Why so short?


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Hello fellow gamers and developers!  I've got a simple question...

Why is the character only 2 feet tall?  I thought it was just something temporary because it's in development or that the character aesthetics aren't really important in this game.  However, now that they are adding more 1st person features (hands...before long we'll be walking on feet!) it seems like more emphasis is being put on character aesthetics.  It makes it stand out even more that I am the same height as grass.

Am I missing something; is there some game related reason why we are so short?  

Being able to walk under docks does make it convenient to hunt bears...

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1 hour ago, togg said:

I've noticed it as well, this is surelly related to how the game is built, I don't know if it would be easy to change. But maybe a few pixels up could be better without big problems.

I'd guess that the change would be just changing one value in Unity editor. The "problem" probably is, that the character really doesn't look short, at least to me. He looks like he can barely fit through the doors. I only tested in trapper's homestead though, so it might be possible that some stuff is out of scale. If the character really looks like 2 feet tall then my only guess is that you left crouch on :P

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2 hours ago, Ruruwawa said:

It's not consistent.  Someplaces I feel way too short, other places I feel like I'm the right height.   I just assumed some specific objects in the world aren't sized right.

I agree, it feels like in difficult situation, like escalating rocks, you're shorter, which makes sense. But when you're in a frozen river or something like that, I don't remember well, it can be annoying.

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2 hours ago, Hatchet said:

A lot of people have brought this up, it's good that it's been brought up again, i want someone from Hinterland commenting on this.
When i enter a car i feel like a 10 year old who can just about see above the dashboard.


Speaking of feeling like a 10 year old. Going to the farmhouse and looking UP at the stair banister.  Crouching is even worse. Cattails and grass become like skyscrapers.

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On 8/27/2016 at 5:11 AM, FINDarkside said:

I'd guess that the change would be just changing one value in Unity editor. The "problem" probably is, that the character really doesn't look short, at least to me. He looks like he can barely fit through the doors. I only tested in trapper's homestead though, so it might be possible that some stuff is out of scale. If the character really looks like 2 feet tall then my only guess is that you left crouch on :P

I wish I left the crouch on. Bunnies are taller than me when I crouch. It's like slithering around on your belly.

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it has been like this for years now since the game came out. Honestly at first it was blamed on the snow but at this point I just think it is bad scaling and it would be a pain to go back and fix it. I find it uncomfortable to play for a long time because it just feels weird having my 'face' so close to the ground all the time, maybe i'm spoiled being 6 foot 3 lol.

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Maybe it has something to do with the devs trying to make the world seem bigger and more vast, much like how accelerated time and player speed limitations do so. It may help keep the exploration feeling going.

However, i only feel it while on the train bridges, and crouching makes sense cause its not really a crouch hes doing but a squat it seems.

Maybe it has something to do woth lack of first person Presence too, who knows?

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Rescaling everything? W

On 29-8-2016 at 5:37 PM, Survive757 said:

it has been like this for years now since the game came out. Honestly at first it was blamed on the snow but at this point I just think it is bad scaling and it would be a pain to go back and fix it. I find it uncomfortable to play for a long time because it just feels weird having my 'face' so close to the ground all the time, maybe i'm spoiled being 6 foot 3 lol.

Rescaling everything? Well maybe not everything and the game is still in pre-alpha, so it certainly wouldn't be a waste of time, i'm sure they can come up with a way to work on it, and keep it in mind for any future changes they make to the enviroment.

The question is if they will, so far this has been brought up a couple of times but as long as i can remember i never saw an official reply from any of the dev to such topics.

@alone sniper love your avatar man, the happiness is all over the place in that tiny circle, is that real life you?


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 28-8-2016 at 6:23 PM, Hatchet said:

A lot of people have brought this up, it's good that it's been brought up again, i want someone from Hinterland commenting on this.

Issues like these, which come up time and again, might be material for a FAQ.

It would be quite handy to have a list of recurring issues people bring up time and again, with some explanation as to what was the thought behind the original design and why it can't be fixed.

That way, players can check (or refer) to the FAQ, lay the issue to rest and get on with the game.

I mean, we can conjecture all day long (the original idea was probably for the player to be immersed knee deep in snow; it probably would take way too many man hours to rescale the whole thing, not to mention the bugs...) but it remains guesswork.

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