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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Nice shot, indeed. a mere two inches off center, but otherwise near perfect placement! why do i hear Dire Straights singing now 🎶... yo, yo that ain't working, that's they way you do it!" what can I bring to the BBQ?
  2. you could just said it was an acronym for that, but thanks anyway for explaining
  3. no offense, but what does ATDS stand for? not familiar with that acronym... I looked it up and these were some of the responses. Automated Telephone Dialing System? American Theater n' Drama Society? Automatic Tunnel Drive System? I'm pretty sure it's not what you were saying, right?
  4. outstanding, I am going to have to try that strategy sometime and see if I can get it to work. Currently I like to put a shaft into him from a safe space either up on a rocky ledge or from the distance and duck into a car or fishing shack. Most of the time as I track him, I'll be gathering sticks as I walk along in anticipation of the fire I'll be needing when it comes time to butcher his carcass. That damn bear can walk quite a distance sometimes while he is bleeding.
  5. Me too! I just launched a new game in Voyager and selected random region and spawned indoors in the maint. shed in BR. yeah, got a forge all right but no heavy hammer and no weapons. couple of flares in the unlocked lockers and a decent parka. Every time I try to exit I got 2 or more wolves out front or two wolves out back. I waited 3 days until a blizzard drew in and under cover of near white out conditions ran out the back and followed the lamp posts down to the lake and around to gate leading up to the lodge. Made it there with hypothermia but nothing with fangs or claws got in my way. Game changer when I found the pistol in the car and the rifle in the upstairs bedroom. Plenty of ammo. When the storm was over, only one wolf patrolling the lodge and I managed to put a bullet in him as he was busy killing a rabbit right outside the door. got a little 2fer! Dead guy near a dead deer yielded a decent bow and two arrows. anyways I think if you manage to get by the two in the back, turn right along the fence and skirt along the rock wall. If you see some deer, that's good to cause you can spook them into running out towards the lake where they will distract the wolves for you. Bear doesn't seem to patrol to far past the middle of the lake cause that's where the moose's territory kinda starts. There's that semi felled tree you can skamper up in case of any immediate danger. Good luck and good speed!
  6. For me, most of the time I just shoot him once and wait for him to bleed out as it usually doesn't take too long. Sometimes it does though. Those times where I've been impatient to wait and then skewer him with 2 or more arrows, I don't seem to get all the arrows back when he finally does drop. Curious, do you recover all 4 arrows when he do finally take him down?
  7. 🎶 Driving that train, high on cocaine Casey Jones is ready, watch your speed Trouble ahead, trouble behind And you know that notion just crossed my mind...🎶
  8. My nickname for this guy is Bob. Whenever I overnight there, I refer to it as "Bivouacking with Bob!"
  9. ManicManiac's sighting line is spot on for how you want to see your "sight" alignment when aiming. So just a little lower as you noted in your first picture. I've also found that distance is a huge variant when shooting the rifle. You'd think the rifle would have good distance, better than the bow for example, but not the case in this game. To borrow a cliche', ..."don't fire til you see the whites of their eyes..." Also best to shoot from a crouched position, it just seems to be more accurate that way. I've found that aiming down on something seems to work better that shooting uphill for example and it really helps to have your target be in the center of the screen. If I am hunting the bear or the moose for example, I like to flank them and climb up on a rock ledge or on a semi felled tree and shoot down at them from the crouched position in relative safety. I might take a few scrapes jumping down, but that's minor compared to being mauled or trampled. Good luck and good hunting!
  10. My favorite place to look for arrows when I first start a new game!
  11. oh no, I'm already afraid of the dark... invisible evil entities in the night?!? Spray painting glyphs as wards to keep evil at bay? Where is Stan Blazkowicz when you need him?
  12. That bear is one of two places, either just above the Quonset near the trailer between deer clearing, or back down in the vicinity of the bear den via the lakeside cabins on your way to DP. And when you get to DP, you'll probably find the moose on the bridge waiting for you!
  13. Spoken like a true archer and woodsman... you should make Legolas your avatar. I think it suits you! I agree, the bow is such a superior weapon of choice. Especially after you've reached level 5 in the archery skill! I so rarely use the firearms any more, that the ammo I find in my travels is typically more than enough to get me by.
  14. Oh no, you've just described the TLD Cinderella Battle of the Heavyweights! I'm so envious of you right now! I'm curious how it will all play out for you. There's some good suggestions for coping with the bitey menace outside so let us know more about how you fare. I think it will be a lot easier than you anticpate(d). I think if you cut those wolves during your wolf struggle, they are gonna bleed out and die if wait it out for a bit and if not the bear should drive the wolves away if he is nearby. If that's the case, you just need to dance with Yogi and Bullwinkle. How exciting for you!
  15. the summit provides and the summit taketh away...
  16. that last line made me laugh! There you are in the bullet making capital of the known world and you you're talking about killing wolves with arrows! the irony does not escape me...
  17. Me too! I absolutely love glamping out at the old lighthouse at DP. takes a little effort, but honestly one of the easiest places to navigate up and down the stairs at night in near pitch darkness. I recently launched a new game spawning in DP and I've only briefly left the area merely to acquire some two liter pots and a couple more birch and maple saplings due to the extreme scarcity of those items in the region. In the 200+ days that I've been there, I've been blessed to have no less than 4 moose spawn on the bridge, one about every 60 days or so! My meat lockers are full and so am I, that well fed benefit ain't going away anytime soon.
  18. especially out there, right? you can accidentally get disoriented and practically walk the entire length of ice shelf seeking a landmark without seeing anything in a whiteout
  19. feel your pain on this one... especially in Pleasant Valley where many a time I started harvesting an animal only to have fog or a blizzard roll in and be almost completely disoriented on which direction I should proceed when i finally am finished. to overcome that, I now always carry at least 3 extra sticks which I use to create a "directional pointer" indicating the proper direction I should be heading in case of inclement weather before I start harvesting. The one nice thing about the mechanics of this game is that fact you'll walk in a straight line no matter how hard the wind is blowing or how the terrain changes underfoot.
  20. try a little crafting in between slaying sessions... you already got the makings of a wolf coat just laying there ready for you to begin! or you could just carpet the farm house in wolf pelts, that way when your walking around the house you can take your boots off and your feet wont get too cold
  21. I that same thought in mind, so I decided to launch a new game with a "disposable" character as I only wanted to see what was down there and didn't want to jeopardize any of my long term survival characters on what I considered to be a suicide mission. With that in mind I set out launching a new game in CH and as I was waiting for the aurora to show up, I systematically looted the map for food, flares and various items I figured I'd need and deposited them all on the floor of the elevator in anticipation of going down there. Well, long story shorter, I didn't see an aurora for weeks of gameplay in that sandbox. By the time I did, my character was very well equipped and when the aurora finally manifested itself, it was a long mad dash from the Quonset Hut to the elevator in the mine shaft. I finally made it down there and the loot was fairly extensive. By the time I had gotten to the rear of the passage ways, I was so over encumbered that I was literally walking at a snails pace and my fatigue meter was in the red. It took every cup of coffee and energy drink I had in my possession to make it back to the elevator. By this time I realized I had invested way to much time and energy to just fade into the long dark and by the slimiest of margins was able to finally make it to the elevator and return to the surface just in the nick of time before the power ran out! The loot was totally worth it!
  22. I've found that lighting a torch or a lantern can have a profound impact on helping you find things that might have been overlooked otherwise. Seems the light helps to "highlight" some objects better whilst searching than just relying on your cursor to provide you with a prompt. I can't remember all the times that I've sparked a torch in a previously explored area only to find bullets, cans of food and soda under chairs, beds and benches. Not to rain on your parade, @PurpleWolf13, but I think finding a rifle under a bed is fairly common. The PV farmhouse bed in your screenshot is one of those spawn points, as are the beds on Jackrabbit Island and Misanthropes cabin on CH. The bunkbeds in Hibernia in DP too can yield a rifle on occasion. Finding them in cars is more of a surprise to me, as I've only found two rifles that way since I started playing this game way back when. lol
  23. lol, I just recently noticed that sometimes the sound(s) that I make walking are somewhat different from time to time depending on what I am carrying. Is that a thing or am I just imagining it? on a side note, I kinda dislike the equipment noise for a couple of different reasons. let me preface by saying that I grew up in a military family and hunting/fishing and camping were a big part of our "survival" training as a youngster. I was taught to pack my gear and lash items to my pack in order to make the minimum amount of noise in order to remain as stealthy as possible, especially if I was upwind of our prey during a hunt, as my scent alone was enough to give away my position, let alone the noise of a poorly arranged knapsack or backpack broadcasting that fact I was there to every living creature in the forest.
  24. yeah, i know what your saying, the other day I was walking out to my car and heard the shrill caw of some crows off in the distance and I immediately thought I need to go check that out, who knows what kinda bounty I might find...