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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. yeah, never gonna happen... I've been asking for a fishing hole in HRV ever since they added the region to the game way back when. It just makes sense that you should be able to chop a hole in the ice using an axe, but then again not many things in this game are based on common sense. Maybe when TLD 2 comes out, then some of the obvious things the community has been asking for will finally be incorporated into the game.
  2. I've actually duplicated the "error/glitch" multiple times and also using the lantern. I don't see it as a problem necessarily because when you click on anything, say to pick up an item or to open a container or open a door, the light source immediately appears in my characters hand. Might be problematic however if the player were outside and subsequently was thrown into a wolf stuggle. I may just have to go test that sometime.
  3. Outstanding angle! I really had to wrack my brains for a quick minute trying to figure out where this was. Well done!
  4. For my submission, I am playing the part of the wolf. In the language of my people - There's no place to hide, we will find you... all of us!
  5. Nicely done! I got goosebumps on my arms looking at your pictures. ...the only thing missing was some bullets holes in your walls...
  6. Just wait until you see the "Sexy Astrid" costumes...
  7. Found this gem on Reddit It doesn't matter how long you've been playing, I'm sure you'll get a laugh outta and maybe even learn a thing or two. I know I did! Good Stuff
  8. As to OP's original idea, I like the concept. Consider finding an isolated cave or seldomly used building in the game and you either discover a treasure trove of items or in some cases nothing more than a bunch of empty cans and a couple of broken whetstones. In my own gameplay, I seldomly throw anything away by putting the items into a container, rather I like to prominently display those items as if maybe someday they might yet again be useful. So image you've found my base camp, you enter, it's dark, so you light your torch only to discover a veritable bonanza of items! You think to yourself that you've hit the motherload only to discover everything is broken beyond repair and all the canned food items are spoiled, the clothing is all just tattered threads and the only reason it doesn't stink in there with hundreds of kilos of rotten meat laying about is the fact that everything is frozen solid... gotcha! oh, you find 1500 totally usable tinderplugs, ha ha ha ha 😈
  9. how else do you think I've been keeping my "well fed" status after 852 days...
  10. Now I'm really looking forward to seeing your entry! This should be good!
  11. I'm curious how you feel HRV is cluttered and messy? Especially since there isn't a single derelict building or structure on the map?
  12. whoa dude, get your mind outta the gutter... on the other hand, let me see what I can do to meet your twisted expectations!
  13. I checked out the sweater lines at Granted at they run around $330 USD. Didn't see a pattern in their line up from Hinterland so it must be a one time only custom made sweater. Cool, but too bad I'm allergic to wool... I'd like a hatchet and coffee cup myself! So when is the store gonna open again? People want merchandise but can't buy it cause the store is still closed??? That's a helluva way to run a business...
  14. Of course this idea will never get an traction with the developers, but... I'd like to see an update to the stats and record keeping, for example besides just getting experience points in various activities, I'd like to know how many times for example I've repaired a particular item. I've been scrapping all the metal fixtures in the upper portion of the dam and whenever the hacksaw has degraded to 25% condition, I've repaired it back to 100% before continuing. Since it's the only hacksaw in my possession, I've been careful to keep it well maintained. So I'd like to know how many times it has been repaired. I've lost count at this point since it's taken me over a fortnight of playing irl and I still got quite a way to go. How about letting me know how many days I've worn a particular piece of clothing or home many times I've repaired that piece of clothing. Sure my sewing/mending keeps going up, but I'd really like to know how many days in a row I've worn that pair of jeans... they practically stand up on their own when I do take them off, lol. anyways, I'm a stats fan so I just wanna know. Who's with me on this?
  15. Ah, the lowly hacksaw... Overlooked by many, this handy versatile tool can do just about everything and then some, not only being able to cut up tree limbs, but also harvest the completely frozen carcasses of those animals that "got away." Combine those features with actually cutting metal and you've got a tool that can change the outcome of any survival run. Considering the relative abundance of scrap metal sources on the island needed to repair the hacksaw, it would take years before you'd run out of materials to repair the hacksaw. Long live the hacksaw!
  16. Oh noooo! You set the bar for what was possible and set in motion the chain of events that brought us to where we are today. I honestly woulda quit playing this game years ago had it not been for your discovery. If anything at all, you are Jedi Master, and I your humble padawan...