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Everything posted by SuperStriker16

  1. Depends on the difficulty of the game you're playing, it on average takes 2 hours to freeze to death if your temperature meter is red (aka your losing condition from that stat) since you lose 50% condition an hour, unless you become un-freezing or have the Well Fed buff, you should die in 2 hours. In voyager and harder, you don't wake up if you're freezing near a fire. Make sure if you're sleeping, the fire lasts 30 mins-1 hr longer than you're planning on sleeping.make sure your food, and water are full and if you want to then drink your tea of choice. make sure your feels like temperature is about 10 degrees C or 50 degrees F before you sleep outdoors. Also make sure you're not in any danger from wildlife (which isn't a problem for you but I want to cover it for anyone else). If you cannot guarantee these things, you can sleep in 2 hour shifts just to be safe. NEVER sleep if you cannot guarantee warmth above 0 C (32 F) for longer than an hour.
  2. Yeah that's what i was thinking, fire master doesn't permanently help you like the others, since you can earn that in a normal run. What about Expert Trapper? I heard you can basically live off of the passive income of your snares, but i've never used it in a run.
  3. That is because when i was starting out, i had no clue what i was doing, and it showed initially, like when i jumped off a cliff after not being able to climb down a rope due to having no brain and not dropping the 50 books i carried 'just in case' and also starving my poor character because i always used to sleep 12 hours no matter what. and a bunch of other rookie mistakes i made back at the beginning of that save, though i'm still alive somehow after about a million close calls for 160 days. 🤣
  4. Thanks I’ll check it out. Its called Hope 3 because i died the other 2 times and hoped to survive longer than a few days 😅.
  5. Since I’m starting a new interloper run, the bow is the only ranged weapon I’ll have for self defense (I’m used to using the revolver) and for a while I bet my aim is going to be off until I get better with it. It also lacks stopping power so I’d imagine I will get into a few wolf struggles. In interloper, you obviously want to get the wolf off of you asap, so out of the 4 options what is the best wolf struggle weapon? The crowbar, the heavy hammer, the imp. Hatchet or the imp. Knife? (No, not desperation).
  6. Thanks for the luck, I have played interloper before and died a bunch but finally got a good run (48 days so far) where I forged tools and made a bow, and then traveled to coastal highway. I will be starting a new interloper run so I can try to get to 500 days (hard but I’ll eventually get there I hope), and force myself to not end up living in the Quonset garage like I normally do lol. I’m fairly new to interloper otherwise so that’s why I was asking for tips since people like you Leeanda have definitely played more than I have. ( I Also haven’t played this save in a year so I imagine I’d be a bit rusty coming back ).
  7. I’ll be making a new interloper save, after I get settled then I’ll go to the new region and probably make fire hardened arrows, which will probably be really cheap, and just test other things.
  8. You can pick 2 feats for an interloper run, and since the new update hits tomorrow, I won’t be able to play on my old voyager save, (160 days in rip and on Xbox) so I’m going to start a new interloper run. Do you guys have any recommendations about my new run and the feats I should pick?
  9. Definitely whenever I need to cross the train bridge in the Ravine, it’s creaky and one wrong step and you’ll fall to your death. Also the ash canyon rope bridges are terrifying. Also, moose they don’t like to run away when you shoot them.
  10. IMG_0078.MOV Not a really close call or anything because I was on voyager but I didn’t want to start bleeding or damage my clothes so I dumped a bunch of rounds into a wolf. 1 headshot is usually all I need but I guess my aim was off.
  11. I’d recommend going from big kill to big kill. My first and main save is on voyager and to conserve rifle ammo, I’d go out and just kill a bear or moose with the rifle (I live at the Quonset garage so it’s pretty easy to get big kills when they come to you) and use a bow on deer to fill in the gaps between kills if I need to. Cook meat when you’re about to eat it to gain 50% condition on the meat to prevent food poison. For the revolver, use it for self defense against wolves but don’t hunt with it unless you don’t have something better to use because it is inaccurate and lacks stopping power. Only really hunt when your meat supply is low but not out that way you don’t waste but if you fail or get hurt, you can come back to some food.
  12. I haven’t gotten the update yet, but doing some research I’d say go with the curator like some here have said. It doesn’t weigh more but does have the increased range and looks cool, all upsides.
  13. Looking forward to this update, I’m going to buy it the second it drops for Xbox. In earlier posts it said that the price would go from 20$ to 25$ and then to 30$, so if I got it on the 30th would it be 25$ or will it not increase in price yet?
  14. Glad I bought this a few years ago, I considered just leaving it in my game pass games (I play on Xbox) but decided to buy it just in case something like this ever happened.