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Everything posted by SuperStriker16

  1. To end the night off with a bang, I was finally able to find a heavy hammer in one of the fishing huts on mystery lake by the door, hope this helps anyone currently in a situation like me. That doesn’t have one, next stop, forlorn muskeg forge! Good night everyone.
  2. Made it to misery lake and had a follower chase me since the dam, anyway, I’m now going to establish this as my base since it’s now impossible for other locations to win, I’m closing the poll as everyone seems to have voted. I will be hunting rabbits, and looking for a heavy hammer as it’s the only thing holding me back from the greater interloper survival experience, no bow means it’s hard to stay someplace for a long time, I’ll be going next to get what I can out of trapper’s cabin, and then to the forlorn muskeg forge. If not there, then I will go to broken railroad and check that region. Hopefully I will continue to survive. IMG_0101.MOV
  3. Thank you all for your help, I’m just now getting home and will now be able to get back to my game. I will test your ideas, hopefully I’ll find one.
  4. I see what you mean, I’m trying to think of things that would make the game more realistic, more fun, or just recommend cool new attention to detail like features while trying to stay with the theme of the game so it doesn’t lose its identity as you say. I know what you mean and want the best for this game, which is why I’m trying to add realism to the game, because that’s what this is. I’ve played green hell and fallout 4 but this game is completely different to those, and I’m not trying to tear it down to their level because I think TLD is easily the best survival game on the market, but I’m trying my best to make it the most realistic survival game out there. I appreciate your concern.
  5. Fitness skill Level Skill points Effects 1 0 -25% wolf struggle effectiveness -25% harvesting speed + 20% fatigue gain 2 15 -10% wolf struggle effectiveness -10% harvesting speed + 10% fatigue gain 3 30 Neutral no buffs, no debuffs. 4 50 +10% wolf struggle effectiveness +10% harvesting speed +5% more stamina +5% more condition - 10% fatigue gain 5 100 +25% wolf struggle effectiveness +25% harvesting speed +15% more stamina +15% more condition -20% fatigue gain Here is the edited chart with your suggestion. I like it.
  6. Maybe at 4 and 5 there could be a -10% fatigue and -20% fatigue but then at 1 and 2 they would have to be changed. Good idea.
  7. That works too, I didn’t think about cabin fever, but I like that.
  8. Fitness skill Level Skill points Effects 1 0 -25% wolf struggle effectiveness -25% harvesting speed 2 15 -10% wolf struggle effectiveness -10% harvesting speed 3 30 Neutral no buffs, no debuffs. 4 50 +10% wolf struggle effectiveness +10% harvesting speed +5% more stamina +5% more condition 5 100 +25% wolf struggle effectiveness +25% harvesting speed +15% more stamina +15% more condition The fitness skill is how physically fit your player character is, every day is 1 skill point meaning after 100 days, you get all of these benefits. There wouldn’t be a skill book for this skill.
  9. We could go with that, I guess eliminate hunting from the equation, then you have 4-5 hours to read. Wait a minute, if your killing moose with a bow, you must have skills, definitely in archery at least, but that would require arrowheads, which would require you to forge, which would require you to have a heavy hammer and time to prepare as well as a bow which requires a knife which requires a forge trip, which requires a heavy hammer, and so on. You get my point, killing a moose and skinning it and hauling all the meat All the way to a source of books Is logistically straining and would require skills. I just don’t think it would be worth it, all this prep to read 20 books over 30-40 days. Books only work up to level 3 which you’ll already have by this time. Unless you’re trying to increase gunsmithing or ice fishing in interloper, it wouldn’t be worth it. It would be better done intermittently whenever you have extra time on your hands.
  10. If they want to they could do that, I’m not hinterland though.
  11. Yes, each one would have its own time like a skill book, if it’s nessesary, then half the amount of books in the world, like I said, if hinterland were to implement this, they would balance it to their liking.
  12. Which is significantly more than what you’d get from a random book, plus you’d know what skills your getting with a specific skill book. Let’s say 80 for ease of calculation and because it’s a ridiculously large amount. Those would require 15 days of straight reading (360 hours). If every point was spread evenly to each skill, you would gain 40 points into each skill, getting you almost up to level 3 in all skills, which is a lot but rng is rng which is bad for interlopers that just wasted a third of those skill points into skills that don’t matter in interloper, (rifle, revolver, and gunsmithing) and that also is assuming you didn’t read any duds, (25% of books don’t give skill). Fifteen days of straight studying day and night is way too long for any loper player to read, let’s say this is your daily schedule (which is pretty forgiving for loper) 9 pm - 9 am sleep or passing time. 9 am - 10 am cooking the morning’s meat, venison, ( about 1800 kcal ) 10 am - 1 pm going out hunting for the next day’s meal, or could be replaced with looking for gear. 1 pm - 3 pm reading, for whatever reason (let’s say you were trapped In because of bad weather) 3 pm - 5 pm chopping pallets for wood. 5 pm - 7 pm making things/repairing things 7 pm - 8 pm boiling water (can’t live off of the dam’s toilet water forever) 8 pm - 9 pm cooking dinner, (also 1800 kcal of venison) sleep, rinse, repeat this already relaxed schedule gives 2 hours of time to read, it would take 180 days to read all of those books. At that point your skills I’d hope are above level 3, you’d already be in field dressing, bow, cooking, sewing, fire starting, not ice fishing but ain’t no one got time for that. this also would require you to be at each location until you’ve read all of those books, meaning you would be moving your base multiple times just to read these books. Checkmate upupaway 95
  13. You got it wrong, 1skill point in a random skill per hour, that is gained once the book is read. 2h book = 2 random points into random skill. odds are you aren’t going to have days and days as you say. Especially in interloper when you need to constantly hunt and scavenge to survive, I’m assuming the wood in the dam that your talking about are pallets that take 1-2 1/2 hours to break down each, if if your able to kill a moose with just a bow, I’d also assume that most of your skills are almost or are at level 3 already, when books don’t work anymore. So at that point you’ll be burning those books anyways.
  14. Ah yes, I also come up with names for all the regions, misery lake, costal die way, desolation point is already a depressing name, and so on.
  15. Players on pilgrim wouldn’t have a problem getting large amounts of skill points early anyway and pilgrim is so easy that it wouldn’t matter in the end, and most people only play pilgrim only play to get a feel for the game and maps, so the long term doesn’t matter. If you need a book to start a fire do you really think they have the 2-8 hours needed to read a book before even starting it? Plus these books give the points randomly anyway, unlike a skill book that focuses on one skill so you only would get 2-8 points in random skills that you don’t choose for hours of sacrificed time. A fair trade when you don’t have any more skill books to read I’d say, because at that point, you wouldn’t have a point for these 15-30 books that you keep bringing up. Thank you Leeanda for looking at other things than just a minor issue. It’s just a proposal of an idea, If it’s too overpowered and hinterland considers it, they would make it more balanced to the way they like it before adding the ability to read random books anyway.
  16. No, I said useless in the mid-late game when your fire starting skill is already high enough to almost guarantee a fire with Matches and a stick, I mean, there’s literally a perk that makes books redundant and their .5 kilos a piece so thinking you would carry those 15-30 books anyway doesn’t make sense, plus the time invested in each one is a lot, making reading them restricted to being a mid late game only activity when your not scavenging supplies and food to survive, but a good thing to do, to get rid of cabin fever in your snow shelter while you have nothing to do.
  17. I’m currently in Unpleasant Valley in my interloper run, and have no clue where a heavy hammer might be due to the changes in item spawn locations. If anyone knows where a heavy hammer is or could be anywhere near PV, please post it here.
  18. Maybe it could be 1 random point per hour of reading, that would be more balanced, I’m just trying to give a mid-late game useless item some use. Or maybe there would be a chance to not get any points, but that would frustrate players. My original idea was 2.5 points per hour and the books would be 2-8 hours long reading time so with an 8 hour book would give 20 points, but if each hour gave one point then it would be balanced.
  19. I have a bunch of ideas for things to add to the game and will make many separate posts so you guys can give feedback for each idea. There are a lot of small things that could be changed in my opinion for the better with some things being common sense and others could be little cool additions. First things first, footprints of all creatures and blood of all creatures, (including yours) should stay on the ground until it snows, when it does then the tracks can slowly be filled in over 10-30 minutes depending on the amount of snow falling, this just makes sense and would help wit retracing your steps or tracking down animals. The second thing that would be handy is, say you find a Jerry can, with like 2 L of oil in it, and then another one with I.5 L of oil in it. It would be handy to merge them into just 1 Jerry can, or it could auto fill whenever you find a new container of oil in general, like whenever you cook a fish and harvest, it’s oil. The third thing that could be cool is to read those random books that you find. It would be pretty cool to be able to read those random books that you normally burn, you could read them for like an hour or two, then get like 5 points into random skills. Ex. 1 into rifle skill, 2 into sewing, 1 into cooking and 1 into field dressing. These would be random and you’d get more or less random points depending on how long you have to read it which would 1-8 hours. Another thing, has anyone noticed the size differences in the skill books, where the archery book is basically a magazine compared to the other skill books, size should determine the weight from .1 to .8 kgs depending on the thickness and size of the book. The fourth thing that would be good, making undergarments. rabbit skin socks, deerskin vest (undershirt that is slightly better than a thick wool sweater but not as good as other things like the fisherman sweater) and wolf fur leggings. (Slightly better then wool Longjohns). The fifth thing is a new fire starter, a lighter. It could be refilled with oil or accelerant, fit .25 L of its fuel, have an 80% fire starting chance, and use up .05 L of fuel each attempt, due to it being so good, it should be limited to voyager and pilgrim, maybe stalker but definitely not interloper.
  20. Remember, UN-Pleasant valley. That is what you use when there are blizzards. So 75% Pleasant valley I guess. So I guess that also makes me hypocritical because I’m supposed to call it unpleasant valley farmstead lol.
  21. I saw that too, lol didn’t think it would work, “died from overconfidence” wouldn’t be a great thing to put on your gravestone.😂
  22. Made it to pleasant valley farmstead, I need that heavy hammer and I ain’t waiting for no blizzard to end. I’m gonna hit the farmstead and then up to signal hill for me. After that, I’ll head to mystery lake and my main base location, get set up and then go forging. Those are my future plans.