TFTFT3 Bugs and Feedback Thread (Merged)

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Just wondering if this is me or if this is systemic..

  • HItting J to bring up the Journal instead brings up a McClusterF&ck
  • The Condition bar seems smaller
  • While outside, wet clothes continue to freeze even while near a fire and protected from the wind
  • Completely unable to use the RMB via the Radial at all--this includes placing objects from the Radial, or erasing Spray Paint markers
  • Skillet does not appear in the Radial, so you either need to click on an active cook surface to place it, or drop it on the floor and RMB it
  • I have yet to encounter a single Burdock or whatever those new birds are called, and have fully explored Broken Railroad, Mountain Town, Mystery Lake, and Pleasant Valley. Could be bad RNG though.
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I've also had a few bugs with it so far.  My sprint meter is always visible now. Also went to pick up 3 rabbits and once I clicked on them they disappeared. 

It hasn't even been released for 12 hours yet, so we should expect some bugs at this stage. HL will fix it.

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2 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

Also of note... I find that I can no longer right click an item from the radial in order to place it. 
Found as I was trying to drop off water one bottle at a time.  Tested on the other areas of the radial found the same to be true.




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There's something really off with the fatigue.

I had 75% left on the fatigue metre and full on the stamina but when I tried to climb the rope up to park office in Milton I barely made it...

My stamina dropped very quickly and I nearly fell down the rope.. I have also noticed she's walking slower overall 

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Both me and my friends are experiencing the good old failed to load the save when transitioning into or outside a house. We even created new save files and sometimes cannot leave the building we start in. This update seems to be a huge red flag to save files right now.

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6 hours ago, Leeanda said:

There's something really off with the fatigue.

I had 75% left on the fatigue metre and full on the stamina but when I tried to climb the rope up to park office in Milton I barely made it...

My stamina dropped very quickly and I nearly fell down the rope.. I have also noticed she's walking slower overall 

Whoa wait a sec, so I'm not insane? That was the one I deleted, because I realized I forgot to put my crampons on. (I was boozin a bit.)

So ok, yeah, I can confirm this one as well. Climbs did seem to chew up more stamina than usual, but I chalked that up to the fact that I hadn't played the game in a month and my memory is about as ... what was I saying?

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1 minute ago, ajb1978 said:

Whoa wait a sec, so I'm not insane? That was the one I deleted, because I realized I forgot to put my crampons on. (I was boozin a bit.)

So ok, yeah, I can confirm this one as well. Climbs did seem to chew up more stamina than usual, but I chalked that up to the fact that I hadn't played the game in a month and my memory is about as ... what was I saying?

Lol..😁   I  had crampons on as well.  Didn't make any difference I could see..   



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7 hours ago, Leeanda said:

Extremely loud alarm type noise outside the dam on the winding river side....  

This is  related to dead bunnies ... Just picking them up and dropping them stops the noise.

Edited by Leeanda
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3 minutes ago, conanjaguar said:

Now that’s… actually terrifying. The Bunny Banshees are wailing for revenge 👻.

It sounds like it too...... Never mind the flickering spasms they have... Poor bunnies....   The noise does seem to be localised though so at least you can escape it..

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41 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

Lol..😁   I  had crampons on as well.  Didn't make any difference I could see..   



Same happened to me! And I'm 100% sure something changed because I climbed the same rope before on the same day no problem, and when I went up again I fell! Had to pause and quit the game before hitting the ground. Tried with crampons and acorn coffee, no difference. Basically, every bug listed here I have. Except for bunny horror show. But I haven't killed any yet 

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Chiming in to say I'm currently stuck inside the Lone Lake Cabin in Mystery Lake with the "failed to load previous save" bug. Tried saving inside by passing time and have restared the game multiple times and verified integrity of game files through Steam. Just really hoping this can be fixed and doesn't mean the end of my save...

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Do you guys get inactive carcasses, too? It has been like that forever, I finally put down a bear, come to it and it's just empty inactive shell. I can walk through it 

Wanna see inside a bear?

screen_(809, 153, 605)_3296542d-4f30-4e9c-bbac-f0e9797e381c.png

Also, who else got an invisible water in the cave that connects TM and AC

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1 minute ago, bysinda said:

Do you guys get inactive carcasses, too? It has been like that forever, I finally put down a bear, come to it and it's just empty inactive shell. I can walk through it 

Wanna see inside a bear?

screen_(809, 153, 605)_3296542d-4f30-4e9c-bbac-f0e9797e381c.png

You can either throw a lit torch at it. Or shoot it with an arrow ... Then you should be able to harvest it.


I did have trouble getting the hitbox on a deer carcass though, it turned up a few feet above the body.


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3 minutes ago, Renn said:

Chiming in to say I'm currently stuck inside the Lone Lake Cabin in Mystery Lake with the "failed to load previous save" bug. Tried saving inside by passing time and have restared the game multiple times and verified integrity of game files through Steam. Just really hoping this can be fixed and doesn't mean the end of my save...

Don't give up on it just yet! I'm sure it's gonna be fixed sooner or later...I'm not going into ML cabin though 

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