Longest run

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I can tell you my shortest run....  a Day and a half.  Cause of death, Hypothermia and Exhaustion because I'm an idiot that got stuck in a blizzard with no matches, and no sense of direction.    On Voyager. Second try....

First try would had been the same thing if I hadn't given up because the blizzard I started in wasn't letting up.

So 3rd try is now my longest at 213 days, 3 bear maulings, and countless wolf attacks......

Edited by starlin
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My longest run so far has been 167 days on stalker. I went to sleep in a hunters blind with wet clothes, blizzard moved in and faded into The Long Dark.

My current run on stalker is now over 100 days and I will be trying for the 500 day milestone.

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Currently on day 305 Voyageur run, working towards to 500 day achievement. Learned a lot this run, (normal) wolves aren't a threat any more as I know how to kill them almost 100% of the time with a bow and I learned how to fend  them off with a torch or with a flare if it's too windy for a torch. I never have had any major issues with timber wolves, shooting at the most aggressive wolf (leader?) removes the ,morale meter pretty quickly - I just make sure to get my back against a wall or rock or something. Bear and moose hunting I win far more often than I lose. I have now been in every area and now most of the areas very well and the rest reasonably well. Just 4 achievements left to get for 100%. The first game out of the great many that I have played that I was dedicated to getting 100% achievements, it's just so fun, relaxing at times and outright terrifying at times. Have fun and good luck.

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10 hours ago, Bean said:

. . . but I can’t generate any interest in the game.  . . .

The answer is simple.  Different people like different games. If you don't want to change yourself, change your game.  That is better than having all games changed to suit you.

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22 hours ago, darkscaryforest said:

I request a story plz

It was day one-hundred three when I made it to hushed river valley right shortly after the region had been released. I got caught off guard by a bear and  tried to run to safety. Unfortunately I forgot that the path I was planning on taking was blocked by shrubs. I shot the bear, but him in the shoulder, I was worried I might lose the bear and with him my arrows in the unfamiliar terrain and this was back when your arrows would get deleted sometimes if wolf deer died on the wrong side so, It's not like I had infinite arrows. Any way I tried to get around on to the face of the cliff, but I see this little drop off that was hardly anything yet it was enough that no matter the angle I tried I couldn't shimmy my way back up. It was to step to climb down, but I tried anyway. I mean I made it, but died of my injuries shortly after. 

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Ah that sucks, but a great story.

The longest run I have is 105 days because I keep starting over. I get ideas about wanting to explore new regions, try new difficulties, or try to do something better from the start. I had a couple voyager runs that lasted about 30-50 days so then I quit those and got a couple stalker ones to around 50 and 100 days (still work on the 100 day dude to explore new areas). Then I tried interloper and after a bunch of deaths got my 105 day dude. He has frostbite, no feats, no second thermal underwear, sports socks (yuck), and no ear wraps. So I started a few other interloper characters and have one on day 60 decked out and a couple others in an ok state should I lose my other two mains. I'm really hoping to learn how to survive better in late game interloper in not mystery lake, since aside from initial looting I've spent all my time there gearing up in the 105 and 60 day runs. I have trouble getting myself to take risks in that difficulty because it just takes SO much time gearing and skilling up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Absolutely none of those. I especially don’t use any aids or save scumming seeing as how I regularly call out “interliars” (fools who make interloper settings easier such as removing cabin fever or starting with a bedroll and still think it’s interloper). the trick is I simply know all the maps very well and have indirectly memorized the loot tables just from playing enough.   I know where the Wolves, bears, and all spawns are just from playing many hours  

  Honestly once you get the bow you can just last indefinitely even on deadman (ATDS is actually how I play deadman).  I typically get my forge run by day 13 and already have my maple and several birch already dried and waiting. Sometimes I even build the bow and arrows right at the forge location if it’s in FM or BR.   Other times like on Deadman I don’t get it started til more around day 25.  But again, once you have a bow and a half dozen arrows, the challenge is over. 

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A bit over 200 days on interloper. I always get bored and jump off a cliff, or run around butt-neked until I freeze. Gonna see how far I can stretch this one out. I've actually started a couple other games to stave off boredom in the 200+ day game.

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I have now passed 200 days on my current stalker run. I am at 217 days as of the last save. I am hoping to make the 500 day mark. I am in HRV at the moment and am having a good time. I really like the way it is laid out.

The only thing I have not done is make ammunition at this point. I have the code and all required materials at my main base.

Just dont need to cause I have 44 rifle rounds and 117 pistol rounds still. I think I have about 23 arrows as well at this point.

Trying to get better with the bow cause I kinda suck with it. Alright that's not exactly true, I completely suck with it. 

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  • 3 years later...

So ive been playing since the game released on Xbox and I normally play on stalker difficulty, doing so my longest run is 194 days.


Recently I decided to get serious about doing interloper, in which my longest run was like 2 days. My current main run in now on Interloper amd I just pasted 220 days. Nit onlybis this my longest rune in interloper, but my longest run on ANY difficulty!!!

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I always play on Voyageur, and it took me a coupla years to finally score that elusive 500 days. So satisfying. Either that run or the next one got up to just over 1200 days before the bloody timbies got me (that one hurt), and I think my current run is somewhere north of 600 or 800 days (haven't played in a bit so I can't recall).

Once you get to know the maps well and understand the mechanics, everything starts falling into place. You'll figure out your own way to manage your survival, deal with aggressive wildlife, and what to carry with you, but until then there are just so many mistakes to be made, and so often the lessons are very hard. But I find that's one of the things I've always liked best about the game - when you die, it's almost always your own fault. Y'know, one way or another.

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I'm somewhere north of 1000 days on a very old Interloper save. (IDK the exact number & I don't feel like dual-booting back & forth to check just for this comment) I play very slow/boring/safe on that run, and it makes it even easier when you've memorized everything via playing on other saves/difficulties.

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