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Everything posted by stratvox

  1. That's because they generally aren't... until they see you as a threat. Then they can become very aggressive. And they can move surprisingly fast when they decide to.
  2. Clearly none of you are Canadian. You don't want to mess with the beavers; they can and will kill you if they decide they don't like you.
  3. Innu survived by eating the organ meat, the offal. It contains many of the trace nutrients humans require to survive (and which mark us as an omnivorous species and as predators). Also, wrt scurvy; rosehips are a very strong source of vitamin c. When it comes to the overall nutrition question, I've assumed that the game elides over the fact that our survivors are eating things like heart, liver, kidneys, etc from the animals they hunt.
  4. BI has amazing moose spawn, and in and around the Frozen Delta is definitely the place of choice.
  5. I played the pre-redux 1&2, and have played the new episode one and a bit of episode two, and then put it aside; I'm waiting until the whole thing is available and then I'm going to hammer my way through the whole thing over a week or so, I think. Sort of like when you wait for the writer to finish the entire trilogy before you take up the first book.
  6. I've found that bears like to go home to die; I've often found them in or just outside their caves the day after putting an arrow into them.
  7. I've found that happens when you are just at the upper or lower edge of the part of the rope where you can climb off onto a ledge, and generally either moving up or down slightly makes it steady. YMMV of course.
  8. Personally I think it was because they discovered that managing that style of UI on a console controller was very difficult, which is why they moved to the wheel and tabbed interface styles of UI.
  9. You'll want more arrows. Seriously. The point made earlier about losing all your arrows is definitely a real thing that can happen; if you get all your arrows into it and it doesn't drop then those arrows are just gone and you'll need to get more. If you're in PV at Pensive Pond you should do the mine -> Winding River -> Mystery Lake -> Forlorn Muskeg trek to go to the forge at Old Spence's with a bunch of scrap metal and make twenty arrow heads; you don't have to make arrows out of all of them right away but you will suffer attrition of them over time. I have hunted many moose with the bow and have pumped over a dozen into one before it dropped. I've also one shot moose before. Point is that if you are unlucky then you could find yourself in a bad bad spot.
  10. I think that's kinda the point... you've got to run the gauntlet to get to the sweet sweet loot at the Maintenance Yard and Hunter's.
  11. Yep. Not commenting on its practical utility, just noting that going from HD to 4K made them much easier to follow.
  12. Just as an aside, I found that playing at 4K made the blood trails MUCH easier to follow. Like, massive massive difference in their utility.
  13. I am not experiencing this in my games. If you're on steam, maybe try to verify game files? The blood trails do fade over time, but overall I've done lots of tracking via blood trail, even in the last few days....
  14. If they can make it to that tree and run up it they'll be good.
  15. Got another one for you folks: "Rocky shore and sky" 1915
  16. Well, I remember back when goating started to become a thing a few years back, and Raph came in and said to us (paraphrasing), "just so you know, if you get stuck somewhere climbing around and starve to death, that's a you problem, not a Hinterland problem". My response to that is "of course, it's not like death traps don't exist in the real world anyway." I know where you are; you're way up high on that cliff at the end of Mystery Lake near the bear den. It's hard to call that a place you can 'just stumble into'. Getting up there is not trivially easy to do. I mean, it's good to report it so it can get fixed for sure; I love goating, so it's better if it's fixed, but if I punch it while goating along a rock face that was clearly only ever intended to look good, maybe just maybe it's a teensy bit my fault, at least enough so that I can't really call a terrain mistake that causes dying by falling up there "terrifying". Also, I'm willing to bet that particular bug has existed there since they made ML some eight years ago or so, and you're the first one to find it... not exactly somewhere that's commonly traversed by players Maybe I belabour the point. It's actually pretty cool that you got up there; I might have to go regoat that area it's been a long time since I last did any rock climbing there and I'm pretty sure I'm a lot better at it now than I was the last time I was doing that in ML. Finding out where you can get to (which is a LOT more places than you'd think) is actually a lot of fun by itself in this world. Raph, if you can work goating and maybe even some kind of reasonable rock climbing mechanic into TLD 2: The TLDening it'd be awesome. And by reasonable I mean not what's in Tomb Raider, even though it's not bad for what it is. I even have some ideas about how you could handle the UI for that sort of thing (without jumping! ) within the context of the trad TLD interface.
  17. This looks like a bug to me, not a killwall nor an invisible wall. It's like the game thinks the edge of that cliff is in a different place than it shows on the screen. Either both of the folks who made the vids should do debug screenies and send 'em in.
  18. The bearskin bedroll decays app. 8 times faster when left unrolled. The normal bedroll decays over twenty times faster when left unrolled. Pick 'em up and put 'em back down on the floor when you wake up if you don't want to carry them around with you. N.B. it says "per hour of sleep" for use decay but that rate applies when it's unrolled whether or not you're in it... plus the daily decay rate also gets piled on top. They decline very quickly when you leave them unrolled, so don't do it.
  19. This isn’t an aurora painting but a nice one nonetheless: Painted in 1916.