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Everything posted by Stranzua

  1. Yeah, I'm on Xbox. Were you fully rested? My energy is half full so I can make it around 75% of the way up.
  2. OMG. I didn't think that was possible. Has anyone ever gotten food poisoning from eating low condition sardines, crackers, soda, syrup, peanut butter, or candy bars? I've never gotten food poisoning from these items so on top of eating 1 piece of bear or wolf meat everyday, I might be way too comfortable eating these foods no matter how spoiled they are.
  3. I finally encountered the fatigue bug when climbing. Going from Mystery Lake to Mountain Town my hand grip dropped way too fast on the climb up into Mountain Town. Right now, I might be stuck in between these 2 rope climbs.
  4. Is it normal for the improvised hatchet to lose 10% durability when breaking ice on Interloper? I set up 2 tip ups and stopped fishing all together because it was just too costly. Didn't fish enough to experience any of the bugs mentioned here.
  5. I've encountered 3 flocks in Mystery Lake on Interloper(not custom). One right outside the camp office, one by the forestry lookout, and one up the rope by the prepper bunker above Dave's Quiet Clearing. I ran through HRV and Mountain Town, so I didn't even come close to exploring those areas.
  6. You guys are doing a great job and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us.
  7. The improvised down bedroll does not show up on the radial and you can no longer 'place' water from the radial either.
  8. Interesting. After responding earlier, I went back to where I was hunting him and still didn't find any arrows. He did run up an extremely steep hill so I didn't search everywhere. After the new update the bears carcass glitches so it could just be this glitch. I really hate to lose those six arrowheads but it's not the end of the world. (I killed him by the fishing huts in Mystery Lake) I also mentioned having a fishing tip up disappear, but it didn't. After picking up the fish it was actually in my inventory 😅 lol. Plus, if I can mention a completely different topic, I learned that chopping the ice with an improvised hatchet costs 10% durability on interloper. That is absolutely now I will probably never fish on interloper again 😅.
  9. Thanks bysinda. I did miss a couple times but i did also pick some arrows up. Right before he died, I shot him twice, went into a cabin, slept for an hour, and then he was dead. I'm at archery level 1 so how long is the bleed out? I could be mistaken but I (think I)shot him twice, came back 1 day later and shot him again, and then it was another whole day before going back and shooting him again. That's when I slept for one hour after shooting him and then found him dead. Is the bleed out 24+ hours?
  10. Fishing tackle is so cheap but maybe it should go up when crafting the tip ups and the more expensive lures.
  11. 1. I had a fishing tip up disappear. 2. I shot a bear with 6 arrows over the course of 3 in game days when he finally bled out. I didn't get any arrows back. This was on interloper and I'm new to this difficulty. Not sure if the bleed out time is different or if you are supposed to get any or some arrows back.
  12. In my opinion, just put something in there. Anything.
  13. A default recipe that uses potatoes and carrots would be nice. Potatoes take 48 minutes to cook on interloper and they give you less than 300 calories.
  14. A great addition to the game.
  15. I think it depends on the achievement. For example, I thought that 'faithful cartographer' was great for this game. I love the exploration aspect of the game, but I don't think that I would have sought out every listed location without the incentive.
  16. I like Blackrock but it's a tough region. Personally, I think it's a region that would improve greatly if it had something to keep us going back there. If I want to craft ammo, I'll go to Bleak Inlet every time so it has to be something else: 1. A stun gun that instantly ends a wolf struggle and can only be charged in the Blackrock workshop during an Aurora. Replaces the ammunition bench and the amount of uses per charge depends on difficulty. Available on interloper. 2. Add more stuff to the prison! The entire region is cool, the outside area of the prison is cool. The main prison, however, was a little disappointing. Yes, you get the ballistic vest, but it would be nice if you can loot more areas inside the prison itself. 3. Add Blackrock clothing/gear. The guards/prisoners would have had all kinds of stuff working at the prison. How about a few more clothing options. A handgun variant. Pepper spray. Flashbangs. Riot helmet. Stomping boots. Smoke grenade blueprint. Improvised knife variant. Etc. 4. Mementos from prisoners and prison guards scattered across the island. Full of Blackrock's unique items listed above. 5. Rats! Maybe the prison has rabbit size RATS!
  17. I support this fully. They can even add a few more like survey every location in Blackrock, the Forsaken Airfield, and their transition zones.
  18. Has anyone ever found item variants in custom? I just found Vaugn's rifle inside the cave in Winding River, and this is the first time for me. Apparently, I read this post wrong.
  19. How would you feel about coming across legendary game like a big white deer, a dire wolf, the old bear, a bison, an elk, or a caribou? Even more rare than the moose, these legendary creatures are freaks of nature and are an ultimate challenge for even the best hunters. Taking down a legendary creature will require several random encounters scattered all across the island, but be careful, they are also by far the most dangerous. Getting attacked by these creatures could cause massive damage, permanent damage, instant death, and on top of destroying clothing, they can randomly destroy ANYTHING in your inventory. Someone on this thread suggested adding a Yeti, and I guess that could work too. A way to hunt the Darkwalker could be cool also.
  20. Personally, I would love if acorns and cattails were renewable, but at the very least maybe they can add more trees and add a chance that we might find 2 or 3 in one patch. I'll pick them up and cook them all day, but the coffee doesn't seem worth it.
  21. I still support this idea fully, but one of the reasons I was a little annoyed was because the Pleasant Valley Signal Void Bunker mission wasn't marking itself as complete in the journal. This had me waiting for another aurora just to search the bunker better to see if I missed anything, and then it almost had me going on a wild goose chase around PV. It literally could have taken weeks in game to keep waiting for an aurora just to search the map for any other kind of signal. Thankfully, after looking it up I just moved on to Bleak Inlet and the mission eventually marked itself as complete. Moving forward I can imagine that the there is going to be more reasons to go out during an aurora so I still think it's a great idea. A watch, an alarm clock, a 3rd setting for the shortwave radio..........any of these would work.
  22. Interesting idea. Makes me think about how they can make wolves harder if this was added. If you get into a stance and get into a struggle with a Timberwolf, maybe other Timberwolves can intervene. When your surrounded by black wolves, instead of just having 1 aggro you at a time, maybe the one who charges you is more random. Maybe they stalk you together instead of just running away 1 by 1. This way getting a stance isn't always easy, and it makes weapon choice really make a difference. Maybe they can even add a way to fight back multiple black wolves with a torch rather than just automatically keeping them all at bay.
  23. I am not a chef, but I thought that sausage needs some kind of preparation. After looking it up, it says that 'sausage is minced and seasoned meat encased in skin to be cooked or preserved'. Plus, I created a thread where I suggested a new skill called Falconry. I suggested using prepared fresh guts to feed and build a relationship with the crows. Technically, I guess you would just be able to eat fresh guts without turning it into sausage, and why not. Fresh guts can pile up quickly and are one of the more abundant resources in the game. This also fits into the discussion about 'ruined meat'. If the ruined meat system is eventually changed and eating it now comes with some kind of penalty, like less calories for example, they're probably going to make a way to preserve food longer. Turning meat into cured meat/jerky and turning guts into sausage are two reasonable options. In my opinion, these are all great ideas.
  24. After trying to think of a few more uses for fresh guts, sausage sounds like a great idea. However, maybe we should need something like a (mounted) sausage press to make it. It would be good for areas that don't have fishing huts and maybe it could require an ingredient or two to actually make it. Of course, with the new fishing system coming in the new update, who knows. Maybe we will be allowed to fish in areas like Desolation Point or The Forsaken Airfield. Also, the addition of the new bird and the cougar are also going to be more sources of food.
  25. This is super necessary. The ability to turn off skill progression could be interesting as well. If you increase your skills every time you harvest a carcass or catch a fish, the only to avoid leveling up is to do nothing. I've never tried NOGOA or anything harder than Interloper, but the more options the better.