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So, 50 days in CH, after spawning in CH, was perhaps not a "great idea". Perhaps. 
But my gal is getting some killer leg muscles from all of the mountain goat maneuvering she is doing, to avoid the wolves who have now decided to show up in force, along the main highway.

Torches are good, because those wolves seem to not understand that they are supposed to stay "Down There". And I am traveling light while moving things from QGS, And the Waterfront and Coastal Cottages and building. Come at me wolfie wolfie, and I will bop you on the nose with my Torch Of Doom! screen_379352ec-d848-43ce-916a-1d23b98aa32f_hi.thumb.png.bfc088da97ef25eac374ff6bbbb94e4d.png

Sounds great, but not entirely practical, or "smart". But "Torch Of Doom" just sounds so... POWERFUL. Doesn't it? 
Huh? What were you saying? Look there? Where?

Oh, crud.


Yeah, we are not dancing again Old Grumpy. 
*Tosses burnt out torch down, crouches, and backs up fast. Risking a few sprains crawling down a steep hillside is a better option, I think.*

WHEW! Made it back down to the Townsite, no wolves in site, and... Hey! You there! Behind the tree!screen_45af7539-a38a-4578-973a-a663ed54b884_hi.thumb.png.52ce53cb3fb8ad5cd0f84db03d4a9270.png

Okay, he made that sound, you know, the sound that means he knows I am here.
*Back up, take the long way around, and look for a car to jump into...*


Bullwinkle wandered off, and no wolves came to chew my face off. I feel lucky. But now, I am sure tomorrow,  Luck may not be so kind. But I'll take it, for today.


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Still in CH, moved almost everything I needed to move to the Log Sort. Decided to go to Jackrabbit before resuming the carry to the Fishing Village. Because Down Below, the wolves can often see or smell me, before I can see or hear them.

Made it to Jackrabbit without issues, but could not loot the fishing hut nearest the weak ice, due to a wolf camping it. Made the mistake of going to the open door hut instead, to fish, cook, and loot. You guessed it, the wolf caught me. Struggle, and one dead wolf. Recovery inside the hut, with a fire going, and I was ready to head back up to the cabin. It was clear-ish when I started back. And, then this...


Made it back. 


So did the other wolf who was hiding on the island.  Second struggle, that wolf ran  off injured. My gal was injured as well. screen_30e9eb04-487b-438d-9b47-c0ba10790275_hi.thumb.png.bf73821b388d0e3365d0fb851018639e.png

Luckily I had OMBL bandages, and all of the necessary medical supplies, to treat and limp home. Yeah, the ankle sprains can wait. The wrist- treated. Just in case...


Almost home. No wolf hanging around. I will look for a carcass in the morning. For now... a look to the sky and the sea. And then inside to sleep, drink some herbal tea, and recover. Next time, I leave the cooked fish at the hut...



Edited by ThePancakeLady
typo errors corrected
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13 hours ago, ThePancakeLady said:

Made it to Jackrabbit without issues, but could not loot the fishing hut nearest the weak ice, due to a wolf camping it. Made the mistake of going to the open door hut instead, to fish, cook, and loot. You guessed it, the wolf caught me.

Did the wolf actually come inside the hut? I've not had that happen - and they seem to avoid me once I'm in a hut (though, usually I'm crouching in the hut). But if they *can* come in, that would be good to know...

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2 hours ago, vidholf said:

Did the wolf actually come inside the hut? I've not had that happen - and they seem to avoid me once I'm in a hut (though, usually I'm crouching in the hut). But if they *can* come in, that would be good to know...

No, it caught me just as I was getting to the hut, on the ice just outside of it. I have not had one clip through the walls yet, or enter through an open door. But I have seen enough reports of t happening, and seen plenty of screenshots of it happening, posted by friends on Steam (bear and wolf clipping through the walls, and screenshots of the blood inside of the hut), to believe that it is happening. But I can't say if it is a bug, or working as intended. The people I know on Steam who have told me it happened to them are all veteran players, who have no reason to lie about it, and who I trust. Only Hinterland can tell us if open door fishing huts are safe, or if there are situations where a predator may enter through an open door and trigger a struggle, but I feel like it may be possible. 

My attack here was a case of me not paying attention, and keeping an eye and ear out for what was happening behind me.

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A couple of harrowing adventures. :fire::huntingknife: 
Always wonderful to read along with.

I wish I had the presence of mind to take more snapshots while I played... I had a pretty tense dance with a wolf while trying to get at cargo containers at the end of Echo Ravine.  I eventually got out of there with loot and without a nip... but it was pretty close (I'm glad I stay practiced with stones).  At this stage in a new run, the only choice I have is evasion. :D 

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5 hours ago, vidholf said:

Did the wolf actually come inside the hut?

Only once (and that was a long time ago now) I had a wolf charge and run right into a fishing hut to chew on my face... I've not had it happen again, but I've not really tempted it.  There was a patch a while back that did change and/or removed some of those "safe zones."  After which there are (exterior) caves, porches, and for a time ice fishing huts could be accessible to wolfs who were stalking/charging the player.  I had looked over the patch notes and never found the change listed... so I suppose it had either been a stealthily change or perhaps a bug.  I don't think this happens anymore though... @ThePancakeLady's experience is of course recent and reflective of the game now.  Mine is just an anecdote from versions past so I don't think it speaks to the behavior of the game now, but it did happen so I though I would share as well.


Here's what happened:

On ‎5‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 4:08 AM, ManicManiac said:

Last year I had a wolf charge right into a fishing hut to take a bite out of me, so in my experience sometimes it does happen. 


On ‎5‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 11:22 PM, ManicManiac said:

I wasn't carrying anything attractive... the only food I had on me was cattail stalks.  The situation was: I was making my way to the fishing hut with the intent to do some fishing.  Wolf started stalking me (and up until that time, I knew fishing huts would scare them off - it was a safe zone), so I sprinted to the hut and crouched down in the back by the stove.  Much to my surprise there had been a recent update the changed this... the wolf charged and made a b-line, tackling me with no hesitation :D
I was shocked, as that had never happened to me before.  I found out about the behavior change later, but let me tell you that sudden strike made me about jump out of my chair.  :D

I'll see if I can find the old screen shot of the aftermath :D 


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I found it, but since I can't edit my previous post to include it, I will put here in this one. :) 

It was another life, long ago...


I wasn't carrying anything attractive... the only food I had on me was cattail stalks.  I was making my way to the fishing hut with the intent to do some fishing.  A wolf started stalking me (and up until that time, I knew fishing huts would scare them off - it was a safe zone), so I sprinted to the hut and crouched down in the back by the stove.  Much to my surprise there had been a recent update that changed this... the wolf charged and made a b-line, tackling me with no hesitation :D
I was shocked, as that had never happened to me before.  I found out about the behavior change later, but let me tell you that sudden strike made me about jump out of my chair.  :D

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Still slinking around CH, I have a rifle, but no cleaning kit to bring it up to a "safe" condition to use it. I have made 2 bows, but have no arrows. So, I try to avoid and evade wolves, as much as possible. Living mostly on rabbits and fish. No firearm cleaning kit yet, but I have been lucky finding hooks and fishing tackle. Time to go loot the other side of the map. 

So I go to one of my favorite places in the region. My personal "retreat" spot.


Great. Deer, and no way to hunt them, lol. So I eat what I have, and go to bed. Only to wake up to...


I have to go outside and look. Even though I have heard wolves howling nearby, all day, and all evening.




The next morning, it is time to head up, to the trailers, and the tracks.  Knowing instinctively where those wolves were at...



And at least one of them was there, not long before I got there. Tomorrow we go further. I have a few sprains to sleep off, after taking the "back way" to get here. 
But, you only live once, right? So... onward. Onward.



Edited by ThePancakeLady
changed order of images
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2 hours ago, TheOracleDragon said:

I love the fact I managed to get blood on the car door when the wolf tackled me and I thankfully managed to shoot it with the revolver killing.
 it. It had to be a quick harvest too since there were more wolves nearby looking for me.



nice spatter effect, indeed!

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Still playing around with staying in CH for 50 days before leaving. I think my gal has gone bonkers. Why is she doing this? 😧

Finally got *almost* everything moved  to the Fishing Village, that I wanted to move there. 29 days in, still no arrows, still no cleaning kit for my super low condition rifle. Still don;t trust it not to jam on me if I try to use it. So, lots of goating and evasive maneuvering going on, traveling a good bit at night or in the wee hours or morning. I finally reached my second-most favorite place in CH, just after dawn. 


Not much loot to be found, but bunnies to stone, so we have food, pelts and guts. But, surviving, and not too badly. Though I do hear wolves howling not far away. Despite the lack of loot, the view from up here made the trek completely worthwhile.



Speaking of those wolves howling nearby... a tad nervous, since the usuals on the ice seem to be missing...
Tomorrow, maybe the next day, we will go up, to the rabbit grove, campground and down Bear Creek. Hoping to stay out of sight of the bear who may be lurking there. 

Wish me luck. And enjoy the scenic overlook views. :)

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