Looking for community support to make the "silly aim shivering" opt-IN!

Gun Tech.

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3 minutes ago, Dr. S. said:

I don't understand this argument. As you point out, the bow is too slow to draw against surprise wolves. So this change is irrelevant to the deadliness of wolf ambushes. This change only affects non-ambush wolf encounters, and there are still plenty of ways to deal with those.


The argument is in my comment: flare shells eventually run out. This leaves only the bow. The cautious and experienced player will keep a distance to snow drifts, while having the bow out. Now, he has to be warm to not miss such a wolf, from the pure RNG change. You can't be warm all the time, especially late game when the best clothing still gives -82C Feels Like temps. And hence, you can't always be >80% health -- at least not if you want any kind of freedom of movement late game. Hence, death is no longer evitable and hence, this is no longer a Survival game.

Now, this is not the only reason to dislike the change entirely, or think it would be cooler if it was made opt-IN. But it's the best reason, and about the worst change to increase difficulty. I've just posted a better alternative in the Wishlist forum.

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1 minute ago, Gun Tech. said:

Now, he has to be warm to not miss such a wolf, from the pure RNG change. You can't be warm all the time, especially late game when the best clothing still gives -82C Feels Like temps. And hence, you can't always be >80% health -- at least not if you want any kind of freedom of movement late game. Hence, death is no longer evitable and hence, this is no longer a Survival game.

It's true, you have to be more careful when you're outside and freezing; you can't simply hunt any wolf you see. That's why I like the change. I agree it's somewhat more restrictive, and I do spend more time warming up than before (approaching day 300 in interloper). But it means I have to be more strategic in my time spent outdoors.

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I want to object to this and clarify that my post is not a wish: 

The Wish List sub-forum is for feature requests, and things you'd like to see added to the game. "Wish List" is a fairly broadly understood term both in game discussion and real life. We understand that you're not asking a deity or Santa Claus for the feature, but us as developers. You'd like to see an option added, that belongs in the "Wish List" sub-forum.

It helps us keep track of conversations better to have them in the proper forum. You wouldn't want us to miss this thread because it was in the wrong place.

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1 hour ago, Admin said:

The Wish List sub-forum is for feature requests, and things you'd like to see added to the game. "Wish List" is a fairly broadly understood term both in game discussion and real life. We understand that you're not asking a deity or Santa Claus for the feature, but us as developers. You'd like to see an option added, that belongs in the "Wish List" sub-forum.

It helps us keep track of conversations better to have them in the proper forum. You wouldn't want us to miss this thread because it was in the wrong place.

Still, for new visitors, the move makes it look like my post is a mere wish, rather than pure response to a feature added from the wish of no post in the wish-list forum. So I had to comment my post to clarify that.

Edited by Gun Tech.
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  • 3 weeks later...

It seems a number of people get motion sickness issues from the effect. Rational Bassist on youtube made a few videos about it and airs some legit grievances here about it, not least Hinterland have been ok about motion sickness issues and accessibility options but were pretty bkinkered on this one and it seems haven't explicitly noted this feature as an official change anywhere.


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That's a dead on accurate video by RB, thanks for sharing.

Personally I'm not affected by motion sickness when using the bow with the new effect, but I empathize with those who do. There absolutely should be an option to disable it, no feature is justified when it affects the health of a previously established audience, period.

Gameplay-wise, it makes pretty difficult to land long range snipes but it's doable if you just draw and release right away. It kinda caps the player skill curve and makes the bow less interesting as a gameplay skill to master, so I'm not a huge fan but I can live with it.

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There ought to be an accessibility option that turns off (or greatly reduces, or modifies, or whatever is necessary) the shaking effect for players that can't tolerate it in its current form. It could be replaced with a random error added to the arrow's trajectory to simulate the same effect. I don't see this as any different than the other accessibility accommodations. 

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After getting used to the new shivering effect myself, I'd say draw and release straight-away seems to be the new meta for Interlopers when using the bow while freezing. The dot reticle that appears when holding a bow seems to be there to help you with that.

As for the surprise wolf behind a snow drift, you'll have to be more careful when approaching known wolf spawns and make sure there's no meat in your inventory.

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