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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. isn't the internet a wonderful thing? a quick google search and you've got thousands of possible gif's and memes
  2. all we ask is that you throw us a little bone every once in a while...
  3. I think you both missed the entire point... I'm here everyday too, but it ain't a party when I'm here by myself... not too much fun when it feels like your in a ghost town
  4. Word! I was on the forums a little while back and during a peak time on the weekend when you would expect lots of activity and there were only 24 people on the forums and I was the only actual member who was logged in. The other 23 were just nameless guests who could only read post but not comment or contribute. Pretty sad if you ask me...
  5. how you find it during the big freeze after the thaw... power restored....
  6. lemme guess, trailer at the cannery in Bleak Inlet an oasis amidst the chaos...
  7. if I am not mistaken, story mode updates will continue to be free per the commitment Hinterland has made to complete story mode in its entirety. With the separation of survival mode from story mode, you will end up purchasing "updates" to survival mode if you choose to participate in their DLC programming. The decision to separate the survival portion of the game from story mode portion means that greater emphasis can be made to complete story mode in a timely manner and to fix any irregularities without having to double down and duplicate those "fixes" in survival mode without any further compensation.
  8. apparently you haven't played story mode or you would have already encountered the rare albino stag.
  9. I'm pretty sure your wrong about that. more likely it is the broken lighthouse in Bleak Inlet considering you can see part of the sky thru the stairway.
  10. you forgot to mention there is also a mod for question #1 it's called "Ankle Support 5.0" and it pretty much fixes the shortcomings of the sprain mechanic. per the readme for the mod: Sprains in *The Long Dark* are based on slope. A common sprain risk is can be around 30%. The base game calculates certain factors to it, like sprinting or crouching, and when you are over-encumbered or exhausted. However, they added a total amount of 0.3% for over-encumbered or exhausted instead of the supposed 30%. So basically there is no penalty for being exhausted or over-encumbered a the moment. This mod fixes the problem with new configurable options in the mod settings. In addition to this and with the permission of [zeobviouslyfakeacc]( I added all the functionality of ankle support and made them also configurable. I.e. you can now add wrist protection and ankle protection to gloves or boots, respectively.
  11. # me too I mean, really after you get your survival game under control, what else is there to do in game to pass time? especially with those awesome mods, like place anywhere and pile stacking. How about starting a new thread about decorating the ole home base? Maybe call it "Lair Tours?" lol...
  12. Ash Canyon and BlackRock practically have not been touched upon but don't let that stop you from contributing to the thread whenever you encounter "the sitting dead..."
  13. @conanjaguar outstanding contribution! Please continue adding to the thread when you find other sitting dead. Their story needs to be told!
  14. Tromping thru deep snow in the back country of Pleasant Valley, I came across this poor soul huddled against an old uprooted tree. Far from any structure and way off the beaten path, makes me wonder what were the circumstances that lead to his demise? Curiosity having gotten the better of me, I slowly approached this unfortunate wretch and turned out his pockets. The only thing he had in his possessions besides the clothes he wore was a single old faded polariod. Interesting, but useless. At least there were a few crow feathers...
  15. ...sometimes I drink a little too much and piss off the neighbor. It gets a little heated
  16. Hey @Razum, considering you access the Gate Keepers South from PV where there is no tunnel, I'm curious how far Molly did actually travel from the farmhouse in order to find Astrid in that copse of birch trees? here's the scene from PV before crossing over into Gate Keeper's South here's the scene looking at the tranistion from Gate Keeper's South to PV Here's the world map as it sits, making me question how much territory did Molly actual cover before finding Astrid? We know that Astrid was last seen in Mountain Town, according to Grey Mother and that she probably ran into the convicts from the bus before escaping from them and subsequently being found by Molly. It sure would be nice to see a completely updated map showing all the areas, Gate Keeper's North and South. I too, get the impression that the blocked tunnel with the bus in Milton led to Blackrock but that sure seems like a very long way for Molly to have travelled, as to not be feasible. I'd venture to guess that the cutscene is probably based more artistic license than any actual continuity to the game map. Having a tunnel at the transition between PV and GKS would make a lotta sense, dontcha think? for reference, this is at the other end of the PV map, "the end of the road" if you continue to follow the road past the car as far as you go. No transition to anywhere, just a dead end.
  17. As I am looting Carter Hydro and salvaging as much as I can I've always wondered what's behind the metal door? Having plenty of tools at my disposal, I break out my prybar, heavy hammer and of course my trusty hacksaw! No more privacy, but I did drink the .32 liters of toilet water...
  18. I did a little walk through of the upper interior of the dam and there is obviously a lot of space to work with, but I just wasn't feeling a "hospital" vibe coming from the place, I'm sorry to say. I could maybe clean up a couple of spaces and perhaps create a First Aide station or a medical supplies store room given the available items in game that are accessible for decoration. I'll give it some more time as I slowly clean up the clutter, maybe find some inspiration in the process?
  19. Only the brave or the foolish venture out on the ice Dancing or Dinner?
  20. hmmm, interesting idea. I did a segment a while back where I deconstucted/harvested just about every salvageable item item at Carter Hydro which did create a lot of open space. Considering how large the interior space of the dam is, where in the dam do you envision this hospital setting?
  21. yeah, right? You know, if Hinterland wanted to throw us a bone this October, maybe they could do a re-release of the old 4DON as a special? Maybe make it a limited time appearance in the timecapsule or something? Wouldn't that be cool?