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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. "You can do it!" my belly is still jiggling from the massive guffaw that burst outta me when I read your post spilling my fresh cup of coffee all over my keyboard. lol, the things retired people do to keep themselves amused. My dad always said that youth was wasted on the young. I'm starting to understand what he meant by that!
  2. Sounds like a well balanced set of parameters for making interesting game play if you don't me throwing my two cents in. Some of my best playing experiences in this game have been custom game settings just like you describe. When I set my passive wildlife parameters, I typically set detection at high so the animals notice me from further away and I set their spawning numbers on low. It makes hunting with the bow that much more challenging when everything runs away before you can get into range. On a side note, it sure takes a lot longer to get enough wolf pelts together to make a coat under those circumstances. I usually have a wolf coat in my first week playing on stalker, lol. 😜 As to the feats, it's too bad that Hinterland couldn't just provide a baseline experience for achieving feats. If I play a custom game that is basically at interloper difficulty level sans aggressive wildlife, I think that should qualify for feats and acheievements the same way a player does playing the standard pilgrim level difficulty. I think a good motto for custom games, is "why just survive when you can camp out and thrive!"
  3. lol, I see you've got a drunken roommate. So considerate of you to cover him with the hair of the dog(s) that bit him...
  4. @past caring looks like you've made some valid points regarding the long term viability of the Farm house as a good place to build and thrive. Have you perhaps considered a career in Real Estate? Seems you have a natural knack at pointing out the good features while downplaying the bad! Are you sure you're not a Realtor in real life? 😉
  5. hmmm, maybe for the entire map, but they were talking about the farmhouse. Nothing really nearby the farmhouse that could count as abundant resources. you have to walk a fair distance just to gather firewood which is dangerous in itself if you are playing voyager or stalker mode considering the constant wolf patrols. I guess you could duck into the barn for safety, but other than that it's a pretty good distance between safe spaces and the farmhouse.
  6. child or not, still no excuse for constant harrasment. maybe a complaint or two and the admin team will take notice. in the mean time, use the handy "ignore user" feature by clicking on their icon and you can at least block seeing their irrelevant commentary.
  7. Thank you! Been waiting for that for quite some time now! You got my upvote!
  8. Yeah, I've played all the Fallouts and put a serious amount of time into FO4. I had that game so heavily modded it was a wonder that it even launched! I think I used well over 200 slots out of the available 250. What I really miss most about that game is base building... Not sure I wanna shell out $40 considering how close we are to the new regions release date. When is that supposed to by the way?
  9. they are obviously not coming... however, a survivor only survives as long as they have hope in their heart, otherwise they fade into the long dark
  10. I just finished playing a redux of an old classic Half Life, redone and now dubbed Black Mesa. Sure there was some mindless killing involved, but it was pretty well balanced with a slew of logic puzzles and sleuthing of clues in order to move forward. Gotta say the graphics of Xen were so improved it almost made the game Outerworlds look second rate. other than that, been looking thru my list of 200 titles in my Steam library and haven't still haven't found anything worth while to occupy my time. so, is it worth getting this game considering how poorly it was received by the gaming community? Still plagued with problems? worth shelling out $40 usd? I'd pull the trigger if it was selling for $19.99
  11. 🎶 I learned to make sausage at the Peking Moon, I always used to stop there for lunch at noon. They told me their sausage was made with beef, chicken and little pork, but it was "meowing" on my fork, yeah, it was purring on my fork... 🎶
  12. you make a fair point in my opinion. elsewhere on the entire island we've been able to explore so far, the rivers have all frozen over at least on the surface. Water may continue to run underneath as evidenced by the all the continously streaming waterfalls but not in this case. The ending would have been rather tragic otherwise with our duo unable to surface anywhere due to a layer of ice blocking their escape!
  13. lol, I was just looking thru this old thread and had to chuckle... Here's my take on repurposing the cannery into a sausge making facility! you just stuff all your meat into the end of the grinder pipe and stuff it into the gut at the other end presto
  14. I posted that pic and no it's not photoshopped, nor is it on fire. That my good man, is the effect of some 10 or more lanterns all placed along the edge of the opening of the broken fuselage. next time your up at the mountaineers hut on a good clear day in game, go into the hut, close the door and then crouch down. you can see the wreck from the window in the door easily enough without additional illumination. What's that coughing sound I hear? That's @Gun Tech.eating crow...
  15. @Docent-ø-Placebo, thanks for reminding me to pay better attention to laboriously long cut scenes... I guess I was too impatient to get on with gaming part of the game. lol 😁
  16. @Gun Tech.'s a poet but he didn't know it, until he showed it... Now he writes with a flair, but not a flair that scares a bear! 😉
  17. ohhh, now I'm intrigued. Now I'd like to know the nature of his character. The 5 "W's" are raging to be answered! I certainly hope we get a satisfactory answer to this enigma of a character when the final story comes to conclusion.
  18. "too ambitious..." That is a very diplomatic way to put it! I too like the KISS method, Keep It Simple Simon. Have you checked out @Andrey Grebenkov post regarding his critique of episode 4? He remarked on the lack of appearance by Methusela who so predominately appeared in all the other episodes. I think Hinterland should have used his persona to tell more of the background story which could have tied some of the loose subplots together a little better in Episode 4. As a dispassionate observer, I think his character could have been instrumental in that regard.
  19. yeah, the survival part of the game is great, but the story part is a little weak and could use some fleshing out. I hope that we get some final answers to all the questions when the final episode is released.
  20. @peteloud, Far Cry may indeed have millions more sales and released new titles every couple of years, but that isn't the same as up keeping an existing title updated and supported. With TLD we haven't had to pay for any updates, bug fixes or what not, but if you gotta shell out upwards of $50 USD for a title or a new map, then I don't believe it qualifies for the award category. I'm with you on wanting better, the only Far Cry game in my collection is Far Cry 3 which I got in August of 2014. Guess what title was released on Steam in September 2014 and that I've been playing regularly ever since!
  21. actually I do believe he said stick beds do count. stick beds being the kind you find in caves? stick beds are the one's you find in caves, yes?
  22. lol, I like the idea but I think HRV would be impossible to stay 14 days. speaking of difficulty level and loot table variances, even if you scoured the island and saved every coffee can and coffee cup you could find along with every energy drink and stim pack you could find in Pilgrim mode I don't know if you would have enough to stay awake for 14 days straight. maybe, 9 or 10 days at best. maybe with a stretch of good luck 12? been a while since I explored HRV, but isn't there at least one makeshift bed in one of the caves in HRV?
  23. yeah, there outta be a "best of" category in my opinion. TLD could probably carry that distinction as well!