Fast travel

Tohono O'odham Man

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why hasn't fast travel been created?? I've been playing since The Long Dark first came out on steam and when it came out again on xbox one i purchased the long dark again. Ive been through the old map already. And hinterland put in more stuff. I dont want to go through everything again unless fast travel is available. I personally think it messed up to not put fast travel in.


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 If you're asking this question, then this may not be the game for you. Fast travel is anathema to any survival exploration game, same as turn-based combat or magic potions would be. This may just not be the game for you.

But if you do enjoy the game anyway and are looking for a fair way to speed up travel while changing nothing else, I would suggest buying and modding the Steam version to add the Time Accelerator mod. This will allow you to accelerate the entire game by holding a button (or pressing to toggle--your choice). This speeds up the entire game. Your needs all decrease faster, the time of day speeds up, animals move faster, everything. So it's very fair, totally preserves the balance of the game, and might be what you're looking for.

It can turn those long painful slogs across the Muskeg from an ordeal that consumes your evening, to minor task that takes moments. And if you happen to get mauled by a bear or wolf because your character wasn't paying attention...well like I said, it's perfectly fair.

(Edit: Full disclosure, the mod can also be inverted and used to SLOW time, making the game monumentally easier to the point that there's no point. Your choice if you want to use it that way.)

Edited by ajb1978
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@Tohono O'odham Man


Can we add a horse to the list of new animals?

I think it would fit well with the overall feel and location of the game.  And expands some interesting taming mechanics. 

That would take care of the fast travel problem, which at times, I would really appreciate.  Especially with the addition of the far territory.  

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A horse would fit the general aesthetic, but for a number of reasons I don't think it's the right fit here anyway. For one thing, its health: What kills it? What hurts it? Will it be attacked by wolves? If so, what are the effects? What's the mount/dismount time? Can YOU be attacked while mounted?

On and on, there's just so many things that need to be considered, all for the sake of...moving a bit faster?


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3 minutes ago, ajb1978 said:

A horse would fit the general aesthetic, but for a number of reasons I don't think it's the right fit here anyway. For one thing, its health: What kills it? What hurts it? Will it be attacked by wolves? If so, what are the effects? What's the mount/dismount time? Can YOU be attacked while mounted?

On and on, there's just so many things that need to be considered, all for the sake of...moving a bit faster?


Also, some regions just can't really be traversed by horse. 

For example, Timber Wolf Mountain. How you going to get a horse up the climbing ropes? Ash Canyon would also be blocked off by extension. Same thing with Mountain Town, and Hushed River Valley. Can't move a horse into there either, since those regions require climbing ropes. Also Desolation Point. How you going to get a horse in and out of that region with the nearly sealed off mine that serves as the entrance/exit. Those are just a few examples, but I think I got the point across that a horses just can't work with the way Great Bear is constructed.

The only 'fast travel' idea that I can think of that could work are ziplines that can be made at static places around each region that you can make, with the right tools, resources, and time. Could even serve as an endgame goal after a few in game months.

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7 minutes ago, LunarLime said:

You're going to need to catch a ton of fish to fuel that baby up tho.

Well that'll be solved when the next release allows us to repair the Riken and set sail to harpoon a whale. Hey that rhymes.

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4 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

A horse would fit the general aesthetic, but for a number of reasons I don't think it's the right fit here anyway. For one thing, its health: What kills it? What hurts it? Will it be attacked by wolves? If so, what are the effects? What's the mount/dismount time? Can YOU be attacked while mounted?

On and on, there's just so many things that need to be considered, all for the sake of...moving a bit faster?


I know I know

 but that’s part of it.  Maybe a mule instead of a horse. Or an alpaca. And where there’s a Will, there’s a way.  
Is it reasonable to believe there were no mules or another type of pack animal up in the mines in AC?

All it takes is some adjustment to the cave system for an alternate route.  
And depending on the “quest”, you don’t necessarily have to be able to take the animal with you to every traversable location.  



 just saying it would be cool and solve a travel problem.  Without the need for mods.  Which I’m personally not into.  

Edited by Semple Fi
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How about an alternative like an underground cave system? Signal Void hints toward the possibility of strange experiments and possible underground facilities, and Leandra already mentioned the metal bars inside some of the caves. A map underneath the island could add to the story and offer some kind of 'faster' travel. Part of it can be caves, part of it can be train tracks, part of it can be a waterway traveled by boat, part of it could be connected via a trolley controlled by a crank, or any mixture of these ideas. Add a few secret facilities and this game could be under production for years and I would buy every DLC they come out with. 

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14 hours ago, LunarLime said:

The only 'fast travel' idea that I can think of that could work are ziplines that can be made at static places around each region that you can make, with the right tools, resources, and time. Could even serve as an endgame goal after a few in game months.

That's a lot of scrap metal, a forge, and a milling machine. Not to mention tools that don't exist.  Interesting concept.

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1 hour ago, wilsonaka said:

That's a lot of scrap metal, a forge, and a milling machine. Not to mention tools that don't exist.  Interesting concept.

I know realistically yeah you can't really make proper zipline anyways. My idea was they would be be static "zipline spots" around Great Bear, similar to how climbing ropes rocks, just you would need to repair them first. They would take a lot of material to repair, a lot of time (several in-game days), and plenty of tools to repair these things. Lastly, you would need a climbing rope to connect the two zipline spot together.

Keep in mind, yes I know realistically building a zipline would be practically impossible with... Well how everything is on Great Bear. But at the end of the day, it is a video game, it doesn't need to be 100% realistic, and IMHO it shouldn't. TLD, while yes is pretty grounded in reality. Even it can bend some rules for gameplay sake.

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It's been mentioned before somewhere  but how about a hot air balloon..    finding one that just needs patching up a bit. Because of the fuel it would use it's really not worth it unless you want to travel long distances ..  

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I'm really not in favor of fast-travel of any kind, I think it would really undermine (even defeat the purpose) of having to manage the risks and struggling our way across regions whenever we choose to go a great distance to get to a specific place.  

Many may attempt to counter point with, "Yeah but if we got there by walking once... why not just be able to fast-travel back after we unlocked a waypoint?"

However, this is precisely what I don't like about the idea.  If we choose to make a long trek to get to a specific place (perhaps one of our main encampments a couple of regions away), then I like that we have to take the risks of that trip into consideration when we commit to the journey.  I think that fast-travel would really neuter the risks and struggles of traveling in the later game; and honestly, I think that would take away a lot of the point and fun of our survival sandbox.

I much prefer that if we want to make a long trek, that we have to get there on the merits of our own skill and ability to manage/cope with all the dangers of Great Bear Island.

 Once distance becomes trivial and there's no hazards to traveling (for the sake of convenience)... then to me, survival would just feel boring and toothless.

Edited by ManicManiac
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3 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

I'm really not in favor of fast-travel of any kind, I think it would really undermines (even defeat the purpose) of having to manage the risks and struggling our way across regions whenever we choose to go a great distance to get to a specific place.  

Many may attempt to counter point with, "Yeah but if we got there by walking once... why not just be able to fast-travel back after we unlocked a waypoint?"

However, this is precisely what I don't like about the idea.  If we choose to make a long trek to get to a specific place (perhaps one of our main encampments a couple of regions away), then I like that we have to take the risks of that trip into consideration when we commit to the journey.  I think that fast-travel would really neuter the risks and struggles of traveling in the later game; and honestly, I think that would take away a lot of the point and fun of our survival sandbox.

I much prefer that if we want to make a long trek, that we have to get there on the merits of our own skill and ability to manage/cope with all the dangers of Great Bear Island.

 Once distance becomes trivial and there's no hazards to traveling (for the sake of convenience)... then to me, survival would just feel boring and toothless.

I'm not in favour of it really either.. just throwing an idea out there.. the views would be stunning though..

I enjoy the long walks and feelings of solitude that comes with it...    Sure  sometimes it feels like a grind but it's satisfying when you reach your destination... 

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It also serves to encourage us to consider what we are leaving behind... because we have to accept that if we accidently forget something, we'd have a long and risky trek back to fetch it. 

Also, also... if we are thinking about going someplace to pick up something we'd stashed previously, we'd really need to think about whether it's worth the trip/risk... whether we can get by without it... or maybe even see about seeking it elsewhere (perhaps some place unexplored) to find it or something perhaps serving the same purpose.


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8 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

It also serves to encourage us to consider what we are leaving behind... because we have to accept that if we accidently forget something, we'd have a long and risky trek back to fetch it. 

Also, also... if we are thinking about going someplace to pick up something we'd stashed previously, we'd really need to think about whether it's worth the trip/risk... whether we can get by without it... or maybe even see about seeking it elsewhere (perhaps some place unexplored) to find it or something perhaps serving the same purpose.


Well I'm almost always overburdened but I do have to check what I've got thoroughly and exactly how much room I might need..  after losing a few bedrolls in my time I've very careful about triple checking.. but yes there's always something unexpected that can throw us off .. 


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16 hours ago, Semple Fi said:

Is it reasonable to believe there were no mules or another type of pack animal up in the mines in AC?

You'd think so, right?!  There are no roads going in or out, so there may have been mountain trails that were used to haul supplies/personnel in/out of the area?  Some of the heavier metal mining equipment would need to be flown in by helicopter.

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4 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

You'd think so, right?!  There are no roads going in or out, so there may have been mountain trails that were used to haul supplies/personnel in/out of the area?  Some of the heavier metal mining equipment would need to be flown in by helicopter.

Or rail car

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