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Everything posted by LoneWolf5841

  1. That would be ideal because irl tank water would become nonpotable after it sits for a while.
  2. Well the water in the tank really isn't that much different from tap water the difference is it sits in a ceramic tank instead of a pipe. Also the disaster in the long dark happened recently so the tank water hasn't been sitting for long, I will agree if it sits for too long I wouldn't drink it as bacteria will grow eventually but if it hasn't been sitting for long, which in the long dark it hasn't, then it's is perfectly safe to drink
  3. I'm not for sure what you meant by this, are you suggesting they add another water type in the game that is unknown if it is potable or not?
  4. Am I the only one that wishes water from toilets was nonpotable? I understand potable water from toilets with the back tank as the water in it isn't any different than water from the Tap, the tankless toilets however should give nonpotable water as you are getting it directly from the toilet bowl which would be contaminated and highly unsafe to drink without boiling it first. I personally avoid getting water from tankless toilets as it just feels wrong to get safe to drink water from the toilet bowl. If tankless toilets gave nonpotable water it would give more use to the water purification tablets. I find the tablets pointless currently, as the only way to get nonpotable water, as far as I know, is melting snow which you need fire for so you will end up boiling it anyway no need for the tablets. The only use tablets can give is to save a little time but I always multitask while I boil my water so I never really use purification tablets. Now if the tankless toilets gave nonpotable water then I would be more inclined to use the purification tablets as I wouldn't want to start a fire just for a bit of toilet water. Also another note the toilets with the tank could give both nonpotable water as well as potable water obviously the potable water would come from the tank and the nonpotable water would come from the bowl. I really hope this is added in the future as it feels so wrong getting fresh water from the tankless toilet.
  5. I'm sure this has probably been asked before but is there any chance keyboard and mouse support can be added on the console version of the long dark?
  6. Oh that is a good idea way better than tape as if they used charcoal there would be no need of adding a new item to the game like that idea more than my tape idea lol
  7. Ah interesting, I'll have to attempt this later on. Thanks for the explanation
  8. And I appreciate your honest answer about it not being a good addition I love hearing others opinions about what could be added to the game, we are a community and obviously if 90% says no to this we wouldn't want it added not even me. I am not a game developer by no means I don't know what would be a good or bad feature nor do I know how to balance the game either. So it helps to hear others opinions on if it is too op or simply doesn't makes sense. I respect your opinion and can easily see why you think it isn't neccesary to be added, which I do agree to a extent that it is not neeeded the game is fine without it but if it was added would it improve the game somehow? That is why I made this topic to discuss whether or not it would improve the game obviously some will say yes and some will say no. I say maybe, it will depend on how it is balanced I don't want this to make the game too easy, I love the challenge of the game. ☺
  9. Decided it was smart to go out in the middle of night during a raging Blizard, got lost in the procces and surprisingly the blizard did not kill me it was me walking off a cliff lol
  10. Sorry if I am missing something obvious I'm still a noob at this game what is a permafire almost sounds like a fire that never goes out?
  11. So I had another jumpscare with the old bear I wasn't paying attention and almost walked right on top of him I have a video of this. Just as a disclaimer this youtube channel that the video is on is my burner channel I only created it to share this video with everyone here without advertising my real youtube channel also this video is unlisted which means you need this link to view it. Anyway enjoy my little heart attack after looking back on screen lol🤣🤣
  12. Yeah with what @Serenity said I can see why the 5th level is a bit much, I don't want this to make the game too easy and I guess 15kg of extra carrying capacity is a bit much lol
  13. That is the reason I said it would increase slower than the other skills maybe 1% increase every 7 in game days with the various multiplyers from what activity did you do the most walk, run etc. Hinterland could probably figure a way to ballence this more than I could i'm not a game developer lol 🤣 so my idea may not work at all and if it doesn't I'm fine with it not being added as the game is already fantastic without it I just got the idea and decided to throw it out there to see what others think.
  14. The last update was version 1.56 and this save I started way after that update so no on a recent update came out, plus I start over when the game updates to avoid any possible bugs so even if a update dropped recently for ps4, which none has, I would have started over completly anyway thus wouldn't have noticed this issue if it was related anyway. It probably is a bug though. I went back after a few days in game and nothing has respawned maybe I'm just overlapping different saves or it was a one time bug?
  15. I just wear everything with the highest warmth value 🤣🤣 probably not efficient for traveling and is definitely the reason why I have little to no space for carrying anything but hey freezing is the fastest way to die (other than by animal attacks) so I tend to prioritize warmth no matter how heavy the clothing item is.
  16. Yeah I can see your point, any suggestions on what could replace the benifit from 5 then?
  17. Yeah guess this would make more sense in wish list I just was thinking survival mode so I popped them here, is there any way to relocate this to wish list or does a moderator have to do it? Also The 3rd one I can see being op but I don't see the 5th one being it is the last tier you can get and increases it the same amount the satchel and well fed buff does. The Hinterland can do the balancing if need be or omit some of the more OP benifits (like the 3rd one) and replace it with a less OP one.
  18. Could there be a strength skill added to the game? It would work like the other skills where you have 5 levels of a particular skill each level giving you a different benefit. This skill will increase slower than all the other skills (for balance) and it increases by simply just walking, sprinting, rope climbing, walking while encumbered, and spriting while encumbered. Spriting increases it a little faster than walking, and walking while encumbered also increases it faster than walking but not sprinting, if you can still sprint while encumbered it will increase the skill faster than just spriting whilst underweight. The last one is rope climbing which will increase it a bit faster than walking. My point is, the character does a lot of physical activity he/she has to be getting stronger so this skill would make sense. the following is the benefit each level gives. 1st level gives you no benefits 2nd level gives you faster rope climbing 3rd level gives you the ability to climb down or up ropes while encumbered as long as you still have the ability to sprint 4th level allows you to walk against the wind a little faster or removes the slow down from walking against the wind completely 5th level increases your carrying capacity by 5kg (11lbs) If this is added you can eventually have 15kg (33lbs)of extra weight capacity if you have the well-fed buff, moose hide satchel and level 5 of this skill. What do you think of strength skills being added to the game? And what do you think of the benefits I listed are they too OP or do they sound like they could work without removing too much challenge from the game. Looking foward to hearing others thoughts on this ☺
  19. I thought Items wasn't supposed to respawn in the game? I am in mystery lake and I've been to the derailment many times I know I have been there because I remember going up the tree to the right to enter the one cart to loot it well this is my 3rd time passing through and all the containers were searchable again and had loot, the simple tools was back in the exact same spot my first set was. It even said "new location discovered" like I have never been there before yet I have. Did Hinterland change it so items can now respawn other than stick, coal, rocks etc? If so that was a poor design choice. Please tell me this is a bug. This is on voyager mode, ps4
  20. Not gonna lie every time I sprain something it scares the mess out of me lol. it is so unexpected and just comes out of the blue when walking uphilll and the character makes a loud sound ontop of the breaking bone sound. The worst time I was jumpscared was by a sprain it almost made me jump out of my seat, the second time was by a bear, long story short I was st mystery lake fished for 5 hours and caught 4 fish and decided to pack up and when I walked out of the fishing hut I heard a odd noise turned around and it was the big'ol bear standing on his back legs just before running after me, I did not escape he was on top of me and brought my condition down to a mear 10% (almost dead) so I hobbled my way to the nearest lake cabin and just before getting to the door heard the bark of a wolf luckily I was able to get inside before he attacked, patched myself up and recovered. This was on stalker.