Screenshot for Screenshot Saturday

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Since the dlc dropped I've just been hanging out in Forsaken Airfield.

I've been in there for a hundred and sixty three days. You can pretty much live here indefinitely, and I'm guessing that part of the plan is to have a mill and ammo bench in the open pit mine region, at which point you can stay up in the far territories basically completely independently from the area around the southern tip of the island.


Here's some shots from the Mindful Cabin. The first is an early early morning view off the porch towards the Final Approach with both the airfield and the island cabin (barely) visible. You can see right across the map to the cliffs along the far edge, with an early morning haze caused by light being scattered by tiny ice crystals in the air.


This next one is looking off the same point at night. You can see the airport and island cabin here too, though obviously you can't really see the cliffs at the far edge, but ... well, it's pretty.


I of course return to Junker's routinely to use the worktable there. There the night sky can become eldritch with the oak trees twisting against the night lights.


I think that last one could be a good choice for wallpaper.

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