News on the Upcoming December Update to The Long Dark


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On 11/27/2017 at 1:49 PM, ingrobny said:

What!? No, no, no, permadeath is what makes the sandbox a thriller, just saying, so Hinterland don't think everybody want this removed :P . Without permadeath there wouldn't be a reason for playing the survival mode at all.

I couldn't agree more :) (even if i wanted to :D).

Why not make permadeath a toggle, such as the godsend CTS toggle? Then everyone can play the game according to their own desires. I am kind of on the fence about permadeath since in the last week I have made a slight mistake twice on a medium mode game and died both times.

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8 hours ago, oversoul said:

Why not make permadeath a toggle, such as the godsend CTS toggle? Then everyone can play the game according to their own desires. I am kind of on the fence about permadeath since in the last week I have made a slight mistake twice on a medium mode game and died both times.

I don't know, i like it better when the difficulty is forced onme, you are not alone, i have died two times, but the two deads learned me what not to do, so now i have survived over 300 days now on voyager and counting.

First time i died was when i went to sleep in a fishing hut in Mystery River, without starting a fire and i froze to death, second time i bleed to death, started to chopping wood after a wolf attack, but didn't notice i was bleeding :o, after that i started to save my savings to a USB stick, but that didn't feel right, so i deleted the backup and if i had the option to turn permadeath off i might use it, therefore it's better to not have that option at all, the best part with dying, is that you can find different clothing etc, i haven't found military pants or a second wool long underwear yet and i have been pretty much everywhere, death is a big part of this game and if we could turn it off, the 1 to 500 days suvival trophies would be pointless.

Edited by ingrobny
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14 minutes ago, oversoul said:

but to help people like me who just binge played eight hours to get wiped out in a moment of indecision or bad luck.

That's what the story mode is for, it will help you to learn to survive, i learned a lot from the story mode, without that i think i would die a lot more, i died at least 10 times during the first episode of story mode, but it learned me what to do and not do, even i managed to die in a stupid way in the survival mode, but i think i would have died a lot more, if it wasn't for the story mode.

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In Survivor Mode, the objective is to survive. If you fail to survive, you have failed to achieve the objective and it's Game Over.

That is the whole point of it.

Having the option to remove permadeath from Survivor Mode would be a bit like having the option to remove the story from Wintermute.

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ah for a moment i thought you where saying there was a new steam achievement. maybe it needs more.

Those Moose are one tough beasts. got to give the wolf some credit for hanging on so long.

Smarts on the Moose to take it to the water as well, try to drown the wolf.


Edited by nicko
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On 12/8/2017 at 7:43 PM, cekivi said:

That's exactly what I was thinking @nicko. I half expected the moose to just sit on the wolf to drown it. Then again the moose likely didn't because its head would be in biting range if the wolf escaped. 

I was thinking that too - looks like he accidentally hit a deep spot and caused the wolf to let go.  Looks like he got a pounding from the back leg too.  Too bad his pack wasn't there.

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