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Everything posted by SuperStriker16

  1. I have a bunch of ideas for things to add to the game and will make many separate posts so you guys can give feedback for each idea. There are a lot of small things that could be changed in my opinion for the better with some things being common sense and others could be little cool additions. First things first, footprints of all creatures and blood of all creatures, (including yours) should stay on the ground until it snows, when it does then the tracks can slowly be filled in over 10-30 minutes depending on the amount of snow falling, this just makes sense and would help wit retracing your steps or tracking down animals. The second thing that would be handy is, say you find a Jerry can, with like 2 L of oil in it, and then another one with I.5 L of oil in it. It would be handy to merge them into just 1 Jerry can, or it could auto fill whenever you find a new container of oil in general, like whenever you cook a fish and harvest, it’s oil. The third thing that could be cool is to read those random books that you find. It would be pretty cool to be able to read those random books that you normally burn, you could read them for like an hour or two, then get like 5 points into random skills. Ex. 1 into rifle skill, 2 into sewing, 1 into cooking and 1 into field dressing. These would be random and you’d get more or less random points depending on how long you have to read it which would 1-8 hours. Another thing, has anyone noticed the size differences in the skill books, where the archery book is basically a magazine compared to the other skill books, size should determine the weight from .1 to .8 kgs depending on the thickness and size of the book. The fourth thing that would be good, making undergarments. rabbit skin socks, deerskin vest (undershirt that is slightly better than a thick wool sweater but not as good as other things like the fisherman sweater) and wolf fur leggings. (Slightly better then wool Longjohns). The fifth thing is a new fire starter, a lighter. It could be refilled with oil or accelerant, fit .25 L of its fuel, have an 80% fire starting chance, and use up .05 L of fuel each attempt, due to it being so good, it should be limited to voyager and pilgrim, maybe stalker but definitely not interloper.
  2. Remember, UN-Pleasant valley. That is what you use when there are blizzards. So 75% Pleasant valley I guess. So I guess that also makes me hypocritical because I’m supposed to call it unpleasant valley farmstead lol.
  3. I saw that too, lol didn’t think it would work, “died from overconfidence” wouldn’t be a great thing to put on your gravestone.😂
  4. Made it to pleasant valley farmstead, I need that heavy hammer and I ain’t waiting for no blizzard to end. I’m gonna hit the farmstead and then up to signal hill for me. After that, I’ll head to mystery lake and my main base location, get set up and then go forging. Those are my future plans.
  5. I’ve been testing it, but it seems to properly save now, but it’s kind of a good thing, because now I have well fed and all of the good gear from the Quonset garage. Unlike when I decided to explore the entire region, which I used up all of my food, and didn’t find much gear. So the reset, while frustrating, is kind of a good thing.
  6. Got my progress back and made it to pleasant valley. Also just got well fed.
  7. Oh no, I didn’t get my progress back, I just tested it, I still haven’t gotten back to Quonset yet…🤨
  8. The problem seems to have fixed itself, but I will be checking every save by leaving and coming back, still really annoyed that this happened. At least I know where all of the good stuff is so i can come back better. Next stop (after i get my progress back of course) PV farm.
  9. I have no clue why, but as you can see from the other screenshots I continued playing and saving the game, I went out to do something and this is what I come back to, really sad. I’ll get back to where I was, @Admin better fix this because if my saves don’t work then I’ll never get past this point.
  10. Woke up to a nice sunny day, gonna explore as much of the region as possible now.
  11. Yes, I agree, like I said in my own post on this.
  12. Made it to Quonset garage, unfortunately I will not have it as my main base, I will loot the entire region to find more supplies before heading to camp office, it is so far winning the vote, if the poll changes before the morning of April 3rd and somewhere else is winning, I will be going there instead.
  13. The hunting system is at best times, simple and other times, just confusing in TLD. like how you can walk within 5 feet of a rabbit and it just be chillin out sniffing and walking around, or 20 feet from the front of a deer just by squatting down. Or how all animals are basically restricted to their spawn locations. Or how you can be reallllllly far away from a bear, shoot it, and then it runs after you as if you were right in front of it (I’m still a bit salty about that one). You get the point, for a game that strives for realism, but is very unrealistic At least in this regard. First things first, deer, rabbits, and other things (like wolves when they hear a gunshot) should flee from 3 times the distance to prevent rabbits from being in grabbing range if I squat down. Second similar to hunting games, wildlife should have need zones, for example, deer in herds coming to feed on acorns or grasses for a few in game hours, then going over to the water, (they should be able to drink from waterfalls or punch holes through the ice in frozen fresh water sources. And finally finding a place to bed down and sleep, (then they would be easier to sneak up on). It would be similar for predators, but they would stalk the herds of deer and pick one off here or there to eat. if the animals cannot manage this simple cycle for long enough, then they die. The zones should be scattered around the map so the animals can move long distances. How players find these zones would be to track down the deer (in this case) by following its foot prints in the snow, which would stay on the ground until it starts snowing, which the tracks slowly become indistinguishable from the other terrain over 10-30 in game minutes of continuous snowing depending on how heavy the snowing is. Once a zone is descovered (a feeding zone for herbivores could be nibbled short grass and a feeding zone for carnivores could be multiple carcasses in an area with some bones for good measure) it could then be marked on the map kinda like how rabbit groves are. Another thing that would help realism is over hunting, by killing fawns or their mothers and especially if you over hunt one gender of animal over the other which would decrease the population largely, requiring players to take out 1 male for every 1 female. This is easy enough to tell for deer, moose or if they add them, caribou/elk as the males have antlers while the females have smaller ones or don’t at all. It gets more complicated for wolves, bears, and birds, and cougars when they add them, as they don’t have obvious differences between them. For them they could have fur/plumage differences in color, differing reproductive organs, or for females have their offspring follow them. Also if you hunt and successfully kill a deer (for this example) the others should avoid the area you killed it at for some time. Kind of like hunting pressure in COTW for anyone that plays it like me. This concludes my TED talk.
  14. I mean best as in, the best for everything, like easy to get food, safety, ease of access to other regions and firewood. Basically the place you’d want to be if you wanted to live a decent life. Thank you for supporting your decision and going for something different.
  15. With the new update of course, if it wasn’t updated, I would have already found it, but they changed it so now I’m not sure.
  16. Made it to Hibernia Processing, I will be searching for a heavy hammer. Anyone know where I might find one on interloper in desolation point?
  17. I accidentally started posting on the poll post rather than here, I will now be posting this stuff here. Got a fire going with said matches and stoned three rabbits. Notice anything wrong with this picture?
  18. Got a fire going with said matches and stoned three rabbits. Notice anything wrong with this picture?
  19. Desolation point works, also look at this, the glove compartment actually has good stuff, like gloves. IMG_0093.MOV IMG_0093.MOV
  20. I REFUSE!! Not for a third time no HRV ethier. And definitely not ash canyon. I’ll get back to posting if I find a better spawn.
  21. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting things to change. I’m going insane. 🤪 I’ll start in a different region this time, mabye things will be different…
  22. Thanks for the info, just make sure to vote for one or the other.