Favourite difficulty?


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Interloper is my favorite.

I've played other modes but not for years (since early access) and I've never played the story mode.

I know lots of people never play interloper because its just too much and that is fine but give it a shot once or twice and you might find that you enjoy it.

I personally like the lack of resources, even on loper my inventory is always packed. I'm like a pack mule!

The weather is unpredictable and punishing which rewards thinking ahead a bit and micro managing the cold to keep moving.

Even after 700+ hours loper throws it's nasty tricks at you!

Someday, I will play the story but for now I'll just keep playing loper.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I usually play stalker, as it has the most content out of all the difficulties.

But I've long been thinking of starting a new game on custom with all the settings of stalker, but with interloper weather

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On 4/17/2022 at 7:42 AM, Larryfine said:

Interloper is my favorite.

I've played other modes but not for years (since early access) and I've never played the story mode.

I know lots of people never play interloper because its just too much and that is fine but give it a shot once or twice and you might find that you enjoy it.

I personally like the lack of resources, even on loper my inventory is always packed. I'm like a pack mule!

The weather is unpredictable and punishing which rewards thinking ahead a bit and micro managing the cold to keep moving.

Even after 700+ hours loper throws it's nasty tricks at you!

Someday, I will play the story but for now I'll just keep playing loper.


I've tried interloper several times I just can't survive long enough to get the bow though

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3 hours ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

I've tried interloper several times I just can't survive long enough to get the bow though

Hi Bearimpaler,

try to watch some of Zaknafein's videos on loper gameplay. They gave me quite a bit of inspiration.
It is vital to use Your health as a resource and cook teas for warmth bonus and nutrition. Go for "Well Fed" only after You have sufficient tools and weapon skills. 

Good luck on Your runs.

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  • 1 month later...

I used to play a custom Pilgrim game. Low wolves, bears, moose, high fear, everything else breeds like bunnies, high loot, and OF COURSE Rifle!

I am now playing Stalker, and enjoying it quite a bit, even if I can’t make it to a month. I am thinking that after my current run dies, I will try a ‘Loper Deadman Kegstand Eternal Night... We’ll see how that goes.

By the way, what is NOGOA?

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5 hours ago, conanjaguar said:

I used to play a custom Pilgrim game. Low wolves, bears, moose, high fear, everything else breeds like bunnies, high loot, and OF COURSE Rifle!

I am now playing Stalker, and enjoying it quite a bit, even if I can’t make it to a month. I am thinking that after my current run dies, I will try a ‘Loper Deadman Kegstand Eternal Night... We’ll see how that goes.

By the way, what is NOGOA?

No on gets out alive.   It's a super hard interloper.  No health regeneration except through using stims. 

You forgot deadworld by the way.  No animals at all. 

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Just now, conanjaguar said:

Why not? I’ll take bets as to how many minutes I last. Anyone?

If the loot and harvestable plants are on max you could survive for quite a while. 

You need more faith in yourself.  I live on pilgrim for the quiet life,if I tried another level I'd last 5 minutes even with three years of playing behind me.

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@Leeanda, I am in part jesting. I am not THAT pessimistic. If I was, I wouldn’t have suggested sausages (half-joking, but serious enough), or given my runs names of King Arthur’s knights. I would also not be sitting right next to my brother... 

Still, a totally dead world kegstand is intriguing... wait! No! NO! NOOO! DONT GET DISTRACTED!

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Glad to hear it.   In fairness some of your comments might have led me to that conclusion.  

I'm enjoying your adventures of our humble knights..  if,and it's a big if, they fail will you try our friendly mage Merlin?😁

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On 6/9/2022 at 10:41 AM, Leeanda said:

I'm enjoying your adventures of our humble knights..  if,and it's a big if, they fail will you try our friendly mage Merlin?😁

Ooh, that's basically me! I'm currently doing a library run, where my primary goal is to abscond with every book in the game world, and line the shelves of the Pleasant Valley Farmhouse with them.

In VR too, because that's how I roll. (Virtual 3D monitor rendered via VorpX, in case anyone is interested.)

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4 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

Ooh, that's basically me! I'm currently doing a library run, where my primary goal is to abscond with every book in the game world, and line the shelves of the Pleasant Valley Farmhouse with them.

In VR too, because that's how I roll. (Virtual 3D monitor rendered via VorpX, in case anyone is interested.)

That sounds fun.! How's it going? 

 I'm not sure how many there are but I know it's quite a few. Are there any in hrv? The few times I've been there I never found any?  



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28 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

Are there any in hrv? The few times I've been there I never found any?  

Unfortunately I'm at a stage where I can no longer definitively answer that question...I've long since raided HRV and any books I would have acquired are now squirreled away at the Paradise Meadows farmhouse. That's kind of my official home away from home while I work on mapping everything to completion.

That said I think you're right, I have no specific memories of books spawning in HRV. Like, ever.

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Thanks.  One of the games few mysteries still to solve then.  🙂.   

At least you'll have something to read during one of the many blizzards in pv, presuming you're not too advanced to read them already.   It would be a good use of time though,even if you can't gain any skill from them.

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Revisiting this thread...

It's still Interloper for me. I'd rather use Custom but I still haven't got the 500 days feat; I always got too bored somewhere after 100 days and would start anew. Once you have the maps & spawns memorized, and you have the patience to always play it safe, the game just becomes a grind of routine. At least Interloper has more danger involved.


I'm currently revisiting my longest previous run/save (Interloper) and have installed a few mods, only 1 of which changes actual difficulty: can't remember the name of it, but I can change decay rates on items. I did so to make the game much more realistic in that respect. A lot of things should only decay over a period of years rather than days, for example. A few others should spoil faster. ex: Raw meat should completely spoil & not magically change when cooked. Prybars don't degrade. MREs and many tinned foods last decades.

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/3/2021 at 1:51 PM, Leeanda said:

Obviously for me it's Pilgrim, but wondered what everyone else's was? This includes story  custom mode and challenges!

Al old thread, but a question most definitely on people's minds (including mine). 

Currently, my favourite (ATM) is a custom with harsh weather, lowest loot, no firearms, all illnesses (no sprain), world gets colder, lowest condition gain (and only at rest),  but no aggro. I also selected 2 feats a-la interloper.

I like the custom mode because I like to camp in places where I can catch a good sunrise or sunset. I really enjoy this activity like I do in real life. This custom mode without the aggro allows me to do that along with the weather challenges to make life a bit difficult.

But as with every difficulty the game offers, it gets a bit boring after a while. Interloper got boring after I could hunt at will and had cooking level 5 and bear coats+bed roll. Stalker is boring by default as the wolves will ping you from a light year away. Voyageur is a good mix between "the camping vacation" (Pilgrim) and other difficulties but does have it's moments where I struggle to continue.

I just wish there was something in between Pilgrim and Voyageur where the aggro levels is off but there could be times where a wolf could turn aggro. Right now it is 0 or 1 (or 0.99). Like when it's really hungry and will take the risk to attack a human. (HL does have a disclaimer that wolves generally avoid people + this -> https://wolffacts.org/do-wolves-attack-humans.html). So this doubt will keep a Pilgrim on their toes but not like on Stalker/Interloper where you have to tip-toe all the time (yes, the torch drop+aim exists but it becomes ritualistic). RN, even after you push a deer towards a wolf and it has had its lunch, it will still attack you. In this mode, the bear/moose could be more aggro than the wolves but still not 100% (like 50%). I don't know if I've described it the way I thought. Maybe HL can give us custom aggro on/off with %ages and I'd be good. 

TL;DR Custom Pilgrim. :)

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Just now, StillNomad said:

Al old thread, but a question most definitely on people's minds (including mine). 

Currently, my favourite (ATM) is a custom with harsh weather, lowest loot, no firearms, all illnesses (no sprain), world gets colder, lowest condition gain (and only at rest),  but no aggro. I also selected 2 feats a-la interloper.

I like the custom mode because I like to camp in places where I can catch a good sunrise or sunset. I really enjoy this activity like I do in real life. This custom mode without the aggro allows me to do that along with the weather challenges to make life a bit difficult.

But as with every difficulty the game offers, it gets a bit boring after a while. Interloper got boring after I could hunt at will and had cooking level 5 and bear coats+bed roll. Stalker is boring by default as the wolves will ping you from a light year away. Voyageur is a good mix between "the camping vacation" (Pilgrim) and other difficulties but does have it's moments where I struggle to continue.

I just wish there was something in between Pilgrim and Voyageur where the aggro levels is off but there could be times where a wolf could turn aggro. Right now it is 0 or 1 (or 0.99). Like when it's really hungry and will take the risk to attack a human. (HL does have a disclaimer that wolves generally avoid people + this -> https://wolffacts.org/do-wolves-attack-humans.html). So this doubt will keep a Pilgrim on their toes but not like on Stalker/Interloper where you have to tip-toe all the time (yes, the torch drop+aim exists but it becomes ritualistic). RN, even after you push a deer towards a wolf and it has had its lunch, it will still attack you. In this mode, the bear/moose could be more aggro than the wolves but still not 100% (like 50%). I don't know if I've described it the way I thought. Maybe HL can give us custom aggro on/off with %ages and I'd be good. 

TL;DR Custom Pilgrim. :)

Pilgrim still runs the risk of attacks by any predators.. it is low but if you leave passive on but take wolf fear off it makes it more likely for  a wolf attack.  Actually since the last fix I've had a few bear/moose turning on me than I ever have before.whether the devs tweaked it or not I don't know but it does stop you getting complacent.  

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4 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

Pilgrim still runs the risk of attacks by any predators.. it is low but if you leave passive on but take wolf fear off it makes it more likely for  a wolf attack.  Actually since the last fix I've had a few bear/moose turning on me than I ever have before.whether the devs tweaked it or not I don't know but it does stop you getting complacent.  

Ah, thanks for the info. I've not tried the setting in this particular combo before. I will in the next run, once this gets tiring. 

By chance, I was just scouring the Mods section and came across the Animal Behaviour mod. Looks interesting. 

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Just now, StillNomad said:

Ah, thanks for the info. I've not tried the setting in this particular combo before. I will in the next run, once this gets tiring. 

By chance, I was just scouring the Mods section and came across the Animal Behaviour mod. Looks interesting. 

Technically wolf fear off when passive is still on shouldn't make a difference but after using both for quite some time I can say it definitely does. 

With the wolves though,they usually only attack if you get near them when they're eating or you're in their path when chasing something else. 

I'm new to the laptop so haven't had chance to look at modding yet. But I gather that mod might be good for what you're looking for if custom pilgrim doesn't suit you.

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Interlop is kinda boring/easy for me. Hard start are funnier than long and safe life. I didnt continue my previous game in stalker/inter. I rised difficulty while using guns. That's intersting but with high drop rate it's unbalanced. 
I need very rare drop of weapons and amo to feel nice. Crafting amo and repair weapon create additionnal gameplay that I like.


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I don't know if it's just me but I'd be interested to hear from other pilgrimers on this. 

Has anyone noticed an increase in bear/moose attacking since the last 2 updates?    They've definitely increased for me, I've had at least 5 bears in a row turn on me in this run alone. 

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