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  1. Just as the title reads. I like to set screenshots from this game as my xb1 wallpaper, however I have to go to the options and toggle the HUD off to do so, so my survival meters don't get in the pic. I know pc has a hotkey to turn this off, why not Xbox one? My suggestion is to double tap the B button. Then tap it once to toggle it back on
  2. If you could I think you should add region creator and workshop. In region creator you could make so anyone could design their own map and submit it to workshop and play it.
  3. In my current run, it's just occurred to me... I kind of wish that the drop zone for items was a little tighter. I mean specifically the area around you where items dropped from player inventory appear on the ground. While I acknowledge that this is a personal preference/quirk of mine... I find myself spending a lot of time dropping items, only to them pick a lot of them back up and re-dropping - repeatedly, trying to get them in a tighter pile. A specific example of this... I use one of the tiny crates in the Mountaineer's hut as a coal bin. I find myself having to climb up onto the crafting bench to be able to get over top of it and drop the coal in... but since most of it lands in fairly random way in the "drop zone" I end up picking most of it to try it again. After much effort, I have a nice little box by the crafting bench what very neatly holds all my coal. I guess I just wish it didn't take so much effort to be able to do this It may sound silly, but I can easily spend a large portion of my in game day trying to "tidy up" piles of things: Sticks, cloth, coal, charcoal, stones, pelts... pretty much everything that one might end up wanting to drop at one point or another. *I also really wish there was a weapon rack in the Mountaineer's Hut...*
  4. I'm a relatively new player but I'm enjoying the game immensely. I Don't know if this has been suggested or addressed previously however have you thought of stone Tools created by flint napping? You could create arrowhead, knives and hatchet's I would suggest those have a low % chance of breaking which would increase when the condition % is decreasing I would also suggest that these items lose condition faster than normal items due to being made out of stone. And lastly I believe that a new suitable type of stone can be added to the game that would need to be searched for. As I say I am unsure if this has been suggested or discussed but I do believe this would be a useful addition to the game.
  5. hey guys, i'll go straight to the point, one of the most common household items in all of the world are thermal bottles, they can keep cold liquids cold and warm liquids well warm for longer periods of time, I thought was maybe used the same mechanic from the storm lantern, but instead allow you to store tea or coffee (I don't think storing pork and beans or peaches would be a good idea) the thermal bottle would keep the liquids warm for longer and would help out when you have to come home from a Blizard and also help in the late game when the ambient is colder allowing the player to stay outside for longer, also to balance it out they should be made rare, and also since they can't be crafted by common manners (they have to pull a vacuum to make it perfect) you aren't able to fix it, and it loses its effectivity the lower the condition gets. That's it, I hope you guys like it. :D
  6. I love wheelguns, but the one in TLD feels like a semi-auto in some regards. The hammer/cylinder don't move when dry firing (I forget if they do when shooting, but I don't think they do) and the thing apparently ejects rounds automatically! When popping the cylinder open to reload the fired chambers are empty. That is silly beyond belief and quite honestly breaks my immersion a whole lot more than it should. The fix really is simple and could be done in one of two ways. 1. Fired chambers don't automatically empty, just add a small clinking sound effect and perhaps a delay when the firearm goes down off the screen. This would be indicative of removing the empty shells manually. When the firearm comes back onto the screen, the chambers are empty. 2. Fired chambers don't automatically empty, take a page from Alien Isolation's wheelgun. For those unaware, no matter if you've fired all six rounds or just one the main character hits the ejector rod and empties the cylinder when reloading. All unfired rounds are retained and you then reload the empty cylinder. This second one would, in some ways, punish players who only fire off a single shot and then reload but at the same time it's accurate! It's not all that easy to eject a single round, doubly so if it's freezing cold outside. Therefore, you have to choose either to take a long reload after every round or just reload when you're empty. This second one could also lead to some fun Dirty Harry-esque moments where you're faced with an angry wolf and the following scene plays out: Player faced with snarling wolf: "I know what you're thinking. 'Did he fire six shots or only five?' Well to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I kind of lost track myself. But being that this is a .44 Magnum (probably, it doesn't actually say in game but I'm assuming here), the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well do ya, pup?" Wolf: *Bork Bork* and charges. Player faced with charging wolf: *Click* "FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU..!" In reality, it's only a minor complaint but it's a complaint that's near and dear to my heart.
  7. A lot of people may have been asking for this for a quite some now, but it couldn’t hurt if the dev team can make the game on console to be enhanced on the Pro and X, since they have offer 4K resolution and HDR. So I’m thinking that it should be added to the options menu under display settings to enable which resolution, Framerate and enable HDR which is supported on which console platform that you own, just a little suggestion.
  8. Add the ability, when every time if you change clothes, you change a first-person view also! For example, changing the character of a glove or jacket, changing the type of holding a weapon, knife, etc. Add the ability to build something new, shelters (on the surface) or a small house. Add the ability to cut fresh trees. Add new threats. Varieties of bears, wolves, elks, in each location should be completely different from previous ones. Each location must have its own behavior for animals. Not like the rest. Add a new animal, such as birds. Let it be possible to eat their meat. Add the ability to carry things, let the bag hold more KG. Or you need to add a wooden sled. MANDATORY, add the ability to automatically get out of sleep, with the risk of frostbite or hypothermia. (all the time I died only for this reason)
  9. I kind of wish that they would shrink the rabbit hitboxes down a little bit... I personally liked the old way, before they reworked it. I mean, I think it should be tricky to hit a rabbit with a rock. I think perhaps they made it a little too forgiving when they reworked it. Lately I've been noticing that bad throws, that really should have been misses, still stunned the rabbit... and it felt kind of cheap. I do wish they would shrink that hitbox back down a little bit... maybe not as small as it was... but definitely smaller than it is now.
  10. Hi, since this was seriously driving me crazy for several evenings, I thought I'd share it. Maybe it saves others some trouble. If you run Ubuntu with the newest NVidia drivers (430.14) and TLD starts up all black, use: ./tld.x86_64 -force-glcore42 -popupwindow -screen-fullscreen 0 Then click your way to settings and change the resolution to a windowed one which fits your screen. Fullscreen won't/can't work for some reason at all and if you ran fullscreen earlier, now you got just a black screen. Note: the above can be added in Steam too with Properties/Launch Options as: "%command% -force-glcore42 -popupwindow -screen-fullscreen 0" . With those parameters I was able to change the overall resolution and run as non-fullscreen. I don't know where the settings are stored, but hand-editing the Unity3D prefs files didn't change anything. Also, the -screen-width/-screen-height command line parameters seem to have no effect; -show-screen-selector also didn't work (I made sure it finds all libs with LD_LIBRARY_PATH). There are plenty of tips in the internet about SDL2 being the problem, or that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is required or the SDL_DYNAMIC_API is needed, or one has to run 32-bit version instead of the 64-bit version, and so forth and so on, but none of those worked. I guess the problem is in fact the NVidia driver somehow, since I run Steam in an LXC container based off of Ubuntu 14.04 and with the exception of the new NVidia driver userspace that container was otherwise unchanged. The only thing changed on the host side was the 430.14 kernel driver. Also, my other games exhibit similar problems right now and running in a non-fullscreen/window helps. With only the -screen-fullscreen 0 the initial "wolves are not really psycho killers and this game won't make you Bear Grylls" screen was shown OK but then the "scrolling nightly mountains with sponsors and beautiful music" was all black. No graphics ever appeared after that. I hope this helps someone else as well, and you can play again this great game. Thank you folks of Hinterland for making this game, I really mean it, it is a masterpiece. (I'd like to see new areas though...) Cheers!
  11. A simple wish. Cooking pots are sometimes hard to come by in this game and essential for making large quantities of water and cook things faster, like meat. A way to make cooking pots from scrap metal at a forge would make surviving the quiet apocalypse a little bit easier and add in more ways to use the forge and heavy hammer.
  12. The PS4 supports USB and Bluetooth keyboard/mice. However, they only work in games that implement native support. TLD on PS4 is already good, but would be great with mouse and keyboard support baked in.
  13. I just saw a spider scurry on my wardrobe, a big one too. Here in Oz, spiders are quite plentiful and certainly terrifying. This made me think... Imagine if spiders were added to the game? wouldn't that be fair dinkum horrifying? Perhaps unnecarry, but still an interesting detail. theey could cause an affliction, too! perhaps they could be rare - or imagine walking through a cave only to see a particular chamber crawling with them! black widows, perhaps. Maybe you'd find one under the stairs in the camp office or something.
  14. Hello everyone, we all know that in the survival mode, there are two characters to choose from, right? And what if there would be an opportunity to choose for example to survive as a teenager. Well, well, what or an elderly character. Yes, in the game of growing up there would not be .a means the game would be all the same. But there is one thing. An older character would tire faster, just like a teenager. Yes, and the clothes would have to hem. If something is not so sorry.
  15. Ayo! I am an auzzie and Vegemite makes me happy. anyone who hates it cannot call themselves Australian. It might make A funny and random addition to the game perhaps, so YEE ₕₑₕₑₕₑₑ ᵢ𝒻 ᵤ 𝓌ₐₙₙₐ ₙₐₘₑ ᵢₜ ₐ𝒻ₜₑᵣ ₘₑ ₜₕₐₙ 𝓰ₒ ₐₕₑₐ𝒹 ᵦᵤₜ ₙₒ ₚᵣₑₛₛᵤᵣₑ
  16. i think it should be awesome if every time we die the game save the location and we have a chance to find it in other saves (we whould not be able to recover our items) and another thing that i think is a good idea is to perpetuate the game ( new difficulty option ) if we choose this new difficulty, every containers that we searched in the previous save will be empty (if we taked everything ) this idea match a little bit with the previous idea and i think it will add another fun part to the game.
  17. oplli

    Airport map

    hi i think that Hinterland should add an airport map in the game. In wintermute we know our character go at great bear island by plane and we don't know where he is suposed to land... it whould be nice to create a little indistrial airport in a map with a railroad loading station for products to be delivered at milton ,coastal highway and elsewhere the map whould be conected by road to milton and to mystery lake by railroad. (the icon silent valley is a little map like the ravine or crumbling highway to connect bigger maps) i made that picture to show what it could looks like. This is not a big idea i suppose that other proposed it in the past but i hope hinterland will make it reality.
  18. The Long Dark was released years ago. The updates are months in between one another, I paid money for a game that promised me x, y, z but only gave me X, and half of Y. When can we start talking about refunds.........?
  19. Yes, yet another cooking suggestion! This has been suggested before, but the following outline is for a discussion of the mechanical benefits of sausage making. Each type of sausage would be crafted from an existing single type of meat. Creating one kilogram of raw sausage would be performed at a work bench and require one kilogram of raw meat, one fresh gut, and one cutting tool (hunting knife, improvised knife, hatchet, improvised hatchet). Crafting time for raw sausage would be a short duration, between 10 to 30 minutes depending on game balance decisions. After being crafted, the sausage could either be cooked or cured. Cooking raw sausages returns the same kcal of energy as the ingredients, but 0% dehydration due to the sausage skin sealing in the juices. Curing raw sausages takes 5 days as per raw gut, retains the same kcal of energy, reduces item weight by half, and causes dehydration on consumption by an extra -5% compared to the same cooked meat. This recipe adds an incentive for harvesting guts from animals, which personally I find I skip once I have more than half a dozen or so. Harvesting guts takes time and energy; this increases resource expenditure by remaining outside longer, increases risk of ambush by wolves whilst carried through higher scent footprint, and increases tool wear if used for harvesting. Requiring a workbench for crafting likewise increases travel time with raw meat and guts, adding risk against the benefit of higher quality food compared to cooking the meat fresh on site. In exchange, the two options offer two different benefits for their investment. The first option reduces hydration needs, effectively reducing 0.03-0.09kg of water required when consumed. A minor benefit overall, but useful for short distance travel to avoid extra water weight, and is especially attractive for black bear meat with its high hydration loss. The second option requires a higher time investment, but offers a hefty weight savings with a minor water weight penalty increase, ideal for long distance travel rations. This would put cured moose sausage or cured bear sausage into the same kcal/kg as peanut butter, but with slightly more hydration loss in trade. Could you see yourself spending the extra time and effort crafting sausages if these benefits existed?
  20. Will is a very strange man : he had a wolf which lacerates his arm but he doesn't suffer, he was hit by a moose, thrown to the ground and trampled but he doesn't suffer, he was mauled by an enraged bear but he doesn't suffer. And a little sprained ankle makes suffers for 4 hours ? A little bit weird...
  21. Estoy Jugando en modo Supervivencia, la verdad es mi juego favorito por mucho y me escapo todo el tiempo de la realidad... bueno por momentos se me complica con el tema de la claustrofobia en juego, a veces simplemente debes caminar mucho para bajar el estado de claustrofobia el cual generalmente se desata cuando pasas muchas horas crafteando alguna ropa con cueros entonces escuchas una brutal tormenta afuera y claustrofobia que te obliga a "salir a dar un paseo" no se si le pasa a ambos personajes (solo me paso con la mujer) se me ocurre que quizá en vez de mandarnos a morir bajo una ventisca mortal, podrían incluir algún tipo de trabajo como "talla de madera" para distraer la atención del pj. que debamos hacerlo quizá de la puerta para afuera pero sin tener que salir a morir. Tallar en madera quizá como artesanía los animales que se ven en el juego para bajar el estado de estrés y hasta incluso algún logro por hacerlos todos (lobos, osos, alces, ciervos, cuervos conejos y peces) "Conoce tu Paraíso" le pondría o algo así... bueno también incluir otros animales en juego como Ardillas ?? sigo viviendo dentro del juego les doy gracias por vuestro tiempo.
  22. My mouse and keyboard won't work during the game. In the main menu everything is perfectly fine. But when the game starts, the environment is still running, my character is getting cold, the wind blows, but i cant move or look around. I cant even exit the game. I have to alt+tab everytime? It's been like this for 3 days. I tried rebooting steam and my pc but it didn't work. I uninstalled the game and installed it again. Still didn't work. Please help me.
  23. Just some thoughts let let me know what you think. 1. When the player is holding a lit torch or road flare. If the player attempts to start a fire, the held lit item is the default “starter” this way the player doesn’t have to cycle to find the held lit (torch/flare). 2. Combining certain matching items for a averaged percentage of the combined items condition. Such items would be coffee tins, herbal tea, lantern fuel, jerrycans, and I’m sure I’m missing more items. So say you have one item say lantern fuel at 58% and a second at 87% rather than have the two in your inventory, there would be a combine option and the combined average condition would be around 72%. This would also add the combined weight together obviously. (Just a suggestion for the neatfreaks like myself I hate a messy inventory). I also understand that the size of the container dictates how much of the particular item can be combined into one container, so you can’t combine a 90% full canister and a 30% full canister but being able to combine them could maximize what the player can return with when headed back to their base. (provided they aren’t too encumbered) 3. Removing the condition % from matches altogether. Unless I’m misinformed a 10% condition match won’t function any differently than a 90% condition match. If that is the case why not have it so all wood/cardboard matches would only take up two squares in your fire starter tab.