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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. It takes considerable more aiming than would be expected. I decided to try my luck as well up on TWM is where i sought my prey and I wasn't disappointed. I arrived there with two other pistols, the one from the Ravine and the other from Bleak Inlet. Between those flare guns and the shells I've collected I had 17 rounds of flaregun ammo. when I did finally engage a moose, it took me 4 shorts before I actually finally hit him... once! Then I tracked his ass back and forth and fired 3 more rounds before the final strike put him down. It was however only two actual strikes need to put him down. I shot a total of 9 flares... When I finally hit the moose he bolted bobbing and weaving and glowing like a carnival ride the second and final flare strike buried itself deeply in the nasal cavity dropping him immediately and just smoldered until it ran out... Fun times, indeed!
  2. what's the one thing the Sitting Dead have in common in Ash Canyon? They all seem to have a pack of matches on them or nearby. nothing else of value, however. Found this guy between elevations after having exited a cave system. Had to mountain goat down a couple of cliff faces to get to this guy. Relieved him of his two books of matches. Nothing else to write home about. He might have been badly bruised if he had just jumped down to that ledge. I could see having sprained both ankles and maybe even both wrists in the process he may have elected to stay put for a while as there was no way to climb back up to the cave exit and the rope climb below would not have been an option either with wrist injuries. I suspect that may have been his undoing. sprains to all his extremities, no bandages and wasn't carrying his bedroll. He probably light a couple of matches in desperation trying to ward off the cold, one little flame at time but probably soon realized his predicament and eventually gave in to the cold and embraced the long dark.
  3. lol, if wishes were fishes then you'd never have to worry about lamp oil....
  4. Friggin Outstanding!!! 🎶 Bullwinkle with your nose so bright, you're glowing like an Aurora light! One more shot straight up your nose is all it takes and then your steaks! 🎶 Thank you sir for the inspiration! ...I wish I could like this more than once!
  5. HRV continues to yield more sitting corpses As I methodically made my way around HRV moving from one cave to another, I once again found a poor soul who apparently died of exposure due to a lack of matches or firestriker. His campfire is still ready for that single spark necessary to light the fire that would have brought warmth, light and continued sustenance to his now lifeless body. Looks like dinner was going to be a heated up tin of sardines and maybe a nice cup of warm water , as his back pack yielded a a dented tin can and nothing else. In searching his body, I recovered a single rifle round and piece of tinder. I ended staying there for the night, utilizing his fire, eating his sardines and taking his hatchet...
  6. Yeah, I was surprised the first time I stumbled upon that duo myself. Obviously was no clear winner in that little altercation but I'd like to know who threw the first punch, right? allrighty then, here's to finding more of those bastards who sit down to die!
  7. I love spinning a tale around my adventures in the sandbox too and would encourage you to create fan fiction content to your hearts content. As a matter of fact, Hinterland encourages the community to do just that because they created a thread dedicated to Fan inspired stories, art and poetry. You'll find it in the Survivors Lodge under Fan Creations! Art, Fiction, Music etc. I look forward to reading some of you musings when you get chance to post more content! Good luck
  8. I'm sure I know which corpses you are referring to... Looks like the gun fight vs. the knife fight in the ice cave, right? If those are the corpses you are referring to, yeah they aren't sitting... but there's plenty of sitting dead in this game. I'm heading over to Ash Canyon soon to see who is sitting dead over there.
  9. Many would make the argument that the rifle is better in most situations, but for the scenario that you describe, hands down the revolver is the better tool. consider the differences in carry weight. Rifle 4 kilos vs. Revolver 1.5 kilos consider rate of fire, rifle vs. revolver. Rifle fires very slowly and methodically requiring you to cycle the bolt to load each cartridge. Revolver fires quickly requiring substantially less time in putting rounds on target. consider aiming mechanic, rifle when aimed has built in sway mechanic and is harder to keep on target when wolf is charging vs. revolver which is easily and quickly aimed and seems to be affected much less by sway than the rifle. both weapons though seem to be more effective in a crouched position for purposes in aiming imho and lastly the revolver also makes a good melee weapon in case the wolf does get in too close and manages to attack you. You cant use the rifle as a bludgeon but you can use the revolver. go figure hope that helps, let me know what you think.
  10. Well, I may yet come across them. However if I dont and you have the opportunity to tell their story here, I would encourage you to snap their screenshot and tell their story here. (dont forget, only doing this for sitting corpses...)
  11. HRV claims another life... the light of my lantern illuminates yet another victim of the harsh brutal conditions that dominate the environs of Hushed River Valley. I find a treasure of items in close proximity to the body which shows no signs of foul play, injury or assault. I collect matches, gloves, candy and big bottle of Canada's finest maple syrup. As I look about, I see firewood and the odd lump of coal scattered about and a burned out firepit. Scavenging his backpack yields two rifle cartridges and a tin of sardines. Before retreating, I liberate the corpse of all its bounty but not before giving thanks to the spirits that rule this realm for sparing my life for another day...
  12. hmmm, some fairly obvious things come to mind, no bathtub no coffee tables no actual beds or cots no bench or couch no gun racks damn... what am I missing?
  13. Having recently returned to HRV to obtain a new moose satchel, I decided to stay for a while and see what else I might find. I found this poor guy alone, frozen stiffly into place with firewood and a can of lighter fluid nearby. Seems he was missing a match... I relieved him of his treasure and proceeded on my way. RIP stranger.
  14. Hey, I was curious too what he meant by that... according to the slang dictionary I just looked up, it is a British saying for something that is trash, junk, rubbish or bullshit... ... Why do British say pants? One of the answers here says that in parts of the UK 'pants' means not very good. The term comes from the children's rhyme “liar, liar, pants on fire” which was abridged to “pants” as a way to say you don't believe someone. So 'that's pants! ' is just another way of saying `bollocks!
  15. Outstanding! I think this pic should qualify for "best selfie!"
  16. no worries! hope you have fun doing a little decorating! check out my post in the general discussion forum called 250 Days in DP I decorated the shit outta the lighthouse...
  17. Karen: Those rabbits are for survivors!!! Wolf: Snarl, gnash and growl.... Karen: Manager!!! Managerrrrrrrrr!!!!
  18. Anything you can drop from your inventory you can also pickup and place using the item placement mechanic. Assuming you are on PC, RMB will select the item on the floor and LMB will place. When you right click and pick up an item, it will turn red. you can twist and turn it using the scroll wheel and when the item becomes green, just left click to set it in place. Not everything wants to cooperate... a little experimentation is sometimes necessary to achieve the results you desire. good luck!
  19. you can put them on a shelf, table or desk top and use them as decorations! or not...
  20. It's not so much stacking, honestly but more like "creative dropping" in most cases. And a lot of fast clicking as you can sometimes jiggle an item that your having difficulty placing and lmb click rapidly as your trying to place it and sometimes you get a lock. Like when I prop up a rifle against a bed or a chair. Most stuff doesn't stack at all, so I generally lay one item down and then begin to drop items from my inventory, one by one. I move a nudge to the left, drop an item and then take a step to the right. drop an item. Then I bring my knees in tight... But it's the pelvic thrust, that really drops things amazing... like that big pile of chips on the floor, that would be a mass drop of 30 bags or more. you know you can climb up on the beds up here, makes dropping stuff easier than in most places especially after you've laid out the stuff you wanna show off. for example, the bed with the rifles on it with the bow underneath. I laid the bow there using the placement system, then arranged all the toques before dropping the rifles on top. Same with putting all the boots down on the floor under the bed before I dropped the bear rug. you can see the boots clipping up thru the bear hide. doesn't bother me any... I really wish we could just hang stuff off of walls but the only way to do that is to use the "curing in place glitch" which is what I did to get the deer hide up on the fireplace mantel.
  21. how about just having a save feature for custom game launches? seems to me that the feats and achievements are already disabled so no conflict IMO regarding the purity and intent of the game as it was intended to be played. So if I feel like goofing off and sticking my finger in a bears butt to get him to maul me after I've been drinking a few beers on a Saturday night, no harm no foul, right @Holden?
  22. lol, I feel your pain! I don't know how many times I died on account I spilled my bong on my keyboard, or walked off a cliff autowalking whilst taking a big ole ripper of purple kush or spaceface. Sometimes when I've been drinking and I'm playing and Will is complaining about shit, I sometime make him run and jump off a cliff to shut his ass up... damn! I wish I hadn't done that.