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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Right?? I was goating down TWM slightly encumbered when I sprained both wrists and both ankles within minutes of one another. Bandaged up and took pain pills because I had plenty on hand. What got me to thinking was I just took 8 pain pills practically all at one time, huh? Assuming those were prescripton pain pills, wouldn't that make me really drowsy and sleepy, if not actually be dangerously enough for a possible overdose? I guess these must not be oxycodone but probably just good ole 222's readily available as an OTC pain reliever in Canada. Either way I guess, too much of a good thing? Bringing me to wonder if Hinterland might just wanna make accidental overdose another way to die in TLD?
  2. exactly as you've stated. I am able to pickup and interact with all other mod items, food, tables etc. I do not get any crosshair or mouse pointer on the TP item.
  3. What have I missed??? apparently I have been missing quite a few things when I am out and about looting and scavenging my way across the GBI. Let me preface by saying I got a lot of hours under my belt playing TLD and just when I think I musta seen and a found it all, this happens. I dont know how many times I walked thru these two sections of crashed aircraft and then just today, I discover the overhid bins can be looted?!? How could I have missed this??? Incredulous! Now I am wondering what else is out there that I have missed? Is there anything you've discovered in your gameplay that may be another well kept secret of the game I should be aware of?
  4. I've heard rumors to that effect myself. Unfortunately can't confirm those rumblings to be true, however it does embody the possiblity of such a series of events. btw, have you ever heard or seen the TV series called "Revolution?" It came out about 10 years ago and lasted two seasons before it got cancelled, but the show was about an unknown event caused all electricity to stop working, plunging the world back into the dark ages. It was a good premise at first but some poor plot lines development by the writers lead the series in the wrong direction and NBC pulled the plug on the show. I was a fun watch, you might wanna check it out. if wanna know what happens but dont wanna take time to watch the show, I left you a spoiler...
  5. ok, I did a new install of tp mod and found tp. just not able to pick it up or anything. Looks like from your pic you can pickup? can't move it or touch it but at least it's kinda working?
  6. I tried bandage overhaul and I think it adds another good immersive feature to the game. I think you'd like it. The fact that you have "sterilze" your cloth bandages makes sense especially considering those bandages your using to stop the bleeding and start the healing were once curtains hanging in somebody's kitchen or came from on old towel you find hanging on a towel bar in some old bathroom of a house you just looted! ugh, I can just imagine the dormant bacteria in those old towels just waiting to multiple! let the infection games begin!
  7. Hey, you make a compelling argument for using those little pills. I'm now a believer! That's an upvote for me!
  8. I was maybe kinda leaning in that direction myself, thinking what would a government funded observatory community look like to the outside observer? Espeically if it was maybe intended to be a covert spying facility or something of that nature? pretty impressive facilities, thanks for the suggestions! As to seeing what a town might look like being built around such structures from Hinterland's perspective, I think it would really be interesting dont you think? I think I'd enjoy exploring and looting an old observatory and "town" that supported and hosted the scientists that worked there. Could make for a great base camp too!
  9. I too am intrigued as to what this town could possibly look like. but please indulge me with a quick side bar - When Astrid reaches PM at the end of episode three is she not examined by a Dr. Atwood during the cut scene? And in Episode 4 doesn't Jace refer to her mentor as Dr. Atwood? And supossedly they worked at an observatory together? Correct me if I am wrong. It's obviously been a while since I played story mode, I could be remembering the dialoge incorrectly. So if that's the case, would it be possible that the town of PM is actually home to an telescopic observatory complex? I would be curious how a town would be designed around something like that.
  10. I've never not have a bunker spawn in ML in as far back as I can remember in playing the game. there are few bunker spawn locations however that are kinda off the beaten path and require a little effort to find. Often when I've ruled out the obvious easy to find bunker spawning locations, I go back and start checking those areas. I like @ajb1978suggestion of marking the areas that you've searched with a paint can. Not all symbols appear on the map when you open it, so be sure to use one that does so you can easily identify where you've been. Here's a little something if you want the help...
  11. that's actually part of the games visual to show your in pain, turns out it's also a great filter for "softening" some scenes when you take a screenshot. I've heard of players intentionally injuring themselves in order to get that effect, lol.
  12. I've played a couple of those other survival games, each more or less entertaining but not offering the depth of emotional involvement that a player gets with TLD. Those games do offer that building feature which I think lots of folks have come to expect to be the norm for most survival games, imho. I can appreciate the dev teams effort to really set the stage for their version of the apocalypse but by the same token I can sympathize with those who would wish to build structures in their postapocalyptic frozen wasteland. At the very least, I'd like to be able to patch the holes in the roof of the Mountaineer's Hut without having to mod my game...
  13. For me, I could not find any spawned TP on the map of the new game I had launched. I reviewed the MelonLoader data and it appeared to indicate that the program could not find the mapping pathways
  14. there is a candle mod that makes very nice candles for just that purpose. I involves harvesting fat from the animals you kill and rendering the fat into tallow. then you've go to craft wicks from cloth and when you put the two together you have outstanding candles. check it out on
  15. I can't wait to be able to drive my old pickup around the neighborhood again and show off my new truck bed...
  16. So after having read about the updates, and taking particular notice of this passage in Hinterlands update post: "Please note that this update will likely impact any mods you may have installed or have created. While we don’t provide any official support for mods, please feel free to visit our Mod Forum with any questions and we will monitor questions to help where we can." I was curious to see what mods were "broken" since the update but I didn't want to jeopradize any of my current save game files so I launched a new game this afternoon to see what if anything wasn't working. Out of the dozens of mods now available for TLD that I've installed and played for the past few months, he only one I have found so far that apparently isn't working is the toilet paper mod. Definitely not a deal breaker as the mod only places a non interactive roll or rolls of tp, generally in spots where you'e expect to find one. And then again sometimes not. lol So far, it seems safe to say the overall majority of mods available thru xpazeman that I've installed are working as normal. The only thing I noticed in launching the new game is that all my saved settings appear to have been reset to game default standards. again not so much an issue imho. So I'm curious, if your a modder what issues have you found with your game since the update?
  17. The Lighthouse Restoration Project It was early in the morning when I sprang from my bed, awakened by the glorious sunrise, the bright light shining into my bedroom window after days of nonstop snow and blizzard conditions. The sun was slowly rising painting the sky in beautiful shades of red, yellow and orange. What's that old nautical saying, I thought to myself? Red sky at night, sailors delight? Red sky at morning sailor take warning? Either way it looked like it was gonna be a nice day. I headed downstairs to stoke the fire, putting some water on the old stove in anticipation of a hot cup of coffee. I arrived late at the unveiling of the Miner's Memorial due to the fact that I had to evade a few wolves on my long walk from the farmhouse to the community center. By the time I got there, the ceremony had been completed and most of the towns remaining citizens were in the community hall drinking coffee and tea and talking about the loved ones they had lost during that terrible tragedy. The cave in of '82. I lost my grandfather in that "accident." Turns out it wasn't an accident, but more like sabotage. Some tree hugging eco-terrorist group took credit for causing the cave-in claiming the lives of 16 miners. My grandfather being one of them. The mine was subsequently shut down because of it. Life on the island was changed for many folks that day. I needed supplies, so I decided to go see what I could scavenge up at the old dam. I took one of the old coal mine tunnels as a short cut ending up in the Winding River basin just behind the dam. Skirting my way across the precarious ledge high above the river basin, I made my way into the lower dam after climbing thru a broken window. Seems I wasnt the first person to do so. After finding some useful items I felt the need to get out there and when I emerged, who do I find sitting outside? You guessed it. Methuselah. The islands oldest living resident. He fancied himself as the islands historian, he referred to himself as an observer of unfolding events and he had an interesting opportunity just for me! I listened in rapt attention to Methuselah's pitch on a golden opportunity. One that only comes around once in a lifetime. Intrigued by the story I immediately began to make preperations for the journey by cleaning and loading my precious rifle one round at a time. Inspecting each for imperfections before loading the cartridges. No sense in taking any chances with a mis-fire or jammed cartridge, I thought to myself. I suspected that somewhere during my trip, I'd have need for the rifles stopping power. I took me a few days of travel and fortunately I didn't run into any hazardous situations. The weather was nice and I was able to transit the ravine very quickly and soon found my way strolling along the Coastal Highway road. It wasn't long before I shimmied under the big rock blocking the old crumbling highway and soon cautiously made my way thru the old coal mine connector and emerged at Desolation Point. The old lighthouse was dark and barely visible in the moonless night. I decided to wait until dawn before going any further. As I crossed the creaking old footbridges, I noticed they were both in need of some repair. A few planks had almost completely rotted away and the bridges were covered in bird excremant, white splotchets covering most of the handrails and decking. "Damn Crows!" I thought to myself. My eyes grew wide with amazement when I entered the lighthouse. In one corner an everlantern was glowing casting a nice soft light illuminating all the supplies that had been brought in by rowboats, launched from the new sailing fleet of the newly comissioned Maritime Association. Sailing vessels were once again plying the seas, now that most electrical devices were still being affected by the event. I found a note amongst the supplies detailing the Associations plans to bring the old lighthouse back to service using dozens of the newly fabricated everlanterns. After having gone thru supplies, organizing the equipment, tools, foodstuffs, fuel and assorted spare parts, I broke down the pallets and crates and using my carpentry skills made myself a proper bed in the upstairs loft. That old skinny cot just wouldn't do, so I broke it down as well using parts of the frame and bedding to fabricate my new sleeping quarters. Not trusting the bridges very much, I forayed up to the old stone church and salvaged the planks and other supplies left there when the Archdiocese abandoned their repair project. It took a few trips carrying the dozens of planks to their new destinations. Once I had carted over enough boards the work began in earnest. The lumber was nicely seasoned and in great shape considering how long it had lain on the floor of the old church. After a few more trips I finally had more than enough to effect solid repairs to those troublesome spots on the bridge. I really wish they would have left a good wood saw, but I was able to muddle thru using the one hacksaw they left behind in one of tool case! I'm definitely a DIY kinda guy... Over the course of the next week to ten days, I took each of the lanterns apart and reassembled then, taking great care to clean the globes. Dirty globes meant less light. All the new wicks that had been developed since the event were superior in every way, more light, less soot and 99.7 percent improvement in fuel consumption whilest burning, it was a lot of work getting the lanterns installed. Having an average fear of heights, it took a lot of effort rappeling down the sides of lighthouse and attaching the new lanterns along the window ledges. I suppose the builders of the light house had good reason to put in windows that couldn't be opened but somehow the logic of that escaped me. Never the less the I think my efforts bore fruit. Having plent of lanterns remaining, I thought to myself why not? I cobbled a few more together and festooned the foot bridges with lights as well. I can only imagine the sight from a bird's eye view, but this is how I pictured it would look from above! Restless after weeks of working on the lighthouse, I decided to take on a project of my own making. I broke out the reserve supplies of lantern parts and using the remaining wicks and fuel, I made way for the falls. I took may attempts free climbing then rappeling down to the sides positioning the lanterns. Often I didn't take the spray into account and a lantern or two were lost in the rushing waters. Getting wet was equally hazardous as much of the time my boots, gloves and hats were soaked and frozen. I really underestimated the effort it took, but oh, the results were spectacularly glorious! Now that everything was in place I left the light house intent on exploring the surroundings. It was getting late, dusk was fading into night so I sought refuge aboard the Riken. Just as I had fired up the ships old furnace, a strange vibration began shaking thru the hull. Lights began flickering and it seemed the old whaling boat still had some life in her old bones. I went topside and was awed at the sight. My efforts coupled with the effects of the nothern lights brought everything to light and life. I watched for hours as the light show unfolded. Satisfied with a job well done, I returned to my new post my new home as the Keeper of the Flames.
  18. not typically. but you might expect a firearm in poor condition to do so. there's a few moving parts, whose movement could be compromised by excessive dirt and the build up of of excessive gunpowder residue. well, IRL, there are some gun lubricating oils that are not rated for cold climate conditions where the oil used to lubricate the bolt could actually freeze. So yeah, in a case like that, a good condition weapon could easily malfunction. I do think in the case of the game, that there are some possiblities of a misfire with ammo made at the cannery if the players skill level is not very high in the gunsmithing category. The bullets made there aren't always perfect.
  19. A burst of static eminated from the radio as it suddenly crackled to life at 04:32 am. I rose from my bed in sudden exitement for there hadn't been any contact with anyone on the island since the incident. I paused to look out the window and noticed the lights in the sky. Mother Nature seemed to be celebrating as she painted waves of red and green hues across the heavens weaving the most delightful light show I had seen in ages. Faint at first but with increasing power and clarity I could hear the voice as the message began. I listened intensely... "It's the worst case of Rabies the island has ever seen!" the voice on the radio continued. "It's spreading like wildfire and it appears to be a new mutated strain. It's like nothing we've ever seen before!" the speaker continued. "We need help! We need it fast!" the voice practically shouted thru the radio. "Our local biologist is injured and needs medical attention. He was severely bitten and appears to be infected with the virus..." the voice trailed off as the static suddenly began to crackle again, the aurora fading from the night sky as the sun began to rise. "Damn!" I said out loud to no one in the room but myself. I really wish I didn't have to do this, but there's only one persons I can call, the only person even remotely qualified to help solve this problem and stop the disease from spreading to all the animals on the island. Am I really gonna have to call my ex-wife? I pondered? "Do you know any other Nobel prize winning Virologists who are leading experts in Wildlife Rabies Management and contracted by the Canadian Ministry of Health for their expertise in Dangerous Disease Management?" a meek little voice in the back of my head asked? "Damn, damn, damn!" I muttered and reached for the phone. "What??? What???" she stammered... "Wait a just a moment before you say anything else," she continued looking me straight in the eye. "I have not seen you for 10 or more years and you have the nerve to just summon me and demand I go with you on some search and rescue mission?" she paused for a deep breath before continuing her tirade. "To some friggin off grid backwater island that's also in the midst of a island wide rabies pandemic???" she said asking acidly. "Damn You Will! I'm a research doctor! I work in a Laboratory. You know the kind of place with centerfuges and test tubes, bunsen burners?" she shook her head in bewilderment. She put the case on my desk. "It's all here. Everything you need. Antivirals, test kits, rabies retroviruses, sample bags, syringes and assorted supplies." she said as she pushed the case across the desk nearly knocking a bottle of whisky onto the floor. "You didn't really think I'd just leave you hanging, did you Will?" she grinned. The look on my face made her smile. Smiling, that was something that was very rare for her to do lately. The stress of managing a billion dollar virology research center with staff of over 100 etremely qualified clinicians was beginning to wear her down. The constant bickering among the department heads and section chiefs had started making her feel more like a referee and a lot less than a research scientist. "When do we leave?" she asked I had already been busy and had preflighted the plane so it wasn't long before I had the wing tanks topped off and the baggage secured. The night was cold and clear, the sea calm as I taxied the aircraft across the smooth surface of the bay. As slight breeze stirred a few ripples across the waters surface and a few drops of moisture hit the windscreen. I turned the nose of the airplane into the wind and pushed forward the throttle. Vrrooommmm!!! The thrust of the 12 cylinder turboprop literally pulled the aircraft into the sky the accleration so swift it pressed us both into our seats as my pontoon plane took to the air. Within minutes the airplane reached it's cruising altitude and we were on the way to the island. Our destination, Perserverance Mills. The only place anywhere on the island with an ice free bay on account of the undersea hotsprings whose volcanically heated water helped keep the bays water temperature a crisp eight degrees celcius year round even during the worst winter conditions imaginable. And the fact that PM was also one of the only areas on the island somehow immune or shielded from the weird effects of the incident that had exposed the island to some unexplained geomagnetic event. Any further inland and the plane would lose power and crash. Landing without incident we quickly manuvered into the harbor and docked the plane on the old ramshackled pier. As expected an old battered wood and fiberglass reinforced canoe waited for us along the waters edge nearby. We wasted no time in gathering the gear from the plane and loading the canoe. "Gawd, I hate the cold!" Astrid breathed icily. Yeah it was cold, This year was one of the worst winter seasons on record. The worst on record, actually. Ever. Rowing as far as we could, it wasn't long before we saw ice forming in the water. Being careful to avoid being caught between two or more floes, we gingerly navigated the canoe as far as we could before having being forced to beach our vessel. We looked in amazement at the aftermatch of the polar vortex that had hit the area during the incident. So much frozen seawater. Neither of us could comprehend the magintude of what we were looking at. Orca whales solidly frozen half in and half outta the ice. Fishing vessels firmly frozen in places. And all we could hear as we continued on the way, heavily burdened by the overstuffed backpacks and all the gear we were now forced to carry, was the call of the crows echoing in ours ears... Caw, Caw, Caw.... With every step we took we could hear the cawing of crows. I merely had to look up from the path and I could see crows flitting about in the clear skys. Astrid looked at me and said, "I have I ever told you how much I dislike crows?" I stopped and turned, a quizzical look on my face. "uh, No." I replied. Before she could say anymore, I continued, "It's been over 10 years since we talked. We never talked much before anyway, and when we did it was just you complaining about your work. Lack of funding, right?" She stood there, eyes narrowing as she weighed the retort on her lips. Her anger rising, she blurted, "More like your constant drinking as I recall! Lack of funding? Funding is the one thing you've been lacking since you started that stupid flight service..." And with that final note ringing in my ears, I just started walking again leaving her where she stood. We walked in silence, each of us caught up in our own thoughts as we reached the first tunnel leading into the small island community. There were a few cars parked by the side of the road. Apparently abandoned by their owners when they found the tunnel had been blocked by a cave in. As I approached one of the vehicles it was apparent one of the drivers was still inside. I rushed over to the car, wiping the snow from the window and gently knocked on the glass so as not to startle the driver but forcefully enough to gain his attention. After a few moments, I realized the driver was dead. I tried opening the doors but the driver had locked them all. Basically he had created his own tomb. The irony of the situation was not lost on either of us. The next few days passed without event as they finally made our way to the Camp Office where the Island's biologist was headquartered. Astrid found him on his cot, trembling with fever and convulsions as the virus attacked his brain and his vital organs. Astrid prepared a syringe filled with broad spectrum antibiotics and a potent antiviral agent especially formulated to effectively curtail the rabies virus. Handing the syringe to me, she said, "You're gonna have to inject the medicene directly into his heart. Be careful that you don't hit his ribcage. That could break off the needle inside him." I looked at her hesitantly as I gently took the syringe from her hand. "I'd do it myself but I'm not strong enough to force the needle thru the ribcage cartilage," she said. Thump... Too little, too late? We spent the next day gathering stones for the burial mound. The ground was frozen solid and digging was nearly impossible. Not to mention that they didn't have any shovels... It took us long into the late afternoon gathering enough rocks to lay the old man to rest. I did my best to fashion a cross out of some sticks I found, please with my efforts I placed it reverently at the head of burial mound. We stood in awkward silence for a few moments and gave our respects to the dead. Neither of us was very religious, but never the less, we were both silently praying that we would not suffer a similar fate. Caw! Caw! Caw! The crows laughed among themselves as they watched the duo slowly retreat to the cabin. Caw! Caw! Caw! The murder of crows took to the air, their bellies full of rabies tainted meat and headed for the mainland...
  20. damn, you should probably clean your guns more often...
  21. I don't just survive... I camp out and thrive!" sure, there's a bed one level down, but isn't this just way better? Brought to you by DIY crafting mods. Guaranteed to make your game play more fun! Not necessarily easier, but more fun!
  22. Erik slowly shuffled around the truck taking note of it's overall condition. Although he relied on it to some extent, he had been a little lax in maintaining the vehicle. "Damn, looks like the alignment is outta whack," he said to himself as he looked at the right front tire noticing the severe wear on the outside of the tires edge. "That's not good. Not good at all." he muttered under his breath. He estimated that the tire should hold provided they didn't put too much stress on it, but what if they needed to go off road? Could a tire this badly worn take the punishment and not fail? "Argghhh!!!" he growled. "what's that old saying? the best laid plans?? or was it the road to hell is paved with good intentions?" he thought to himself. He shook his head, resigned to the fact that the situation wasn't ideal but wasn't exactly a deal breaker either. After a moment of fumbling with the hood latch, he lifts the hood. Placing his tool kit up on the fender, he climbs up and begins to inspect the engine compartment. Checking the fluid levels, oil and radiator, Erik finishes his inspection by checking the belts for wear. He takes his combination wrench from his tool box and tightens down a couple of nuts that he sees have come loose. "Looks pretty good under the hood, in the neighborhood" he thinks to himself, chuckling out loud a little bit over his silly little ryhme. The hood closed with a loud thump as Erik grabbed his tool case with one hand and dropped the hood with the other. As he strode to the rear of the truck intending to stow his tools, he notices the tape job on the broken wing window. Although Amy had done a great job in taping over the opening, the bitter cold coupled with the age of the tape was loosening it's adhesive grip. The sticky just wasn't designed for this kinda cold. "Not gonna be long before the wind is just blowing in here," he thought to himself. Yes sir, this was gonna need a more permanet fix. Otherwise it was gonna be pretty cold in the cab he mused. Standing back a few meters, he stood and gazed at the truck. "Safety first!" Erik swore he could hear his mother's voice in his head. "Safety first, there are children present!" the voice persisted in his head as he stood there realizing that the groups safety relied heavily on the truck and his ability to drive them to their destination. The weight of this realization hit like a punch to the solar plexious. "Offfff" he sighed heavily as he thought to himself that the journey was probably going to be a lot more perilous than anyone thought. And with that thought echoing in his mind he went back inside.
  23. Dining al fresco with old Uncle Methuselah the old fart wouldn't give me a sip of his wine... yeah, over cooked the steaks again too...