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Everything posted by SuperStriker16

  1. Despite my recent luck in TLD, I actually had a pretty good spawn in desolation point, got gloves, a wool toque, matches, and other stuff from Hibernia. Try, try again I guess. I probably won’t be posting as much about this run, unless I get to play it longer then 27 in game days. I will be treating it just like my last run, I will be hanging out at camp office again, but I’ll need to find a new HH, and of course survive to that point.
  2. What the actual F??!?!?, my interloper save got deleted! Like if I died or something! It’s gone! I’m shaking right now, and sooooo angry. No matter what I do, I’ve tried reloading the game but nothing works! If anyone has any idea what may have happened, please let me know. Is there a way to go back to before my save disappeared. I was testing if the game saved, I went out and fully closed my game, to come back to nothing but an empty save slot, there’s been glitches in the past but nothing like this. I’m so sad about this and wish I could get back to where I was. if anything, at least I learned some new stuff. I guess I’ll start another interloper 500 days, what else can I do? I hope @Admin fixes this, because casually having saves deleted is not a good thing at all.
  3. Still headed to ash canyon, made it to the mountaineer’s hut and immediately started establishing it as a regional base. Gonna make it there soon!
  4. I’d think we’d all want a hinterland coffee mug, I would like one too, it’s going to be my hot coco mug from then on. I like supporting hinterland and their development of TLD as well.
  5. Thank you! I will definitely be enjoying my day.
  6. Are we only talking about our top one topping? Or can we say our favorite few toppings?
  7. Thanks for the advice, I’ll give it a shot once I get home. Going to get some pizza for my birthday. The main thing is the -25 C (at least on loper) air temperature, that’s without the passive cooling of -.5 c a day, and without wind. Meaning I’m going to get lots of fire starting equipment and coal from the caves to be able to drop down and set a really hot fire whenever needed.
  8. I will definitley be chaining torches, unfortunatley I have no flares, which is why i'm nervous about the wind and blizzards. i'm going to get as much coal out of the caves as possible, that way, i can start long lasting really hot fires if I really need to.
  9. This is probably the part that i'm most scared about, it's really cold there! There are many dangerous wildlife spawns, if there is a poorly timed blizzard, then i'm soooo dead. I've only made this run once on my voyager run, but that was on voyager, with over 100 days of time on there. it will be very helpful though to have a permanent +5 kg weight capacity and crampons though, and give my hides time to cure while i'm out.
  10. I’m making my way to ash canyon with a bunch of moose and venison, I made a rabbit hat and gloves, deer pants and boots and the rest of my gear is top quality. I will continue to post regular updates on my journey.
  11. I translated it: Does anyone else have problems with the journal. It only shows me the active transmission towers and no longer the other collectibles such as polaroids or notes. It only shows me what's in the picture and I can't change the menu there either
  12. Stumbled across this guy, shot him a few times just for fun… IMG_0115.MOV seriously though, got a moose, now curing the hide, I will now be making my way to ash canyon, to let the pelts cure and get the goods.
  13. Oh ok, that takes a load off for beachcombing, I thought it was instant death if I accidentally went to close to the edge and fell in. Thanks for the clarification, because no matter what, I’m not testing it.
  14. Anyone got a clue about what happens if you walk off into the ocean by accident, do you die? Does it count it like if you fell though? What happens?
  15. Is everyone here subscribed to Zaknafien? he deserves way more subscribers than he has. Thank you for inspiring me to do my own 500 day loper featless run of my own, wacthing through yours, on the 6th episode currently
  16. Add Xbox save issues, random crashing during eating.
  17. Wow, I found a canoe as well, but it had nothing in it, that's what i get for playing loper i guess.
  18. Same here, it was really frustrating in interloper, especially when I needed to start a fire and chain torches to explore the dam.
  19. I watched it on youtube when it came out, it was hilarious and I didn't think it would work at all "died of overconfidince" is the most hilaroius part! how would anyone actually die this way legitimatley unless they were trying to kill themselves?
  20. Pre-made arrows can already be found around the many regions of TLD in the easier dificulties. but I was thinking about adding other kinds of pre-made arrows, such as carbon arrows like used with a manufactured bow. these better arrows would have broadheads, aka hyper sharp high penetrating arrowheads, these arrows would be signifigantly more durable than the arrows you craft. losing 1% durability hitting the snow, 5% hitting an animal, and 20% hitting a rock, there could be other arrowheads as well such as field points for practice and gaining archery skill that are more damage resistant but can only kill rabbits, and small game heads for rabbits and wolves. They could also add modern hunting bows that use pulleys and/or crossbows both of which would do more shock than the survival bow, and do more bleed than guns, be repairable with a tool kit, with their arrows lasting signifigantly longer than crafted arrows, but these carbon arrows would be very rare and their heads would be more common, and would be interchangable, say you had one carbon arrow shaft and you want to use a broadhead, but the shaft already has a small game head on it, you could just change it out. you could repair the heads with a whetstone but the shafts would break after ~25 shots (50 if using field points) and cannot be repaired. Another cool addition is a quiver, increasing bow reload speed to almost match rifle fire rate. you can find one or craft one using a cured deer hide and a cured gut. The modern bow/crossbow, and pre-made quivers would not appear on interloper mode, while the carbon arrow shafts and their heads would be extremely rare (~2 or 3 shafts per game, 4 or 5 heads per game) Broadhead arrow head Small Game arrow head Field point arrowhead Carbon arrow shafts