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  1. I know many people have been asking about the store reopening for a while now, and they’ve always got the same response of “we don’t have a date but we hope to open it in the “NEAR” future” (for almost 2 years mind you), and I’ve been wanting to buy some things for myself to show my love for The Long Dark, but I’ve been slapped with the same paragraph for the past couple years every time I’ve thought about buying a mug, and at this point I need some closure beyond “the near future” wether it’s not in their plans right now, they’ve abandoned it, they can’t afford it, or they honestly don’t have a clue. I just need to know what I can expect. I may expand on this or talk about this topic later but for now I’m just looking for an answer.
  2. A little tld doodle I did in my sketch pad (I posted this on Twitter but completely forgot about the forums, oops.)