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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. lol, I had that same thought when I first posted the picture. At the time I was just happy to see that I was actually able to "carry" the chair. Now I see I should have done more with it, right?
  2. I know exactly what you mean. I think this would be a great topic for further discussion. I agree it would be nice to know what exactly is altered in the algorythm when certain changes are made but that knowledge is difficult to obtain. I think the dev team could have done a better job on in documenting in how various settings affect the game imho.
  3. When I first started playing stalker mode, I did not factor in how much attention I was going to get by carrying meat as I traveled. Wolves seemed to almost immediately hone in on my position and I literally had dozens of wolf encounters and struggles before I figured out that I was basically broadcasting my whereabouts by smelling delicious. After I removed all the meat from my inventory it was the complete opposite. So I think you may have a found a good simple solution for the time being. Let us know how it goes!
  4. hmm, why not try custom settings and set the wolf and bear settings to maximum numbers ramp up their aggression and set their detection range to max as well. So in essence you end up with tons of super aggressive predators who can detect your presence from far away? You can even set up the moose to spawn with greater frequency and those moose will stomp the crap outta you if you get too close as well. Might not be exactly what you were looking for, but it seems the fundamentals for what you are asking for already exist in the game. You just gotta configure your game play a bit. Have you had a chance to explore custom settings in this regard?
  5. You should check out the little story I just recently posted in the Fan Fiction section, its called the Dark Side of Mountain Town. I think you'd get a kick outta it!
  6. heartily agree on that sentiment! considering the impact that fishing has on the game, from providing food to providing fuel for the players hurrican lantern, it just could have been that much more immersive. Perhaps as modding continues we might see some improvements. I would have liked to have seen a drying rack or smoker in the game for the purposes of display and or food storage/preparation.
  7. Better Bases... allows you to pickup furniture. Typically only works in interior cells, but in this case it does work on a very few items in the open game. Surprisingly heavy as I had to "carry" it by hand from the firewatch tower down to the fishing shack on CH. Which, by the way is the only chair of it's kind in the game thats outdoors that I've been able to find thus far that can actually be moved like that. Now if only we could actually sit down...
  8. In my best thuggy rap voice... 🎶Today I didn't even have to use my AK I gotta say it was a good day (shit)🎶
  9. lol, see the full story in the Fan Fiction section... I'll introduce you to the Wolf Klan Necromongers
  10. Love that mod... here's a little feature of the clothing, wolf skin boots, bearskin leggings along with wolf coat and wolfskin cap... the skulls are courtesy of "Festive-Pack" a fun little whimsical seasonal decorating mod that does nothing but provide amusement for the user...
  11. honestly I don't think either option is very realistic considering the circumstances. A low population low spawn rate would be more appropriate for the game given the conditions, but since you didn't include that option I would opt for high population and low respawn rate. My thinking behind that would be that as the high pop animal density decreases over time, the low respawn rate would eventually bring the available animal population into a better balance. It's too bad in my opinion that deer sizes are all so uniform, ie, approx same weight all the time. Had they designed deer with a greater variation in weight I think it would might have made the game a little more immersive.
  12. Who What Where When Why The 5 "W's..." Erik cleared his throat before continuing. "We need to get organized a little better if we're serious about getting to the base safely," he said as he looked about observing the piles of gear and supplies strewn around the living room of the house they all now shared. They all looked at each other realizing a little to late that they had no way of knowing what was packed in which bag and besides there was way to much stuff, definitely more than they could all collectively carry. Some stuff was just gonna have to be left behind. It was late in the afternoon when the trio of adults had finished their comprehensive inventory of the multiple packed bags strewn about the living room, now purposely repacked and tagged for contents. Also by paring down the items into essential must have vs. might need categories, that alone allowed them to dropped dozens of kilos of superflous gear. After all, this was more about survival than camping... "Okay, what's next on our to do list?" asked Christine "Yeah, what's up with the truck, Erik?" asked Amy Emma chimed in "I'm hungry!" "Woof, woof, woof..." barked Mocha Erik flashed a tired grin and thought for a moment before responding. He told them about the tire and his concern over it's possible failure on the trip. He explained how they would need to repair the window and he reiterated the need to secure more fuel for the trip. "I found a couple of empty jerry cans in Chritine's garage," Erik continued, "and an old tobaggon we can use so we won't have to carry everything by hand." As the discussion progressed, they decided that since another trip into town was going to be necessary to scavenge up the necessary supplies they might as go to the Fire House first, as it was the designated refuge center during the crisis, wasn't it? With a plan in place and a good plan at that, the group turned their attentions on supper. Afterall, tomorrow was going to be a busy, busy day.
  13. yup, stack regardless of condition and the mod changes nothing. it just allows you to put stuff on top of other stuff...
  14. @Strelok better stacking really just allows the user to place items on top of each other, pretty much regardless of condition. comes in pretty handy when you have limited shelf space but more than enough of one thing to display, like cans for peaches for example, although I've used it to stack deer hides into a fairly good sized pile and believeable looking pile for my cannery/tannery workshop build. Another excellent mod that I like is "moveable containers" which does just that, allows the player to pick up the plastic storage bins, those green metal storage containers and various green backpacks that you find strewn about in the game. You can pickup and carry an object in your inventory as well as pick up an item so you can actually transport two containers at once with a little practice. If you're into base building as much as I am, you might wanna check out the beta "better bases" which allows you to pickup many objects like shelfs, furniture, cardboard boxes and wooden crates and move them about. Works great in most interior cells but not so much outside.
  15. yeah, I'm liking the majority of these mods that you have selected. animal behavior really is pretty good imho as it does really affect behavior by proximity at least giving the appearance of more realistic animal behavior. ankle support is another one for sure. changes of getting sprained ankles wearing ski boots on uneven terrain? not likely! tennis shoes? hell ya! hunger revamped, another good mod that really makes gameplay much more immersive some of my own favorite mods that I've been using are place anywhere - a definite improvement to the items handling mechanic of the current game better night skies - changes the starfield at night, feels pretty immersive imho free look in cars - allows the player to look out the back window when sitting in the back seat of a car remove clutter - finally pick up some debris and clean up the floors - multi options for havesting resources if desired better stacking - finally you can put cans and items in stacks instead of just dropping piles have you had a chance to try any of these out @Strelok
  16. It was a secret society deeply rooted and steeped in blood. Murmured and whispered about but never discussed they were know as the Wolf Klan Necromongers The night was cold and clear just a sliver of the cresent moon showing thru the trees as I noticed the torch light flickering along the path leading to the old abandoned church on the outskirts of town. I was drawn to the light like a moth to the flame filled with dread, the air seemed to get colder as I approached and gazed upon their unholy marker I could hear voices inside as I approached the doors soft chanting voices, whispers on the wind My hands trembled as I reached for the handles of the double doors leading inside the hinges creaked, screaming like a tortured souls as I entered their sanctum the supplicants continued chanting giving me no notice, as if I wasn't there a dwarfish figure turned from playing the old pipe organ and bade me to enter their leader cackled manically as the volume of the chanting, murmurs and whispers began to increase in intensity and cadence my gaze swept from left to right as my eyes were drawn to the trappings of their altar an unholy book their Necronomicon stood open, a strange power eminating from it's blood stained pages I was strangely attracted and repelled by the symbols adorning the walls what did they mean? my skin began to crawl as the leader fixed his gaze upon me voices in my head... questions... the klan stared at me join us... join us... join us... they began to chant their gaze pierced my soul as their whispers assaulted my ears eternal rest we grant thee and may perpetual night shine upon you... with swift haste I made my way to the door and salvation
  17. Hey @Syrup It's too bad you didn't submit this for the fan fiction story contest. This is good stuff and I gotta say this coulda been a contender for the win. Simple yet poetically elegant. One enthusiastic up vote from me!
  18. Given the restrictions and overall "scarcity" of handguns in Canada, I'm curious if you had to bug out for anyreason, would be leaving any of the three handguns you own behind? I'd argue that given the games circumstances regarding the economic collapse and subsequent decline in the islands population as folks moved away, they probably would not be leaving any of their coveted handguns behind. Especially not the kind that OP refers to in his post, am I right?
  19. are you talking about the game that came out in 2014 or is this a newer version? cause it's in my library.... I got about 2 hours of play time in and haven't touched it in years...
  20. about fast travel... If Hinterland were to entertain the idea of implementing fast travel to the game, a good fast tavel mechanic/algorythm would have to be developed that was able to take into account many factors like the passage of time, as if the player actually walked from one location to another. At least that's the way it works in games like FO4. Not only that, but player condition on arrival would also have to be manipulated for thirst, hunger and exposure due to changes in weather as the player transited. Not to mention the possiblity of animal attack depending on the difficulty level selected by the player if playing anything but pilgrim. I'd be all in favor for implementing such a feature, if the possiblilty of permadeath while in transit was real risk in the game. Choose to fast travel, oops, got caught in a sudden blizzard, got hypothermia and died! lol hmmm, walking don't seem all that bad, am I right? Or perhaps make fast travel an optional feature perhaps merely limited to pligrim mode players or better yet only available in custom settings where no achievements or features can be earned.