria, it cant really be sterilized with conservants... as you would kill the microflora it contains. That said, even if it was sealed, the chemical processes would still be on-going. And I never heard of canned yogurt... they are usually sealed in plastic and aluminium-type foil, and not always are they sealed with vacuum... all in all, yogurts expire. Id say you got lucky, if the flora inside contained some mold, you could have easily poisoned yourself (but you would probably figure it out beforehand as it would smell awful it if had mold). I dont really like eating canned food in the first place, In fact I barely ever eat it as here in Europe, it is not much cheaper to a fresh food, it usually tastes bad in general, and finally its filled with carcinogenic conservants to preserve its long shelf life. Just does not seem worth it. Though in the future, I guess I might make a prepper´s cache of canned supplies for at least half a year´s worth in case of some SHTF scenario. I have eaten some canned hot dogs that were past the expiration date by several years. They did not taste very well, and they did not smell that great either, but I lived, and did not get sick.
  11. Killed the bridge troll. Was a big one, too, even though in the end was only worth 35 kg of meat.

    Knew that I would had to deal with him first before I could cross the bridge. So, after leaving Hushed, Ive gathered some stones on my way toward the bridge. It was time to hunt a bear...

    I have decided it would be best to set up an ambush. Ive climbed the stones by the entrance of the bridge, and waited for the bear to show up. And sure enough, slowly he trudges over the bridge to exact his toll on me...

    Used the stones to lure it into a position - and as I was right above him, Ive uncrouched, drew my bow, thump... right in the noggin. 

    Then I sat down for a 2 hour card game, waiting for a head wound to do its job...

    Im my meditation, I crapped my freshly washed snow pants once again because I heard him run right by me two times, as I assumed I was safe, high up on the rocks... but no mauling took place.

    After snacking on two wolf steaks, Ive decided to go search for my new rug.

    On the bridge, one of the cars blessed me with the advanced guns book.

    Then I saw it from the bridge. Damn.

    Getting to it was not that difficult, and I was gonna loot the bottom of the lake anyway, but after processing it, of course the Aurora had to happen.

    Right now, Im roasting my bear steaks over a fire, waiting for this hellish time to pass so I can continue on in peace :D 





  12. It is the eve of the 32nd day of my Voyager experience... and I am finally ready to leave the Hushed River Valley. The bear encounter rattled me a little bit... because I know that the next part will have me, walking over the Highway bridge above Milton... which is from my experience a death trap... with that long, narrow bridge, and the bear always patrolling it.

    If I want the Silent hunter achievement, I cannot shoot it with a distress pistol. Which means sneaking close to a car, shooting it then ducking into a seat. Ugh.

    Decided to take a little breather, listed through the journal. Day 2... a grim reminder of how fragile life can be, even on Voyager... as I´ve fell down to 3% condition due to my own arrogance.



  13. No problem, happy to help. If you happen to have any more questions, you can message me via a private message any time - and I will reply, usually quite fast, lately Ive been spending a lot of time on the forums Good luck in your Sandbox adventures - after getting the training from the story modes, Im sure you wont have much trouble, taking it on! Just watch out for bears & Moose, they can be quite dangerous! Just about 30 minutes ago I climbed a wall of rose hip bushes in the Hushed Valley River, and there was a bear, some 5 meters in front of me... I backed and fell down the hole again, just in time as he was charging me... I love this game as well, every day in it is an adventure. And if you ever feel like you are getting tired of it, try to read through the forums a bit, too - might be that there is a tip or a trick you did not know about that will help you enjoy it once again. (in fact, my tip would be - dont try to hoard everything. Always gather up just enough of what you need - hunt up food only for a few days, then go picking wood, etc - if you collect too much of everything, you will get bored and have nothing to do... but if you always collect just enough things, then you will always have something to do! And dont forget to enjoy the game... it is not always about surviving... nobody forbids you from just going for a walk, find some beautiful vista and just watch & marvel at how beautiful the sunset is. Good luck!
  14. Climbed a small rock incline, only to be greeted by a bear, staring me down some 5 meters away from where I just climbed up. He reared up, I crapped my Snow pants, he charged me and I just enough in time managed to back away and fall down the rocks before he could give me a bear hug.

    Damn, that was close.

    But I do need to wash my snow pants now. :D 

    I will take this as a sign that I have overstayed my welcome here in the Hushed River Valley :D 

  15. Not a really good idea, as both of those places have awesome stuff in em, or lead to places with awesome stuff. I dont know whats so bad about it - you get inside, pop a campfire down, light up a torch and torch-link till you run into a wolf. put down another campfire to scare it, or take out the bow and put it down.
  16. @kristaok The inside light of a campfire actually illuminates it as if the insides of that plane were still on fire, a fire that was slowly dying out. As if the picture was taken some short time after the plane crashed, during the First Flare event, much like Will´s plane A picture of a sight if someone actually survived that plane crash by some miracle or something. I might fire up a game of TLD some day, climb the summit and wait for an Aurora, drop a couple of campfires around and inside the plane - to add flames, light and smoke effects make it look like it's still partly on fire
  17. @RossBondReturns Aww. Way to spoil that surprise... Its the reason why I said "not all caves are safe" instead of which ones are not
  18. Hi. Next time, for more answers you would probably fair better if you either made a post in the section dubbed Wintermute (since this is a question about the Story mode of the game), or try the Milton Mailbag, which is a section of forums where you can ask a question and hopefully get the answer from the Creative director himself. But since this is a simple enough question I can happily answer you myself Sorry to dissapoint you, but what you described is the end of the Chapter 2 of the Story mode, and Chapter 3 is not yet out. And by the looks of it, it wont be out for a while yet - because the next two updates for the game will focus on the Sandbox Survival. And these updates usually take around 3 months. So the Story mode Chapter 3 is probably still pretty far into the future. However, as you are familiar with the Story mode, I also want to inform you that in the next chapter of the story, the episode 3, you will no longer play as Will Mackenzie, but as Astrid, the female doctor protagonist that Will is looking for. The Episode 3 should also take place in the region called Pleasant Valley for the most part. Astrid will also not use the rifle like Will, but a bow. The Episode 3 was supposed to be out by now, but due to bad reviews of the first two Episodes, Hinterland made a recent update Redux, where they reworked the first two episodes of the game to be more interesting and more action packed, without the need to go through the lenghty, plain tasks like it was in the past. Actually, depending on when you played the Story mode, you might wanna re-play the first two episodes again. If you played them in the past, and remember hunting a bear with a rifle, then you played the old version of the story mode... and in that case, you should definitedly play the first two episodes again. If you used a "different" weapon to fight the Bear in episode two, that was the new version of the Story. Hope this answer was detailed enough. Sorry to dissapoint that there is no Episode 3 yet. But be patient, it will come. Till then, Id very much reccomend playing sandbox survival... it is, in my opinion, far more rewarding experience, and I can say that after playing the game for 5 years, now.
  19. Yes! On my Voyager run for achievements, Ive visited the Hushed River valley, about 50% done with the major locations and I have already found both of the biggest treasures of this region :D 

    Now I just wanna see if I can maybe find that special carcass Ive heard about before... now THAT would be an awesome win.

    Also found 3 caches so far, one had a skill book in it, then another skill book (sewing primer, yey!) in a backpack in a cave.

    Now just a couple of nice good locations left, I might spend two, three more days before moving on back to the Mountain Town to finish some major locations there, might even try to kill the Bridge troll (errr, I mean bear) for its hide.

  20. Damn, had to go buy a new mouse, my old one´s stopped registering all the clicks, got jumped by a wolf because my bow wouldn't draw. Sad to see this old one go - had it for literally 4 years of daily use. Doubt I will ever have a reliable mouse like that again.

  21. I have done a very bad thing earlier today. Ive done something awful, like in the past. I deserve a punishment. If I am no longer active, that is what happened - it would mean I have gotten myself banned once again, for my big, unwashed mouth.

    But I have faith everything will go well.

    1. Mroz4k


      That would have never been my style, but there was never a reason to worry, I think. As much as I deserve to be punished, I am even more motivated to make these forums even better, friendlier place for everyone.

    2. Mroz4k


      I propose we shan't lay low, instead, take it all on, and make these forums better then they were yesterday. :) 

  22. I have seen people had this issue before. I see no point why you should. The only reason I can see in having this problem is your character, being too tired. Since you basically dont have any gear beside your clothes as far as I remember... But, there are Emergency stims everywhere in there. And THAT is how you can beat the bear. Pop a stim, not to heal up but to max out your fatigue temporarily. Grab the spear, let yourself get charged 3 times, and you are done. The "bear spear" use is basically nothing different than a Wolf struggle. And in Wolf struggles, the chief attribute that decides if you can or cannot fill up the meter is your character´s fatigue. After that its a matter of clicking the button quicky & periodically. If your Stim-fatigue runs out, pop another stim. I know there are at least two in the final cave on medium difficulty. I have only died 2 times before I figured this out. By the end during the final encounter my Will was already somewhat exhausted, so I did pop the stim for Fatigue, and then it was fairly easy from there.
  23. Doing fairly well on my Voyager Achievement run. Day 24 just started, already got most of the game essentials down. Got two bows and 8 arrows, Cooking, fire starting and archery already on lvl 3, plus several books-left-to-read on how to process carcasses and on shooting, of course. No point in reading those till Ive looted whole world, anyway. So far been on TWM, part of PV, most of Mystery Lake locations and now Im deliberating whether to go Mountain Town & Hushed river valley or Forlorn Muskeg and Broken Railroad. I like HRV better plus wanna get that satchel up there, so probably going there first.

    progress 1.jpg

  24. Well, whether they like it or not, they will have a face full of it sooner or later One does not learn how to ski without falling many, many times. And apologies for a reply after so long, that comment trully winded me.
  25. Gonna be probably quiet for next couple of days. Visiting family in a neighbour country, not sure how much access to the internet I shall have.


    1. Mroz4k


      Actually, in the end I didnt go, the family did but without me. Not feeling very well, feeling sick, too sick to handle the 6 hour long car ride over there. Will visit em during the summer after exams.